December 2014 * Volume 18, Issue 4

Hello Covenant Families!

What a wonderful November we had! Our 4 year old students enjoyed Donuts with Dad or a special person. What fun! Thank you to all of our special guests who came and joined us. We loved honoring and celebrating you! Three year old families: Your turn will come soon… our 3 year old classes will host Donut with Dad or a special person this spring!

Our 3 year olds enjoyed their first in house fieldtrip on November 11! Echoes of Nature came and introduced the children to four warm and fuzzy critters – a rat, chinchilla, ferret and a rabbit. The children talked about how the animals were same and different and observed their physical attributes. Those brave enough to touch even pet the animals. It was an exciting day!

Because teaching the children to be kind to others is as important to us here at Covenant as their ABCs and 123s, students made beautiful turkey placemats as a community service project.

They were gifted to the Montgomery Village Rehab Center for residents to enjoy at their Thanksgiving meal. The teachers spent curriculum time talking to the children about helping others and the needy so this community service experience is a meaningful one for them.

Our teachers were delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you at parent-teacher conferences last month. We cherish our partnership with you in the growth and development of your son or daughter. We are here to serve your family. Our teachers are happy to discuss your future questions or concerns at any time via phone, email or in person. We already are looking forward to February/March conference dates!

December is a very busy and exciting month here at Covenant. Our 4 year old classes will be making Gingerbread Houses on the following days:

M/W/F – Mon, Dec 1, 9:15-9:45am

T/W/F - Tues, Dec 2, 9:15-9:45am

M/T/W/F - Wed, Dec 3, 9:15-9:45am

A parent or other grown up will be needed to assist each child and because it is a project requiring your full attention - no siblings please if possible. All children will provide a can of whipped vanilla frosting.

All of our children are busily practicing their songs for our Christmas Sing. You may have heard them singing the songs at home.  If you are new to our preschool community and never experienced a sing you are in for such a treat! The children dress up in festive holiday clothes and stand on the altar of the Church Sanctuary so you can see them and they sing their hearts out to the beautiful songs of the Christmas season. It is fantastic. Afterwards, we enjoy refreshments in Fellowship Hall. While in Fellowship Hall, be sure to look for the special handprint tablecloths adorning the tables. Every child enrolled since Covenant Preschool opened 18 years ago has their handprint and name on this tablecloth. A beautiful and special tradition we hope you enjoy sharing in with us. All are welcome at our sings - extended family, friends - all special persons who would like to come! The three year old sing will be held on Thursday, Dec 18at 9:30am and the four year old sing will be held on Friday, Dec 19 at 9:30am.

A reminder the preschool is closed for winter vacation Dec 22-Jan 2. We will joyfullyre-open our doors Mon, Jan 5, 2015.

Registration for our 2015-16 year will begin in late January/early February. We so appreciate you spreading the "good news" of Covenant Preschool to your neighbors and friends. We on the preschool staff love this school and wish to share our teaching ministry with as many children and families as possible. You are our best resource to bring new families here to this special place.

As we look forward to the birth of our Savior I give special thanks for the gift of YOUR child who brings so many gifts and much beauty to our world. They are each a beautiful miracle and I treasure and cherish the opportunity to be a part of their life and have them be a part of mine.

Merry Christmas! Happy 2015!

Joyfully yours,

Cheryl Shalgian, Director


Social Studies:

  1. Christmas: Carols, Decorations, Yule Logs, Special Foods, Cards, Celebrations
  2. Chanukah and Kwanzaa (Pre-K)
  3. Christmas Around the World (Pre-K)


  1. Evergreens/Holly/Mistletoe
  2. December 21-First Day of Winter

English-Language Arts:

  1. Storybook Units
  2. Learning to Listen for a Purpose
  3. Matching (Pre-K)
  4. Weekly Readers (Pre-K)
  5. Name Recognition (Pre-K)
  6. Letters & Phonics - K, L & M


  1. Manuscript - (M/T/W/F Pre-K)


  1. Classification by Color (3’s)
  2. Numeral Recognition 0-5 (3’s)
  3. Review Complex Shapes (Pre-K)
  4. Numeral Recognition 0-10


