Using the Classroom Performance System (CPS) 5.0

  1. Create a New Database (Suggestion: Save it in the CPS_Databases folder on your H: drive and include your name in the file name. This file will hold all of your lessons and classes)
  1. Detect your CPS Receiver
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Delivery Options.
  4. Select Receiver tab.
  5. Click Detect Receiver.
  6. Click Ok.
  1. Create a Class
  2. Click the Prepare tab.
  3. Click the Classes & Students button.
  4. Click NewClass. The CPS New Class Wizard Appears and will walk you through creating a class.
  5. After finishing the wizard. Click on the class you have created and then click NewStudent and enter students’ information into the table.
  1. Adding Current ExamView Content
  2. From the Prepare tab, click Lessons & Assessments
  3. Click AddFile(s)… in the “Lessons” section.
  4. Browse your computer to find the ExamViewtest file you would like to add and click Open.
  5. The ExamView file will now be located in the ExamViewfolder in the Lessons tab.
  6. Or, right click on New CPS File.cps and choose Add File(s)
  1. Engage Students

  1. From the Engage Tab, select Lessons & Assessments
  2. Place a check mark beside of the assessment you would like to use. Note the questions appear to the right.
  3. Click on the Engage button
  1. Use the Toolbar to run the assessment.
  1. Click on Next to bring up the first question and/or to advance to the next question.
  2. Click on Questions to list the questions in the assessment.
  3. Verbal goes to verbal mode.
  4. Chalkboard goes to chalkboard mode.
  5. Close—closes the toolbar
  1. Running the Session
  2. Once the question appears, use the information located at the bottom of the window to control the questions.
  3. Click on Start to made the question available to student responses
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the timer to start the timer. The + and – are used to increase and decrease the time allotted to the question.
  5. Press end to end the time allowed for the question if the time has not run out.
  6. The graph icon will display how the students answered the question.
  7. The four arrows icon will allow you to move the window around.
  8. The blue person icon will allow you to randomly select a student and/or response pad.
  1. Out of the Box Engagement, On the Fly Assessment
  1. From the Engage tab, click the Engage Verbal icon.
  2. Type a Session Title of your choice.
  3. Select a class that you have previously created or click Create to create a default class and follow the screen directions.
  4. Click OK to start
  5. The Engagement Toolbar floats over any content that you would like to display (websites, MS Powerpoint, MS Word, etc.) on your PC.
  6. Click the Verbal… button on the Toolbar and select the type of question from the pull-down menu (ie: Multiple Choice A-D). The software will begin receiving responses.
  7. Click End to stop receiving responses.
  8. After receiving responses, mark the correct answer by using the Correct Answer pull-down menu at the bottom of the charting screen.
  9. Click Close to close the charting screen and move to the next question.

  1. Create your own Content, to be engaged as Teacher-Managed, Student-Managed, or as a Challenge Board
  2. From the Prepare tab, click the Lessons & Assessments button.
  3. Select NewLesson.
  4. Provide your desired Lesson name. Click Ok.
  5. Highlight your newly named Lesson and select NewQuestion.
  6. In the ‘format” section select the question type (ie: “MC4” for Multiple Choice with 4 answer choices)
  7. (To change the font to be viewed on the screen, select the options from the “font” section. Note: You can select the “check mark” icon to select the question and answer stems to change them all at once.)
  8. (If you want to put in graphics, choose TemplateAdd Graphicsfrom the “format” section, choose where you want the graphics to appear, click the picture area, and browse for your file.)
  9. Provide the appropriate question, and answer choices.
  10. Check correct answer in the check box.
  11. Assign appropriate Standards, Notes, or Media files, by clicking on the Question icon in the “Options” section.
  12. Save the Question by clicking the Diskette icon.
  1. Engaging Pre-made or ExamView Questions
  2. From the Engage tab, check the Lesson orLessonsthat you would like to engage.
  3. (To engage in Teacher Led, Student Paced orStudent Practice mode, click Assessment Setup and then the appropriate mode at this point.)
  4. Click Engage Teach.
  5. Give a Session Title of your choice
  6. Select the appropriate class from the Class pulldown menu or Select Create to create your class and follow the screen directions.
  7. Click OK to start
  8. Click Next on the floating tool bar
  9. Click Start to begin receiving responses.
  1. Creating a Challenge Board
  2. From the Preparetab, click on Team Activities
  3. Click New
  4. Create titles for the Challenge Board and Categories and click OK.
  5. Browse the Lessons window to find the questions you want to include on the challenge board.
  6. Drag questions (one at a time or multiple) to the category icons on the right side (note: you can drag the question to the specific point values or to the category title.
  7. Click FileClose on the Menu Bar.
  8. From the Team Activities tab, click on Challenge Board
  9. Highlight the Challenge Board you created and click Engage.
  10. Hint: During play it is helpful to use the student generator button to allow a random student to choose a category.