Coventry Meadows Property Owners Association, Inc.

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

May 29, 2008

Location: ECM Offices

The Board of Directors members present at meeting:

Steve Clark (President)

Bill Hutto (Vice President)

Bonnie Smith (Secretary)

Ryan Cunningham (Co-Secretary)

Matt Cechman (Treasurer)

Robin Thompson (Director)

Meeting called to order and established Quorum:

Bill Hutto 1st the motion and Robin Thompson 2nd the motion to call the meeting to order. Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm.

The approval of previous HOA Board Meeting minutes: Ryan 1st the motion and Bill Hutto 2nd the motion and Robin Thompson 3rd the motion. Minutes have been approved.

Committee Reports:

(A)ARC Committee: Matt Cechman. Matt announced that he had two homeowners that have volunteered to be part of the ARC Committee, Jean Durham and Mary Frances Little. We also had a volunteer from the meeting, Tod Demont that volunteered to be part of the ARC Committee.

Bonnie Smith 1st the motion and Robin Thompson 2nd motion to have these three people serve on the ARC Committee. Jean Durham, Mary Frances Little and Tod Demont are now members on the ARC Committee.

Tiffany announced that she received resignation from Pam Putiyon on April 24, 2008 that she will no longer be able to serve on the ARC Committee.

Management Report:

Legal Collections Contract from our lawyer (Michael Levy), Tiffany needed to get Steve Clark (President) to sign for collections. Steve signed contract.

Unfinished Business:

Pool Membership – Tiffany announced that we received a letter from the Pool Association that the Pool will not open for the Pool season “2008”.

Steve Clark said our intent is to try to get out of the Pool Association. Steve said about 50% of our dues were going to the pool fees. Our intent is to go around and get signatures from homeowners in our community to opt out of the pool.

Jean Durham asked if from a attorney view stand point if this going to do any good to get the signatures. What if we have homes in foreclosure, do we need to include them in the count of 2/3 of the homeowners?

Bill Hutto said we might still have to be part of the pool even if we get the signatures.

Homeowner, Greg Best said he understands the contract is between the homeowners and the swim club. Our obligations are defined in the covenants.

Tiffany said we are now $3900.00 in arrear with the pool for pool season “2007”.

Steve Clark asked Tiffany now that Crimson Oaks has opted out does it now change how we can get out of being members of the pool.

Bonnie Smith asked Tiffany if she had the list of names/addresses of homeowners in our community available for us to take around for signatures for the pool.

Tiffany responded that she would get this together for us after the meeting has ended and then email it to all of the board members.

Jean Durham asked Tiffany if she received money from Bonnie’s Smith next-door neighbor of $3,000.00. That she had spoken to the neighbors and they said the previous owners wrote a check to the HOA for $3,000.00 at the closing of the house.

Tiffany responded as of yet, “NO”, that this could take up to two weeks after the closing of a house.

Bill Hutto wants to know if we can send flyers to homeowners that we will be knocking on doors for signatures to opt out of the pool.

Steve Clark said we had discussed about upping the HOA funds. All homeowners should clearly understand that the HOA would not change even if we are not a member of the pool.

Homeowner, Greg Best said that if we do end up not being a member of the pool, and we aren’t paying dues to the pool association that the HOA will have to be reduced according to the covenants. Greg said if we don’t give it to the pool we are in violation, if we don’t have approval from the homeowners.

Steve Clark said we would need to see what the lawyer advises us to do.

Steve Clark stated that HOA funds would be handled properly. He will be sure that none of our HOA dues are handled improperly. That he’s looking out for our community.

Jean Durham suggested that maybe our community should become a self-managed community, Bonnie Smith agreed.

Bill Hutto said we our community should look forward to having money in our reserve fund.

Homeowner, Greg Best said to make sure that we know what duties and responsibilities we will be taking over if we do decided to become a self managed community.

Homeowner, Shirley Green asked Tiffany if she was giving a time frame to the attorneys for our rights about opting out of the pool. Tiffany said she follows up every two weeks with the lawyers.

Jean Durham asked if we are looking at the end of June and Steve Clark agreed we should know something by the end of June.

New Business:

Special Assessment – Bonnie Smith asked are we still talking about a special assessment. Steve Clark responded we still might be talking about a special assessment.

Homeowners want to know are we still talking about $674.00 for the special assessment. Steve Clark responded “NO” it wouldn’t be that high.

Tod Demont asked what do we do about people that are in arrears. Tiffany replied that we turn them over to our lawyers for collections.

Bonnie Smith suggested that maybe collecting HOA dues monthly instead of every three months. It is stated in the covenants this is how we were originally supposed to be billed. That maybe this would make it easier for homeowners not to be arrear on their HOA dues.

Steve, Bill responded that it would cost us too much to collect it monthly by the time you printed up the bills and mailed them out every month. That is was cheaper to bill quarterly.

Robin Thompson asked what about the 4ft/3ft pools being permitted in back yards.

Bill Hutto responded about insurance/liability issue when allowing these pools in homeowner’s backyards. Also the issue of the clean up of the pool.

Resident Forum:

Pools have to be in 6ft-fenced backyards.

Steve Clark said our HOA does permit homeowners to have kiddy pools. But a fence must enclose them.

Homeowner asked how to define a kiddy pool? Steve Clark said this is ant ARC issue and should be looked into by the ARC Committed, that it would be up to them to come up with a solution and to define what a kiddy pool is and what type of pool would be permitted.

Steve Clark asked for any more questions about the resident forum.

Bill Hutto asked everyone to be on the lookout for people trying to take gas. He said he noticed an unattended gas can in our community. Steve Clark said that he believes someone took some gas from his white van that he had parked in from of his home in our community.

Streetlights – Please report to any of the board members or Tiffany.

Jean Durham and Shirley Green said there is a cable running across the cemetery area and fence that still needs to be buried.

Steve Clark said we have to be responsible for kids in our neighborhood. To please ask kids not to cut through homeowner yards.

Homeowner asked if we could still keep the 8am to 8pm noise control in our community. That some kids are still out past this timeframe making noise. Board responded back that we do have a lawn cutting noise control from 8 am to 8 pm in our community, but they think the county noise control is up to 10:00 pm.

Bill Hutto 1st the motion and Shirley Green 2nd the motion to close the meeting. Steve Clark said the meeting is now closed at 8:17 pm.