  1. Counting 0-20 (Pre-K)
  2. Quantitative Concepts
  3. Spatial Sense & Geometric Reasoning (Pre-K)(1)


  1. True Meaning of Christmas
  2. The Christmas Story
  3. Jesus is God’s Special Gift

(1) Scott Foresman Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum (Unit 3, Chapters 1 & 2)


Families are invited to share the morning with our classes upstairs in the sanctuary for a musical presentation. Following the Sing, we will have refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. The schedule is as follows:

*Thursday, Dec. 18th at 9:15 a.m.all three-year-old classes come to school. Children must report to their classroom at 9:15a.m. NO BUCKETS please! Parents and family members go to the churchsanctuary following drop off. The Sing will begin at 9:30 a.m. All students will go home with their families following the Sing.

NOTE -4 year old Enrichment Class WILL be held on Thursday, Dec 18th as usual.

*Friday, Dec. 19th at 9:15a.m.all 4 year old Pre-K classes come to preschool. Children must report at 9:15a.m. NO BUCKETS please!Parents and family members go to the church sanctuary. Sing will begin at 9:30 a.m. All students will go home with their families following the Sing.

T/W/F 3s (Frogs class) will not have class on Friday, Dec 19 because they came to school on Thursday, Dec 18 for the sing.

Please talk with your child’s teacher or Cheryl if you have any questions about the "Christmas Sing" schedule.


Covenant United Methodist Preschool follows the Montgomery County Public School’s (MCPS) weather related announcements as far as snow days, delayed openings, and early dismissals.

The school will be closed on all MCPS snow days.

On delayed openings (two hour MCPS delays) our preschool will open at 10:15 AM.

If MCPS closes early, CUMP will close at 11:45 am for all classes.

Do you receive weather alerts from MCPS regarding school closings? This is helpful even if you don't have children in the school system because we follow MCPS decisions here at CUMP. You can receive alerts via text or e-mail at:

Reminder: No school during our

winterbreak (Dec. 22- Jan. 2).

Classes will resume on

Monday, January 5, 2015!

Happy New Year!

From the Pastor’s Desk …



Advent is a season of 4 weeks, including 4 Sundays, that starts on December 1. Advent comes from the Latin word, adventus, which means “coming”. This season calls us to prepare for all the ways Christ comes to us: We once again prepare to celebrate his BIRTH, an event that happened in the past; We celebrate the way Christ comes to us in the present in the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT; and we anticipate Christ’s future RETURN in final victory.

As we move from Thanksgiving turkey to Christmas toys, let us take some time to prepare our hearts for all the ways Christ comes to us. Are you in need of some suggestions?

  • You and your family may want to make an Advent wreath and take some time as a family to do a devotion, light a candle, say a prayer or sing a song together. Each person could share a joy or concern from the day or a way they experienced God’s love.
  • Silent Night, Holy Night….try setting aside time for silent meditation, not focusing on “saying the right words” but on just being in God’s presence with an open heart. It’s the perfect prescription for the Hectic Holiday Blues.
  • Give….There are lots of ways to give of your time and resources to those in need. We have lots of opportunities at church every year to bless others out of our abundance. And it can be something as simple as a check or some change, or it could be the beginning of a relationship, a visit to a nursing home. It’s a way to proclaim that in a world that looks dark sometimes, Jesus is the Light of the

World and the darkness has not overcome it!

  • Love…Start new traditions that don’t have to do with material things. Have a few more meals with friends and family, make a meal or two at Stepping Stones Shelter, send a note or make a visit to folks you know are lonely, grieving or hurting. Maybe the family could make some extra Christmas cookies to share with a shut-in or a friend in need of some love. Hospitality might be less about Martha Stewart and more about expressing love for one another…
  • Reconcile…Send a letter or card to someone with whom you have a broken relationship or a person who’s a long-lost friend as a first step to reconciliation.

We prepare to celebrate the Advent of the light of the world. As we clean our houses and buy our gifts, let us take time to make a place in our hearts for the God who wants to make every heart God’s home and let us reflect the light of God’s love this whole month of Advent. That way, when Christmas comes, our hearts are ready to receive this Christ child in a special way!


Pastor Mandy