CPM-3 documents posted on the IPP, by agenda item
31 march 2008
New documents are indicated in bold and highlighted in the column "doc number"
This provisional draft agenda is provided for ease of reference when downloading documents.
draft agenda items / doc number /1. Opening of the Session
2. Adoption of the agenda
2.1 Provisional agendaComments from Japan on various agenda items (2.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.8, 13.5) [English only] / CPM 2008/1/Rev.2
CPM 2008/INF/23
3. Election of rapporteur
4. Report by the CPM Chairperson
/ CPM 2008/INF/35. Report by the Secretariat
/ CPM 2008/INF/96. Report of the 19th Technical Consultation among RPPOs
/ CPM 2008/INF/17. Report of Observer Organizations
7.1. Report of WTO SPS Committee [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/127.2. Report of the Standards and Trade Development Facility [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/137.3. Report of the Convention on Biological Diversity [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/227.4. Report of the Montreal Protocol [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/177.5. Other observer organizations
8. Response to the Evaluation of the Workings of the IPPC and its Institutional Arrangements
8.1. Response by the SPTA Comments from Japan on various agenda items (2.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.8, 13.5) [English only]
/ CPM 2008/15CPM 2008/INF/23
8.2. Response by the FAO Programme Committee, Council and Conference
9. Goal 1: A robust international standard setting and implementation
9.1. Report by the Chairperson of the Standards Committee
/ CPM 2008/INF/29.2. Adoption of International Standards - under the regular process
- Letters Received in Relation to the Draft ISPM on Methyl Bromide (from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile) [English only]- Proposal by Canada in relation to the draft ISPM on methyl bromide [English only]
- Comments from Japan on various agenda items (2.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.8, 13.5) [English only] / CPM 2008/2
CPM 2008/INF/10/ Rev.1
CPM 2008/INF/21
CPM 2008/INF/23
9.3. Adoption of International Standards - under the fast-track process
/ CPM 2008/26-Concerns Relating to the Draft Diagnostic Protocol for Thrips Palmi – Proposal from Australia
-Concerns Relating to the Draft Diagnostic Protocol for Thrips Palmi: Written statement by the EC and its Member States (6-7 March 2008) [English only] / CPM 2008/INF/7CPM 2008/INF/14
9.4. Procedure and criteria for identifying topics for inclusion in the IPPC standard setting work programme
- Proposal on CPM 2008/7 - from Bolivia [English only] / CPM 2008/7CPM 2008/INF/20
9.5. IPPC standard setting procedure (Annex 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the CPM)
[minor change on 4 January: annex number corrected] / CPM 2008/89.6. Terms of reference and rules of procedure for Technical Panels
/ CPM 2008/99.7. Other items arising from the Focus Group on Standard Setting Procedures
/ CPM 2008/219.8. IPPC standard setting work programme- Comments from Japan on various agenda items (2.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.8, 13.5) [English only]
/ CPM 2008/23CPM 2008/INF/23
9.9. IPPC training material prepared for PRA under STDF/CFIA funding
/ CPM 2008/249.10. Guidance document on "should", "shall", "must" and "may"
[change on 5 February 2008: minor editorial in table 3]- Optional proposal from COSAVE for document CPM 2008/17 [English only] / CPM 2008/17
CPM 2008/INF/18
9.11. Report of the IPPC Bark Survey Conducted on ISPM No. 15 Marked Wood in 2007
/ CPM 2008/INF/410. Goal 2: Information exchange systems appropriate to meet IPPC obligations
10.1. Proposed work programme 2008
/ see INF/19/Rev.111. Goal 3: Effective dispute settlement systems
11.1. Report of the Chairperson of the Subsidiary Body on dispute settlement
11.2. Report on Dispute Settlement Activities since CPM-2
[correction on 1 February: paragraph 1, dates of SBDS meeting] / CPM 2008/INF/811.3. Outcome of the Open-ended Working Group on a Possible IPPC Compliance Mechanism
/ CPM 2008/2212. Goal 4: Improved phytosanitary capacity of members
12.1. Analysis of the application of the PCE tool
/ CPM 2008/412.2. Proposed Work Programme 2008-2009 for Improved Capacity of Members
/ CPM 2008/INF/512.3. Development of a CPM Technical Assistance Strategy for Phytosanitary Capacity Building
[change on 28 January: correction in paragraph 8]- Development of a CPM Technical Assistance Strategy for Phytosanitary Capacity Building - EC written position [English only] / CPM 2008/14
CPM 2008/INF/15
13. Goal 5: Sustainable implementation of the IPPC
13.1. Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance
13.1.1. Report of the 2nd meeting of the CPM SPTA
/ CPM 2008/613.2. IPPC/CPM activities
13.2.1. State of membership to the IPPC [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/1613.2.2. Acceptance of documents in electronic format [English only]
/ CPM 2008/INF/1913.2.3. Convention in the authentic languages
/ CPM 2008/2813.3. Update to the Business Plan 2007-2011
/ CPM 2008/513.4. Financial report and budget
13.4.1. Financial Report 2007
/ CPM 2008/1613.4.2. Financial Report 2007 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC
/ CPM 2008/1113.4.3. CPM Operational plan for 2008 [updated 17 March] [English only]
/ CPM 2008/19CPM 2008/19/Rev.1
13.4.4. Budget 2008 for the Trust fund for the IPPC
[changed 30 January: correction of title of Goal 7 in annex] / CPM 2008/1313.4.5. Project-oriented Planning for the Multilateral IPPC Trust Fund
/ CPM 2008/1213.4.6. Promotion strategy for the Trust Fund for the IPPC
13.5. Proposal for the adoption of CPM recommendations- Comments from Japan on various agenda items (2.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.8, 13.5) [English only]
/ CPM 2008/18CPM 2008/INF/23
13.6. ISPM No. 15 symbol - status of registration
/ CPM 2008/20CPM 2008/27
14. Goal 6: International promotion of the IPPC and cooperation with relevant regional and international organizations
14.1. Report on the International Promotion of the IPPC and Cooperation with Relevant Regional and International Organizations
/ CPM 2008/2514.2. Report of the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group
/ CPM 2008/INF/615. Goal 7: Review of the status of plant protection in the world
15.1. Key note address (implications of climate change for movement of transboundary pests: preparing the contracting parties)
16. Election of the CPM Bureau
/ CPM 2008/1017. Membership of CPM subsidiary bodies
/ CPM 2008/318. Calendar
/ CPM 2008/INF/2419. Other Business
20. Date and Venue of the Next Meeting
21. Adoption of the Report