
  1. Definition:

  1. Ion

  1. Ionic bond

  1. Covalent bond

  1. Valency

  1. Atomic group(radical)

  1. Chemical reaction

  1. Chemical equation

  1. Give reasons for:
  1. When an atom gives an electron or more, it becomes a positive ion.


  1. Sodium atom (11Na) tends to form a positive ion, while oxygen atom (8O) tends to form a negative ion


  1. The valency of Nobel gases is zero


  1. Acids turn the colour of litmus to be red , while alkalis turn the colour of litmus to be blue.


  1. White fumes are formed when a glass rod wet with ammonia solution comes near the mouth of a test tube containing conc. hydrochloric acid.

III. Chemical equations:

  1. 2 Mg + O2 ……………………………………………
  2. C + ………… CO2
  3. NH3 + HCl …………………………………………..
  4. …….. + O2 2NO2

IV. Write the chemical formula of some compounds:

Compound / formula
Sodium hydroxide
Magnesium sulphate
Sodium oxide
Sodium carbonate
Sulphuric acid
Calcium phosphate
Sodium nitrate
Aluminium hydroxide
Aluminium oxide
Hydrochloric acid
  1. Comparisons:
  1. Metals & Non- metals.

Metals / Non- metals
  1. Ionic bond & Covalent bond.

Ionic bond / Covalent bond
  1. Acids & Bases.

Acids / Bases
  1. Mention the negative effects of air pollution on human health.


  1. Problems:

Find the weight of an object of 10 kg. The Earth’s gravity acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.


  1. Importance & uses:

Item / Importance / Use
Weak nuclear force
Strong nuclear force
  1. Give reasons for:
  1. An apple falls from a tree on the ground.


  1. Comparisons :
  1. Mass & Weight

Mass / Weight
  1. Definition:

  1. Light year

  1. The Sun

  1. The planets

  1. Asteroids

  1. Meteors

  1. Meteorites

  1. Comets

  1. The atmosphere

  1. Magma

  1. Igneous rocks

  1. Sedimentary rocks

  1. Metamorphic rocks

  1. Importance or uses:

Item / Importance / Uses
  1. Telescopes

  1. Oxygen gas

  1. Nitrogen gas

  1. Carbon dioxide gas

  1. Earth’s atmosphere (concerning the meteors & meteorites)

  1. Ozone layer

  1. Give reasons for:
  1. The density of inner planets is high.


  1. The density of outer planets is low.


  1. No one can see Halley’s comet more than two times in his life.


  1. Some rocky masses that fall from the space don’t reach the Earth’s surface.


  1. Planet Earth is suitable for life.


  1. What happens if:
  1. A part of large rocky mass within the atmosphere of the Earth that don’t burn up completely.


  1. Absence of ozone layer.


  1. Comparisons:
  1. stars , planets & moons

Stars / Planets / Moons
  1. meteors & comets

Meteors / Comets
  1. oxygen , nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases:

Points of comparison / Oxygen gas / Nitrogen gas / Carbon dioxide gas
Their percentage in air:
  1. The inner planets and the outer planets

Points of comparison / Inner planets / Outer planets
Their arrangement from the Sun
No.of moons rotating around them
Gravitational force
  1. Types of rocks

Points of comparison / Igneous rocks / Sedimentary rocks / Metamorphic rocks

Label the following:

  1. Use litmus paper to identify the kind of the solution in the test tube in front of you write the observation & conclusion

Observation :
If the blue litmus paper turned red.


The solution is acidic solution.

If your Observation is
the red litmus paper turned blue.


your Conclusion should be:

The solution is alkaline solution

  1. Burn a ribbon of magnesium in air.

Observation :
The magnesium shape has completely changed and turned from a bendable bright solid into white powder of a new substance.


Magnesium + Oxygen Magnesium oxide

  1. Study the labels of the following figures