CPHS Boys Lacrosse Booster Meeting Minutes – 7/9/13

Members in attendance

Joe Dalman

Kristine Frederick

Brenda Schmitt

Maggie Fettig

Bob Plunkett

Tammie Dokken

Members absent

Andrea Groebner


  1. Motion was made and passed to vote in new member, Lisa Bierker, as the new secretary for the 2013/2014 season. Lisa will be replacing Tammie Dokken who has stepped down from her position on the board. Additionally, there is a need for more board members. Joe has asked the board for active recruitment.
  2. Kristine Frederick has requested an additional signer for the check signing; we arelooking for one of the members at Large which we can discuss at future meetings.
  3. Kristine Frederick provided end of year numbers for the Booster Club. 2013/2014 budget will be worked on and approved by October 2014.
  4. End of year inventory
  5. Bags – 55 Turned in
  6. Jerseys – Turned in
  7. Shorts – Turned in
  8. Pinnies – Need to order two new ones for next season
  9. Extra Inventory
  10. Adidas jerseys – 6 years old. Bring to tournament to sell
  11. Harrow jerseys – 4 years old. Use for 1 more year
  12. Nike jerseys – New in 2013. Ok
  13. Nike jerseys – Wrong sizes, new in 2013. 25 Jerseys that the board will discuss in future meetings on what to do with.
  14. Shooter shirts – 12 extra. Brenda/Tammie will send email to the coaches and seniors to see if they want them to buy them. If there are any left over, then another email will go out to the rest of the team to see if they want to buy them.
  15. Fall tournaments – Joe provided a list of fall tournaments that CP teams can attend. He will get costs and dates and we will make a decision on the ones we will attend. All tournament costs are passed on to the players.
  16. Laxtoberfest – 9/14 & 9/15
  17. Face off Against Cancer – 10/5 & 10/6
  18. Pumpkin Shoot Out – 10/25 & 10/26
  19. Hot Dish - ?
  20. LAXtoberfest Tournament Discussion
  21. Dates – 9/14 & 9/15
  22. Teams have been notified and Joe is waiting on responses
  23. Committees will be formed and responsibilities assigned at the next board meeting.
  24. Misc. Items
  25. We will hold a mandatory parent meeting mid-August to discuss the tournament volunteers needed and the need for additional board members. Bob Plunkett will provide an agenda at the next board meeting for review/approval. Date, time and location will be determined as well.
  26. We discussed a need for a list of activities the booster club is responsible for during the year. Lisa Bierker will send out a list of activities and an owner for each activity. Each person will provide information for that activity and the board will update as necessary at our next meeting on August 12th
  27. A motion was made and approved that the board would pay for the coach’s state tournament t-shirts.
  28. Kristine Frederick will research companies that can sanitize uniforms at the end of the season. She will update the board at the August 12th meeting.
  29. Next meeting will be August 12th, 7:00 pm at Champlin Ice Forum
  30. Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm