Training Committee


February 21, 2002

10:00 a.m.

Michigan State Police Training Academy

Lansing, MI

Members Present: Renee Korrey,William Charon, Thomas Altland,

Christina Russell, Dawn Adams, Dale Rothenberger,

David Lee, James Fyvie, John Bawol, Craig Swenson,

Bruce Pollock, Constance Ross, Harriett Miller-Brown,

Paul Rogers, David Ackley, Charles Nystrom

Chairman Nystrom called the meeting of the ETSC Training Subcommittee

To order at 1:15 p.m.

Moved by Mr. Atland, seconded by Ms. Adams, to approve the minutes of December 12, 2001 meeting. Motion carried

Moved by Ms. Russell, seconded by Mr. Bawol, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Audit Process / Guidelines

Mr. Rothenberger, presented a draft of the 2002 guidelines for training fund distributions to the committee for review and evaluation. Once approved this form will be mailed to all primary PSAP’s and be available on the ETSC website. Mr. Rothenberger will make minor changes to the form and submit.

Mr. Lee presented a draft of the new ETSC form 510A, Documentation of In-Service Training. Form 510A will be used by all Primary PSAP’s that have received any training funds. Minor modifications were made to the form. Mr. Lee and Mr. Rothenberger will finalize the form to include detailed user instructions.

The 2002 Guidelines and Form ETSC 510A will be submitted to the full ETSC committee for it’s approval on March 13, 2002.

Approval of recently submitted ETSC forms 201

Mr. Lee presented six (6) new Basic/Operational courses and two LEIN training school courses for review and approval.

Moved by Mr. Charon, seconded by Ms. Miller-Brown that presented courses be approved. Motion carried.

MACNLOW submitted two classes for renewal. The question came up with regard to renewals and Mr. Lee reminded the committee that an approved vendor and class could renew x2 before they must submit for new approval in the third year.

Review/Approve/Certify submitted 101/101W from Primary PSAP’s

Committee members reviewed a total of 144 applications that had been received from Primary PSAP’s. Of those, 2 were rejected. Manistee County 911 was post marked 2/19/02 and Inkster PD is no longer a PSAP. 15 other applications were questioned or challenged and/or required some type of clarification before they could be approved. The chairperson was requested to follow up to insure complete compliance.


Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm

Berrien County and Madison Heights PD applications were received after the committee meeting on the 21st, both post marked February 22, 2002. Both rejected.
