September26, 2014





Cowley County, Kansas is accepting sealed bid proposals from qualified professional firms to furnish all materials and necessary equipment and perform all required work necessary to replace the boiler system of the CountyCourthouse located at 311 E 9th Ave, Winfield Kansas 67156. This work must be performed as specified in the scope of work. All the specifications will be contained in the Request for Proposals (RFP).

  1. Introduction

For purposes of this RFP,Cowley County, Kansas will hereby be referred to as “County” and the private firm will hereby be referred to as “respondent.”

During the evaluation process, the County reserves the right where it may serve the County’s best interest to request additional information or clarification from respondents, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions.

There will be a pre-bid meeting on September 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM. An Agreement for services will be required with the successful respondent.


All proposals submitted in response to this notice will be reviewed and evaluated by County staff. Selected respondents will be invited to go through a selection process conducted by a selection panel.

The County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submittals of proposals. The County reserves the right to waive technicalities or irregularities on proposals. No proposals may be withdrawn after submission deadline for a period of sixty (60) days.

All information should be submitted in an 8 ½” by 11” format in two (2) bound copies and one electronic copy. A copy of this RFP with each page initialed indicating that you understand and will comply with what is on the page shall be attached to your RFP response. Submittals will be received up until 12:00 pm on September26, 2014.

Please do not use ring binders. Proposals will not be accepted via fax machine, or email. Any section of this RFP not filled out will render the entire response invalid.Any proposal received after the due date cannot be accepted and will be rejected and returned, unopened, to the proposer. Proposer may submit more than one proposal provided each proposal meets the functional requirements.

All proposal information, excluding pricing should be submitted to and plainly marked as:

RFP #2014-008Boiler Replacement Project

Cowley County Clerk

321 E. 10th Avenue

Winfield, KS 67156

A separate sealed envelope containing only the pricing must be submitted and clearly marked as:

RFP #2014-008Boiler Replacement Project


Cowley County Clerk

321 E. 10th Avenue

Winfield, KS 67156

  1. Any and all forms requesting information from the respondent must be completed on the attached forms contained herein (see Contractor’s Responsibilities). If more than one bid is submitted, a separate bid proposal form must be used for each.
  2. Any request for clarification of this RFP shall be made in writing and delivered to: Jeremy Willmoth, County Administrator, Cowley County, Kansas, 311E 9th Ave., Winfield, KS67156 before September 12, 2014. Any amendments to this RFP will be uploaded to the County’s website no later than September 22, 2014. Any firm wanting to be notified of any amendments to this RFP must notify the County Administrator before September 22, 2014.
  3. All proposals must be submitted following the RFP format as stated in this document and shall be subject to all requirements of this document including the instruction to respondents and general information sections. All proposals must be regular in every respect and no interlineations, excisions, or special conditions shall be made or included in the RFP format by the respondent.
  4. The contract will be awarded by the County to the most responsive and responsible bidder with the lowest price and the contract will require the completion of the work pursuant to these documents.
  5. Each respondent shall include in his or her proposal, in the format requested, the cost of performing the work. Cowley Countyis exempt from Kansas State Sales and Federal Excise taxes. Do not include such taxes in the proposal figure. The County will furnish the successful company with tax exemption information upon request.
  6. Each respondent shall include in their proposal the following information: Firm name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, and fax number. The company shall also provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of an individual in their organization to whom notices and inquiries by the County should be directed as part of their proposal.

Each bidder shall provide the following as part of their proposal:

1)Complete all forms requested for completion within this RFP.

2)Provide a description of the firm, including resumes and professional qualifications of the principals involved in administering the project.

3)Provide a list of sub-contractors and their qualifications, if applicable.

4)Provide a description of completed projects that demonstrate the firm’s ability to complete projects of similar scope, size, and purpose, and in a timely manner, and within budget.

5)Provide three client references from past projects, include current phone numbers.

6)The successful bidder shall provide a Performance Bond in an amount not less than 100% of the contract price in favor of Cowley County, Kansas, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract, and completion on or before the date specified.

7)The respondent shall provide all labor, materials, boiler(s), piping, wiring, insulation, expansion tanks, burners, controls, and any other item or equipment required for completion of the project.

8)The respondent shall provide all necessary permits and inspections for this project.

