Final report format

Cover letter addressed to me with the report as an attachment.

  1. Sections
  2. Executive summary (a maximum of two pages)

“Our analysis of XXX’s competitive capabilities and the opportunities and threats in the business environment led us to the following recommendations. Each recommendation provides a summary of the analysis of the current situation and its context (e.g. opportunity, threat or strategic issues XXX faces, the competitive capabilities XXX possesses or needs to develop), the strategic actions we recommend XXX pursue, and measures of success.”


  • Macro-environment
  • Analyze the economy, legal, regulatory, political factors, societal factors, demographics, technology, stakeholders and their needs. Make sure you provide specific and clearly stated opportunities and threats from your analysis.
  • Industry analysis
  • Industry drivers
  • Five forces
  • Changes to the industry structure and competitive environment
  • Existing rivals competitive capabilities analysis
  • Key success factors
  • Make sure you provide specific and clearly stated opportunities and threats from your analysis.
  • Critical issues the industry faces
  • XXX’s competitive capabilities (In the competitive capabilities section you should provide specific and clearly stated strengths and weaknesses.)
  • Business strategy (How well is the strategy working?) Make sure you address the three tests of a winning strategy.
  • Functional area strategies (How well are the strategies working? Provide a robust analysis of how well the functional strategies support the business level strategy as well as how well the functional area strategies support each of the other functional area strategies.)
  • Assessment of XXX’s strategic performance (Make sure you address both the strategy content and the company’s implementation of the strategy.)
  • Resources (Make sure you clearly state the case for competitive advantages.)
  • Value chain (cost reductions and adding value) (Make sure you address each step of the value chain and the overall, integrated effect of the value chain for reducing costs and adding value.)
  • Assessment of XXX’s Financial Performance and capabilities (e.g. ratio analysis and capital reserves
  • Strategicissues XXX faces
  • Management’s values
  • Organizational culture
  • Appendices
  • SWOT matrix
  • Stakeholder matrix
  • Financial ratios
  • Financial trend graphs
  • Budgets and schedules associated with the recommendations
  • Responses to questions not answered in the presentation
  1. Format
  2. Use 12 point Times roman font, 1 inch margins, left justify, 1.5 spacing
  3. There should be an equal number of consultants and opportunities/threats the report addresses. For example, if the consulting company has five members, then the report must address some combination of five opportunities or five threats.
  4. Emphasize quality over quantity. Limit your report to 20 pages excluding the cover letter, executive summary and appendices.
  1. Suggestions
  2. Use the chapter worksheets to prepare your responses for each of the sections in the body of the report.
  3. Refer to the instructions for each chapter worksheet and the instructions for each question.
  4. Use the examples posted on my web site to assist you with the analysis. Do not follow the format used in the examples. The format changes slightly from one semester to the next. THEREFORE, USE THE FORMAT OUTLINED ABOVE.
  5. Work together as a team and ensure internal consistency throughout the entire report.