PROCEDURE 2-1: Medical Aseptic Handwashing
Equipment/Supplies: Liquid soap, disposable paper towels, orangewood manicure stick, waste can
Standards: Given the needed equipment and a place to work, the student will perform this skill with ____ % accuracy in a total of ____ minutes. (Your instructor will tell you what the percentage and time limits will be before you begin practicing.)
Key: 4 = Satisfactory 0 = Unsatisfactory NA = This step is not counted
Procedure Steps / self / PARTNER / INSTRUCTOR1. Removed all rings and wristwatch / o / o / o
2. Stood close to the sink without touching it / o / o / o
3. Turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperature of the water to warm / o / o / o
4. Wet the hands and wrists, applied soap, and worked the soap into a lather / o / o / o
5. Removed all rings and wristwatch / o / o / o
6. Rubbed the palms together and rubbed soap between the fingers at least 10 times / o / o / o
7. Scrubbed one palm with the fingertips, worked soap under nails, and then reversed hands / o / o / o
8. Rinsed hands and wrists under warm running water / o / o / o
9. Held the hands lower than the elbows and avoided touching the inside of the sink / o / o / o
10. Using the orangewood stick, cleaned under each nail on both hands / o / o / o
11. Reapplied liquid soap and rewashed the hands and wrists / o / o / o
12. Rinsed the hands again while holding the hands lower than the wrists and elbows / o / o / o
13. Used a dry paper towel to gently dry the hands and wrists / o / o / o
14. Used a dry paper towel to turn off the faucets and discard the paper towel / o / o / o
Total Possible Points: _____
Total Points Earned: _____ Multiplied by 100 = _____
Divided by Total Possible Points = _____%
Pass Fail
o o
Student’s signature ______Date ______
Partner’s signature ______Date ______
Instructor’s signature ______Date ______