Scope of Work

  1. Demolition and removal of old boiler and all asbestos wrapped piping in compliance with federal and state law. Respondent will haul away all debris, and must show the value of scrap metal in lowering the cost of demolition.
  2. Installation of two or more boilers to replace the one that is running the entire facility now. List the energy efficiency rating of the boiler, the BTU output, and whether or not the boilers will run in series or individually and cycling out to prevent wear and tear to the units.
  3. Replace all supply and return piping.
  4. Install new gas supply header and gas vents.
  5. Install/run all new electrical wiring.
  6. Install new drains/condensation pipes.
  7. Install new insulation on all new piping.
  8. Install expansion tanks.
  9. Install new burners/boilers, and set controls and tune combustion for maximum efficiency.

The County will provide a designated representative to work with the successful respondent to coordinate both the County’s and respondent’s efforts and to inspect and verify any work performed by the successful respondent.

The County will provide access to the facility during regular business hours or during nights and weekends as approved by the County’s designated representative.


The County selection panel will review and score all proposals based on responses to the RFP in the context of Section Six (6) below. The scores from the overall strength of the proposal will determine the respondent who will be selected to continue in the process. The County will negotiate an Agreement based on the proposal and/or the negotiated terms deemed most advantageous to the County.


A. Review of Proposals

These criteria are to be utilized in the evaluation of qualifications for development of the shortlist of those Respondents to be considered for negotiations. Individual criteria may be assigned varying weights at the County’s discretion to reflect relative importance. Respondents are required to address each evaluation criterion in the order listed and to be specific in presenting their qualifications.

B. Technical Proposal Review Criteria

i. Suitability of offering to meet the needs of each facility.

ii. Pricing of each type of task. Please include a subtotal by building for each task.

iii. Reference referrals.


The RFP does not commit the County to procure or award an Agreement for the scope of work described herein.

All information submitted in response to the RFP shall become the property of the County, and as such, may be subject to public review as public records.

The County of Cowley is subject to the Kansas Open Records Act, K.S.A. 45-215 et seq. If the respondent believes that any part of its submission is not an open record, the respondent must clearly mark the page or pages of the submission as confidential along with the specific provision of K.S.A. 45-221(a) that respondent believes permits the County to keep that information confidential.

Respondents acknowledge and agree that the County will not be liable for any costs, expenses, losses, damages (including damages for loss of anticipated profit and travel expenses) or liabilities incurred by the respondent or any member thereof as a result of, or arising out of, responding to this RFP, negotiating changes to such response, or due to the County’s acceptance or non-acceptance of the response.

The County shall provide the release, if any, of all public information concerning the project, including selection announcements and contract awards. Those desiring to release information to the public must receive prior written approval from an authorized representative of the County.

Neither the County nor any of its officers, agents, consultants or employees shall be responsible for the accuracy of any information provided as part of this RFP (including appendices). All respondents are encouraged to independently verify the accuracy of any information provided. The use of this information in the preparation of a response to the RFP is at the sole risk of the respondent.

Any terms and conditions of the response to this RFP will remain in effect for 150 days after the date of submission.

The respondent shall not collude in any manner or engage in any practices with any other respondent(s), which may restrict or eliminate competition or otherwise restrain trade. Violation of this instruction will cause the County to reject the respondent’s submittal. This prohibition is not intended to preclude joint ventures or subcontracts.

All responses submitted must be the original work product of the respondent. The copying, paraphrasing or other use of substantial portions of the work product of another respondent is not permitted. Failure to adhere to this instruction will cause the County to reject the response.

The County has sole discretion and reserves the right to:

  • Reject any and all responses received with respect to the RFP and to cancel the RFP process at any time prior to entering into a formal Agreement with the Respondent.
  • Reasonably request additional information or clarification of information provided in the response without changing the terms of the RFP.
  • Amend the RFP through written addenda.
  • Negotiate with any, all or none of the respondents to the RFP.
  • Waive any portion of the selection process in order to accelerate the selection and negotiation with the top-ranked Respondent.
  • Waive any technicalities or irregularities in any response.

Standard Terms and Conditions

The extent and character of the services to be performed shall be subject to the general control and approval of the County Administrator or his authorized representative (s). The Respondent shall not comply with requests and/or orders issued by any other person. The County Administrator will designate his authorized representatives in writing. Both Cowley County and the Respondent must approve any changes to the contract in writing.

