CR Regional FAQ IIP

Q: Do we need to separate out each behavior on the IIP or do we need to do more than one plan?

A: When documenting a behavioral I plan, keep data on the most

prevalent of the behaviors, but list all of them in the FLITAD section. ie:

Instensity: Jacob’s intensity of behaviors range

from 1-5 on the behavioral rating chart. This intensity is exhibited through crying all the way to throwing himself on the floor and banging

his head. Frequency/Duration: Jacob is exhibiting these behaviors 1-2

time per 10 minute session and they are lasting for on average 1-5


Q: What does permanent product mean?

A: These are items collected from the student as student work samples,

which show progress or lack of progress over the time of the I plan.

Q: Will there be LEA support for IIP training?

A: The regional contact person is available to assist in the planning and

training of LEA staff. There will be a collaboration process in which the

AEA team assigned to that building will develop and training the LEA

partners with the assistance of the regional representative.

Q: Does the new I-plan eliminate the use of supplemental plans? How can

we differentiate between the two? Can we use other types of graphs (besides

Trace’s) for plans? Can they be hard copy attached?

A: The new I-plan does not eliminate the use of supplemental plans.

A: There is no way to differentiate between the supplemental and

intensive on the current system. Schools have adopted and developed

various forms of supplemental plan documents tailored to their schools.

These can be used for your building or you can use the I-plan system.

A: Intensive plans MUST use the WEB BASED graphing tool.

Supplemental plans can use either Trace’s graphing tool or hard copy


A: A hard copy of the graph cannot be attached to I-plans on the web


Q: How do you show history or prevalence over time?

A: ICEL/RIOT information can be used to fill in this section. Consider

instructional history, curriculum needs, evaluations, and learner

characteristics as well review documents, interview, observe and testing.

ITBS results, BRI results, CBM etc…

Q: Do we answer all FLITAD questions?

A: FLITAD is used to describe the area/behavior that is most present and

your area of concern. You may have more than one area of concern when

you are discussing behaviors and can address all of them in the FLITAD


Q: Is there a way to attach separate graphs to the intensive plan?

A: You are required to us e the graphing tool on the IIP system for

intensive plans. You can graph up to two elements which have the same

scale on the system at this time. If you have additional graphs besides

these, attach them in the additional documents section of the IIP found

under the “data collection” tab.

Q: Why does the FBA not show up after you initially save it?

A: You will need to save and then switch to another page. It will now

show up on your screen.

Q: Why do you have to “include” summer months to get the graph to work

when continuing data from the spring?

A: You should be starting a new IIP for the fall school year. There is not

a default system indicating you need to use summer months for the graph

to work. This is an optional item on the graphing system.