CPCA Annual Business Meeting Minutes 2015

Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association 2015 Annual Business Meeting Minutes

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada

Date: Saturday October 24, 2015

Chair:Dr. Christina Templeton

Recorder:Dr. Erika Vorhies

Attendees (based on sign-in sheet): Drs. Marie Béland, Jean-Luc Bigras, Myriam Brassard, Jean-Marc Côté, SantokhDhillon, Carolina Escudero, Anne Fournier, Deborah Fruitman, Ra Han, Derek Human, Ashok Kakadekar, Paul Kantor, Suzie Lee, Jane Lougheed, Andrew Mackie, Ariane McNeal-Davidson, Tapas Mondal, KambizNorozi, Erwin Oechslin, Dion Pepelassis, Scott Pharis, Jennifer Russell, Shu Sanatani, Christina Templeton, Erika Vorhies.

The meeting was called to order at 12:47.

  1. Review of minutes:There were no comments or questions about the 2014 Business Meeting minutes, and a motion to accept them was put forward by Dr. Jennifer Russell and seconded by Dr. Jane Lougheed.
  1. CPCA Bylaws:Incorporation was required for Affiliates of the CCS due to the federal Not-for Profit Act. CPCA incorporation (non-profit) occurred on October 14, 2014. As part of the incorporation process, creation of CPCA bylaws was required byIndustry Canada in order to clarify the roles of the executive members, membership requirements and to define a clear plan of succession. Proposed CPCA bylaws were sent out to the members for review prior to the business meeting. After discussion, the group was in support of the creation of a CPCA vice-president position as a fourth executive position. The other executive positions remain the same and include the CPCA President, Secretary-Treasurer and Congenital Track Captain. The group did not think an additional executive position (director at large, or past-president elect) should be created to help if a tie decision were to occur. The group discussed the transition of all executive positions to a 2 year term. Decision was made that the positions of president and vice-president will have a 2 year term, non-renewable. The position of secretary/treasurer will have a 2 year term, which is renewable for a 2nd two-year term. The position of Congenital Track Captain will continue to have a 3 year term, which is renewable for a 2nd three year term.All positions will continue to be elected, which can be done by online voting or at the annual business meeting. Acclamation will also be acceptable if only one candidate is interested.CPCA executive terms are not specified in the CPCA bylaws so that they can be more easily adjusted in the future. The description of the CPCA annual membership renewal process was discussed. Currently annual membership renewal is only determined by payment of annual membership fees. The description in the current draft of the CPCA by-laws was not felt to be specific and the group felt this should be revised. No other concerns were raised regarding the proposed CPCA bylaws. A motion to approve the proposed CPCA bylaws was put forward by Dr. Anne Fournier and was seconded by Dr. Andrew Mackie.
  2. Action Item: Dr. Templeton to revise the description of annual membership renewal process in the CPCA bylaws and then send final copy of bylaws to all CPCA executive members (Erika and Kevin) and CCS.
  1. Financial report (Dr. Vorhies): Dr. Erika Vorhies was elected by acclamation to the position of CPCA secretary/treasurer in spring 2015. The CPCA had two accounts, an off-site Bank of Montreal account to facilitate payment of the Richard Rowe award, and a Trust Account held by the CCS. As of March 2015, the off-site account (BMO) was closed in order to simplify CPCA financial reporting and to eliminate any concerns of transparency now that CPCA has become a non-profit incorporation. The CCS trust account is now the only account held by CPCA. All withdrawals from the account are facilitated by CCS and require approval by either the CPCA treasurer or president. The financial statements for both the CCS trust account and the off-site account were reviewed.
  2. Off-site account (BMO): The balance was $3054at the time of the 2014 Business meeting. Minimal transactions have occurred since then. A withdrawal of $500 was made for the Richard Rowe Award winner at the 2014 CCC.Deposits only include $67 from a refund by the Vancouver Convention Centre due to an overpayment. Monthly BMO account fees totaled $13. The closing balance of the account was $2608 in March 2015.Decision was made to close this off-site account as defined above. The balance of $2608was transferred to the Trust account.
  3. Trust account: The balance was $19,779 on April 1, 2014. Withdrawals since then have been for the costs including: legal incorporation fees $1390, registration costs of invited speakers at 2014 CCC ($700), the annual CCS Affiliate fee ($2000+$260 tax), teleconferencing fees ($5), and credit card charges ($383) related to membership payments. Deposits have only been from membership dues and total $11 700 (78 paid regular members x $150 each). Off-site BMO account balance was transferred to the trust account ($2608). The current balance is $29,350.
  4. Credit card fees: Credit card fees are charged to all CCSaffiliates for the payment of membership dues online. Charges vary between 1-5%, based on the credit card used for payment. The charges cannot be waived based on the changes made to the CCS affiliates agreement in 2013. Cost to CPCA has varied from $350-480/ year.
  5. CPCA incorporation: Date of incorporation October 14, 2014. Annual financial review and corporate tax filing will be required this year and annually moving forward. To facilitate financial review at the annual business meeting, a financial year of October 1 to September 30 was proposed and approved. All CCS affiliates must appoint auditors to complete an annual financial review. CCS is offering all affiliates a discounted group rate through a local firm (Marcil-Lavallée) to complete an annual Financial review (Notice to reader) and filing of corporate taxes. Estimatedcostis $1000-1300/ year. The group agreed to appoint Marcil-Lavallée as the auditor to complete the CPCA annualfinancialreview and annualcorporate taxes.
  6. Insurance: Need for additionalinsurance to cover CPCA executive positions wasdiscussed but itremainsunclear if additionalinsuranceisrequired or if itiscurrentlyprovided by CCS.
  7. Action items:
  8. Dr. Vorhies to notify CCS of the appointment of auditors (Marcil-Lavallée).