E. Contract Period

This is a one-time project. The County expects the respondent to begin work as soon as practicable after award and to submit a timeline for completion of all services within the scope of this RFP.

F. Insurance

Respondent shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the County, and their respective agents, servants, and employees from and against any claim, demand or cause of action of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of error, omission or negligent act of Respondent, its agents, servants or employees in its performance Services under this Agreement.

Respondent shall not commence work under the Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required under this section. Documents of insurance shall be submitted to the County.

Respondent agrees to obtain insurance coverage in the manner and amounts as set forth in Attachment A during the life of the Agreement. No modification or change from these specifications shall be made without the County’s written approval.

All insurance policies, at the time of issuance, shall be rated no less than A-: VIII, in the most recent “Best” insurance guide and shall be licensed in the state of Kansas or as otherwise agreed by the parties, and shall be in such form and contain such provisions as are generally considered standard for the type of insurance involved to the extent not otherwise required by the Agreement. If an insurer’s rating falls below the minimum during the policy term, the Respondent will take reasonable steps to replace coverage with an insurer that meets the minimum rating.

The commercial general liability policy and automobile liability insurance policy shall include the County as additional insured’s. The workers compensation policy shall contain a waiver of all rights of subrogation against County.

Each insurance policy shall include a requirement that the insurer provide at least thirty (30) days’ written notice of cancellation in the terms and provisions of the applicable policy.

If Respondent subcontracts any of the Services, Respondent shall either: Cover all subcontractors under its policies of insurance; Or require each subcontractor not so covered to secure insurance that will protect against applicable hazards or risks of loss as and in the minimum amounts designated herein. Whichever option is chosen, Respondent shall indemnify and hold harmless the County as to any and all damages, claims or losses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of negligence or other actionable fault of its subcontractors. Minimum liability insurance requirements can be found in Attachment A.

G. Hold Harmless Clause

The Respondent shall, during the term of the contract including any warranty period, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Cowley County, its officials, employees, agents, residents and representatives thereof from all suits, actions, or claims of any kind, including attorney’s fees, brought on account of any personal injuries, damages, product liability, or violations of rights, sustained by any person or property in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding contract work or on account of any act or omission by the Respondent or their employees, or from any claims or amounts arising from violation of any law, bylaw, ordinance, regulation or decree. The Respondent agrees that this clause shall include claims involving infringement of patent or copyright.

H. Licenses and Permits

Respondent shall be responsible for obtaining and paying costs of all necessary permits and licenses required by laws, rules and/or regulations set forth by the City, County or the State of Kansas.

I. Health and Food Standards

Respondent shall meet all Health and Food Standard regulations set forth by the City, County or the State of Kansas.

J. Employment Discrimination by Contractors Prohibited/Wages/ Information

During the performance of a contract, the Respondent shall agree that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or disabilities, except where religion, sex or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the Respondent; that it will post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth nondiscrimination practices, and that it will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Respondent, that it is an equal opportunity employer. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient to meet this requirement.

The Respondent will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs in every subcontract or purchase order so that the provisions will be binding upon each sub consultant or vendor used by the Respondent.

K. Termination for convenience

County may, with or without cause, terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time for the convenience of the County.

County shall notify the Respondentninety (90) days prior to the termination date if it decides to terminate the Agreement. Respondent shall notify County within thirty (30) days of termination for convenience notice of all cost for work performed up to the termination date.

With prior notice to the County, Respondent shall have accompanied access to Facilities to take possession of its equipment.

L. Termination for default

County shall have the right to terminate the Agreement with the Respondent if the Respondent fails to perform or comply with any of the terms, covenants, agreements or conditions herein.

Respondent may terminate the Agreement prior to the expiration of the term in the event of a material breach on the part of the County.

With prior notice to the County, Respondent shall have accompanied access to Facilities to take possession of its equipment.

M. Severability

In the event that any provision shall be adjudged or decreed to be invalid, such ruling shall not invalidate the entire Agreement but shall pertain only to the provision in question and the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid, binding and in full force and effect.

N. Applicable Laws

The resulting contract from this RFP shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Kansas.

O. Drug/Crime Free Work Place

The Respondent acknowledges and certifies that it understands that the following acts by the contractor, its employees, and/or agents performing services on Cowley County property are prohibited:

1. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or other drugs; and