Crabbet Organisation Endurance Achievement Awards 2015

The Crabbet Organisation is proud to continue the Endurance Achievement Awards after the success of the pilot in 2014 for its members who breed, own or compete BEF Futurity and Ridden Endurance horses. To qualify for these new awards simply complete the form below and send or email to Rachael Claridge by 10th January 2016 with a copy of your horses Master Card or BEF Futurity Evaluation scorecard and letter from the Crabbet Organisation confirming your horses breeding plus a photograph (with copyright permission to reproduce).

If you are not already a member of the Crabbet Organisation but would like to join to qualify for these 2015 awards, membership is £18 (UK) for the remainder of 2015. For further information: Rachael Claridge Email: Phoenix Field Arabian Stud, 18 Bertha's Field, Didmarton, Badminton, Gloucestershire GL 91EB

Name: ______

Address: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Email: ______

I confirm that I am a 2015 Crabbet Organisation member

I confirm I am a rider owner or Breeder (tick all that apply)

Name of Horse: ______Colour: ______Height:______

Age:______Mare Gelding Stallion

Crabbet Denomination: *

Qualifying Crabbet (75%+ Pure Bred Arab) 100% Crabbet One parent is 75%+

Crabbet PBA (sire or dam are Qualifying Crabbet, as above)

*Please provide a Crabbet letter from Crabbet organisation for Crabbet qualifying status of horse or parent as required.

Sire:…………………………………………………………… Dam: ………………………………………………………

Breeder: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Section A/ Ridden Horses

Endurance GB/SERC/ILDRA/FEI Registration Number:


Endurance Rider(s) Name(s), DOB & Membership Number(s) if ridden by more than one rider 1) 2) 3)

Section B/ Futurity Horses

BEF Futurity Evaluation 2015:

1) Venue: 2) Score:

NB: If your Crabbet has previously been to a BEF Futurity Evaluation please can you record the details below so that the Crabbet Organisation can track the progress of young stock over forthcoming years.

Categories 2015: (please tick all that apply)

  1. BEF Futurity
  2. Novice Endurance Season - Crabbet
  3. Novice Endurance Season - Crabbet Related
  4. Open Endurance Season - Crabbet
  5. Open Endurance Season - Crabbet Related
  6. Advanced Season - Crabbet
  7. Advanced Season - Crabbet Related
  8. FEI Season - Crabbet
  9. FEI Season - Crabbet Related
  10. Top Crabbet Mare
  11. Top Crabbet Related Mare
  12. Top Crabbet Stallion
  13. Top Crabbet Related Stallion
  14. Top Crabbet Gelding
  15. Top Crabbet Related Gelding
  16. Young Rider riding a Crabbet or Crabbet Related horse during 2015
  17. Crabbet Breeder
  18. Volunteers Award 2015

*Please note that 100% Crabbet Rosettes will be awarded within each category