  9. Dr. Vorhies to provide remaining financial information to CRA and Industry Canada to complete incorporation process.
  10. Dr. Vorhies to clarify need for insurance for CPCA executive positions since incorporation.
  11. Need to increase annual membership fee to cover costs of annual financial review to be reviewed at 2016 CPCA business meeting. (Dr. Vorhies)
  1. Scientific report(Dr. Anne Fournier, Congenital Track Captain):
  2. 59 abstracts were submitted to the CCC via the CPCA, 48/59 (81%)accepted. There were 18 oral abstracts over 3 sessions, and 2 poster sessions with 30 posters. Dr. Fournier encouraged the group to continue to submit abstracts in the futureas having more abstracts increases the profile of the Congenital track at the CCC.
  3. Ideas for the John Keith lecturer and ideas for symposia next year were requested of the group, to be submitted to Dr. Fournier.
  4. A thank-you was extended to the abstract reviewers, session moderators, presenters and Richard Rowe award judges.
  5. Based on a new CCC mandate, CPCA annual business meeting time will need to be changed for 2016. All CCC lunch meetings are being moved to alternate times in following years to create a blackout during the lunch period. New time and date to be determined once CCC 2016 planning begins.
  6. Given the increasing ACHD population, an ACHD CCC track will likely be created in the future. This is a growing concern for CPCA as it may affect the pediatric content at CCC. We will continue to work with the ACHD group to develop a growth plan together that meets the needs of both groups.
  7. CCC scientific sessions – local organizers: Group discussed the rotation of the organization role based on the location of CCC. As CCC continues to rotate between Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, the group thought it was best to divide the organizational role by geographic area: Western - all centers within WCCHN, Central – Toronto and Ontario centers, Eastern – Quebec and east coast centers. As CCS may be altering the rotation and location of CCC, a formal plan to allocate the organization of the scientific sessions was not agreed upon but will be reviewed at the next annual meeting.
  8. Creation of Jean-Claude Fouron Symposium (Dr. NagibDahdah): A new symposium will be created at CCC with financial support from CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. Symposium will focus on fetal and neonatal cardiology topics and will include 3 speakers; one invited speaker, and two Canadian speakers (one in early cardiology career). The symposium will be organized by the Congenital Track Captain in collaboration with one member of the pediatric cardiology division at CHU Sainte-Justine. The group supported the creation of this new symposium.
  9. Position statements:
  10. CHEP Pediatric Hypertension subcommittee Recommendations Task force guideline were presented and recently approved. CHEP is seeking CPCA endorsement of their guideline. The group decided that review of the guideline was required by a subgroup of CPCA members before CPCA endorsement could be provided.
  11. CCS/CPCA statement on pulse oximetry screening in newborns and a statement for evaluation of syncope in children and adolescents continue to be under development by working committees.
  12. AEPC meeting: CPCA Joint symposium occurred at 49th annual AEPC meeting in Prague in May 2015. Request was placed for another joint symposium at this year’s AEPC meeting.
  13. 7th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery will occur in January 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Ideas for a CPCA symposium can be sent to Dr. Fournier.
  14. Electrophysiology Course: The Canadian Pediatric and Congenital Heart Rhythm Network has planned to offer a basic EP course focusing on pediatric cardiology and CHD following the CCC in 2016. The course will occur at the convention center following CCC, likely from 10:00-15:30h. No fee is anticipated. The course is targeted for pediatric or adult cardiologists and trainees. CME credit will be available. The course will occur likely on an annual or biannual basis depending on expressed interest.
  15. RSV statement: RSV prophylaxis is currently offered in all provinces but eligibility criteria vary. Although nationwide RSV eligibility criteria for pediatric cardiology patients would be helpful, the group did not think it would be achievable as RSV programs are currently funded provincially.
  16. CCS council: Quality project is underway. Pediatric Cardiology involvement in the subgroups of this project was approved. Dr. Fournier requested that all those approached to be involved in this project, accept the opportunity as it will build our working relationship with CCS.
  17. Canadian Journal of Cardiology impact factor is now 3.71.
  18. Fellow of CCS: CCS is now offering fellowship status (FCCS) to its members. CPCA members can apply for this designation. A fee exists. Additional information and the application will be available online on CCS website.
  19. Action Items:
  20. A new time for CPCA annual business meeting to be determined once CCC 2016 planning begins.
  1. Examination Committee (Dr. Jane Lougheed, Exam Chair)
  2. Currently it remains a 3-step exam (short answer questions, graphics, then OSCE), all equally weighted. No anticipated changes to the exam format.
  3. Cardiologists who are interested in being on the exam committee are invited to put their name forward to Dr. Lougheed provided they have an FRCP(C), have been in practice for at least 5 years, and are not a Program Director. Committee members will be required to complete at least a two year term, preferably renewed for one additional 2 year term.
  4. The exam will remain in the Fall for now. With the transition to competency based fellowship training programs, the timing of the exam may need to change but currently no changes have been planned
  1. Appointment of CPCA Vice President: Dr. Kevin Harris was nominated for the new position of CPCA Vice President, with plans to transition to the CPCA president position once Dr. Templeton has completed her 3 year term in the fall of 2016.Nomination was seconded by Dr. Shu Sanatani. Dr. Kevin Harris was elected as the CPCA Vice President.
  2. Action Item: Dr. Templeton to email the group with notification of the election of Dr. Kevin Harris as the CPCA Vice president
  1. Other business

