Faculty: Engineering / Academic Year
2012-2013 / Date:
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEM-259 / Name of the course
Material in EEE / Semester/Year
1/2 / ECTS
Course language / Turkish
Category / Required
Prerequisite / Not applicable
Course Webpage / http://web.firat.edu.tr/eemuh/
Local Credit / Theoretical / Practical / Laboratory / Presentation / Project/Field study
2 / 2 / - / - / - / -
Instructor(s) / Prof.Dr. Fahrettin YAKUPHANOĞLU
Content of the course / Materials science
Course Plan
Week / Theoretical Subjects / Practical subjects
1 / Atomic structure, types of bonds between atoms, materials structure, electric field strength, potential and energy..
2 / Non-conductor and non-conductor materials: non-conductors in gas and liquid state, rubber-based non-conductors, organic and inorganic materials, mica materials, effective dielectric materials etc.
3 / Humidity, mechanical and thermal properties of non-conductor materials.
4 / Polarization in non-conductor materials.
5 / Conductivity of non-conductor materials.
6 / Non-conductor materials losses.
7 / Breakdown of non-conductor materials.
8 / Mid term / Mid term
9 / conductor materials; electrical conductivity in metals, high conductivity materials, super conductors, contact materials, non-metal conductors.
10 / Electrical conductivity of semiconductors in strong electric field environment, exit of electrons in the semiconductors, electron-hole joint, thermoelectric phenomena, semiconductor materials, diodes and transistors.
11 / Pure and doped semiconductors, density of load carriers in semiconductors.
12 / Unbalanced load carriers in semiconductors, recombination and diffusion event. Optical and photoelectric events in semiconductor.
13 / The temperature dependence of load carrier density, conductivity change of semiconductors with temperature.
14 / Classification of materials according to the magnetic properties. Ferromagnetic materials, hysteresis curve, relative magnetic permeability, magnetostriksion and magnetic losses.
15 / Soft and hard magnetic materials.
Text book(s) / 1. 
Reference books / Elektroteknik Malzemeler, Zakir ALLAHVERDİYEV, KTÜ Yayını, 2000.
Assessment / Number / Contribution to GPA (%)
Mid term / 1 / 40
Pop-quiz / - / -
Homework / - / -
Projects / - / -
Term project / - / -
Laboratory / - / -
Others / - / -
Final exam / 1 / 60
About assessment criteria
Contribution of the contents (%) / Medical Sciences / -
Engineering / 50
General Sciences / 50
Social sciences / -
Learning Outcomes / The aim of this module is to provide the basic concept and principles of material science.
Goals / To teach atomic structure, types of bonds between atoms, materials structure, electric field strength, potential and energy
To describe and teach non-conductor and non-conductor materials: non-conductors in gas and liquid state, rubber-based non-conductors, organic and inorganic materials, mica materials, effective dielectric materials, conductor materials; electrical conductivity in metals, high conductivity materials, super conductors, contact materials, non-metal conductors, magnetic materials, Soft and hard magnetic materials, diodes and transistors.
Course Format / Lecture at classroom
Relation between the learning and program outcomes
Outputs / 0 / 1 / 2
1 / Having sufficient background in basic mathematics and sciences and basic engineering; ability to use conceptual and practical knowledge together in this area for engineering solutions. / Ö
2 / Ability to identify,formulate,and solve basicengineeringandcivil engineeringproblems,to select and applyappropriatemethodsandtechniques forthispurpose. / Ö
3 / Ability to design asystem, componentor process to meet thespecific needsandrequirements,ability to applymodern methodsin thisdirection. / Ö
4 / Ability to choose modern techniques and equipments that are necessary for civil engineering applications, to have an ability to use package programs effectively. / Ö
5 / Ability to make an experiment, experiment design, analysis of experiment results and to reach a solution by interpretation in the subjects of civil engineering and basic engineering. / Ö
6 / Ability to have access to information and make resource investigation according to this aim, have an ability for using information resources. / Ö
7 / Ability to work effectively as an individual and in multi-disciplinary teams, self-reliance in taking responsibility. / Ö
8 / Ability to communicate and express himself effectively in TurkishandEnglish,ability to self- confidence and occupational competence to defendtheir ideasin front ofthe communityona givensubject. / Ö
9 / Awareness ofthe necessity oflifelonglearning, ability to followdevelopments in science and technology and self-renewal ability / Ö
10 / Professionalandethical awareness in engineering approaches. / Ö
11 / Awarenessaboutworkplacepractices, ability to produceengineering solutions sensitive tohuman and nature. / Ö
12 / Having knowledge about education and problems about the age for understanding the effects of engineering solutions and applications on universal and social dimensions. / Ö
Contribution : 0:None 1:Partially 2:Completely

Prepared by: Prof.Dr.Fahrettin YAKUPHANOĞLU

Date of preparation: 04.08.2012