Cowperthwaite Lectures Invited Scholars

2011 / David Ewoldsen
Cultivation theory: Multiple perspectives
WalidAfifi / Ohio State University
University of California, Santa Barbara
Uncertainty and its management in the context of community-wide trauma: Implications for well-being
2010 / Mary Beth Oliver / Pennsylvania State University
2009 / Austin Babrow / OhioUniversity
Communication and Uncertainty
2008 / Daniel J. Canary / Arizona State University
Communication and Relational Maintenance
2007 / George Cheney / University of Utah
What do we mean when we say “Globalization”?
2006 / Young Yun Kim / University of Oklahoma
From Ethnic to interethnic: The case for identity adaptation and transformation
2005 / Joseph B. Walther / CornellUniversity
Communication and the Distribution of People and Information in Virtual Groups
2004 / Bradley S. Greenberg / MichiganStateUniversity
From Pac Man to Grand Theft Auto: What’s with Video Games?
2003 / Howard Giles / University of California, Santa Barbara
Talking Age & Aging Talk
2002 / James P. Dillard / University of Wisconsin
Persuasion & Interpersonal Influence
2001 / Ronald E. Rice / RutgersUniversity
New Media Reseach & Theory
2000 / David Seibold / University of California at Santa Barbara
Bridging Theory and Practice in Communication
1999 / Sandra Petronio / ArizonaStateUniversity
The Riddles of Privacy in the World of Communication
1998 / Mark Knapp / University of Texas at Austin
The Truth About Lies
1997 / Everett M. Rogers / University of New Mexico

Research Fronts in Communication: An Evolutionary History

1996 / Brant R. Burleson / PurdueUniversity
Viewing Personal Relationships as a Skilled Accomplishment
1995 / Nancy Signorielli / University of Delaware
Cultivating Media Images
1994 / James McCroskey / West VirginiaUniversity
Communication Anxiety, Apprehension, and Compulsion
1993 / Fredric M. Jablin / University of Texas-Austin
Organizational Communication: A Life
1992 / Jennings Bryant / University of Alabama
Entertainment Theory
1991 / Virginia Richmond / West VirginiaUniversity
Power, Communication, Control, & Concerns in Organization
1990 / Gary Cronkhite / IndianaUniversity
New Directions in Persuasion Research
1989 / Marshall Scott Poole / University of Minnesota
Moving Group Communication Research into the Future: New Theories and New Technologies
1988 / Herbert W. Simons / TempleUniversity
Trashing Mediated Campaign Hype: Does/Can/Should Rhetorical Criticism Make a Difference?
1987 / Linda Putnam / PurdueUniversity
Generating Interesting Research Questions in Organizational Communication: Past Reflections and Future Directions
1986 / Robert Pepper / The AnnenbergSchool of Communication
Telecommunications Policy: A Communication(s) Perspective
1985 / OrlandoTaylor / HowardUniversity
Sociolinguistics and the Humanities
1984 / J. Jeffery Auer / IndianaUniversity
Who Cares Who Writes the President’s Speeches