CCHA Medical Advisor Board:Dr. Jack Coleman spoke to the group about the role of the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) that has a mission to improve the cradle to grave care for patients with congenital heart disease. The medical advisory board is in early stages of development. Dr. Derek Human is currently involved but CCHA is looking for other interested pediatric cardiologists to join.

Action item: Dr. Templeton to send an email to the group with contact information. All interested CPCA members to reply.

P-CATS update Project – CV (W1): Shawn Hillhouseprovided a project update via telephone from Edmonton for Mary Muir, the Stollery site lead. The current W1 target times are being updated. The pediatric CVS surgeons suggested that pediatric cardiologists should be involved in the review/update of the W1 target times (referral times). The working group is looking for interested individuals to help with this review. Due to time constraints of the business meeting, additional information will be circulated to the group for review. Time commitment was not discussed.

Action item: Dr. Templeton to send P-CATS update and additional information to the group. Interested CPCA members to reply and a subgroup for the review will be formed.

Agenda items not discussed due to time constraints:

Ottawa Principles – to be circulated by email

Neonatal Screening Program (Ontario) requesting CPCA position statement – CPCA statement currently in progress by working group

The business the meeting was adjourned at 14:08.

Respectfully submitted,

Erika Vorhies, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)

Secretary-Treasurer, CPCA