Courtland S. Hyatt1

Courtland S. Hyatt

| Cell: 678 983 0961

125 Baldwin St., Athens GA, 30602


The University of Georgia, Athens GA 2014 - Current

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Psychology, Clinical Program

Faculty Supervisor: Joshua Miller, Ph.D.

The University of Georgia, Athens GA 2010 - 2014

B.S. in Psychology, B.A. in Cognitive Science

Magna Cum Laude, Honors Distinction

Major GPA: 4.0, Cumulative GPA: 3.88


Graduate Research Assistantship 2016 - Current

Graduate School Assistantship 2014 -2016

UGA Honors Program 2010 - 2014

CURO Summer Research Fellowship 2013 - 2014

HOPE Scholarship 2010 - 2014


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 2015


Personality Studies Lab, supervised by Dr. Joshua Miller 2012 - Current

Supervision and coordination of studies examining the nomological networks of structural models of personality, particularly externalizing personality pathology

Aggression Lab, supervised by Drs. Amos Zeichner and Joshua Miller 2011 - Current

Development and implementation of laboratory protocols examining laboratory aggression pain tolerance, andpsychophysiology

Reading Comprehension Lab, supervised by Dr. Scott Ardoin 2013 – 2014

Implementation of reading intervention with children for

comparison with oculomotor data


Miller, J.D., Hyatt, C.S., Rausher, S., Maples, J.L., & Zeichner, A. (2014) A test of the construct validity of the Elemental Psychopathy Assessment scores in a community sample of adults. Psychological Assessment, 26(2), 555-562.

Miller, J. D., Rausher, S., Hyatt, C.S., Maples, J.L., & Zeichner, A. (2014) Examining the relations among pain tolerance, psychopathic traits, and violent and nonviolent antisocial behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123(1), 205-213.

Miller, J. D., Wilson, L. F., Hyatt, C. S., & Zeichner, A. (2015). Psychopathic traits and aggression: Which trait components predict aggressive responding in a laboratory task? Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 180-184.

Hyatt, C.S., Berke, D.S., Miller, J.D., & Zeichner, A. (in press). Do beliefs about gender moderate the relationship between misogynistic song lyrics and men’s female-directed aggression? Aggressive Behavior.

Miller, J. D., Hyatt, C.S., Maples-Keller, J. L., Carter, N. T., & Lynam D. R. (in press), Psychopathy and Machiavellianism: A distinction without a difference?Journal of Personality.

Miller, J. D., Lynam, D. R., Hyatt, C. S., & Campbell, W. K. (in press). Controversies in narcissism. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.


Hyatt, C. S., Sleep, C. E., Campbell, W. K., & Miller, J. D. (under review). Exposure to celebrities as a potential explanatory mechanism in the perception of American narcissism.

Sleep, C.E., Hyatt C.S., Miller, J.D., & Lynam, D. R. (under review). Perils of partialling Redux: The case of the dark triad.


Hyatt, C.S., Sleep, C.E., Weiss, B.M, & Miller, J.D. (in press). Personality and aggression: A general trait perspective. In Vazsonyi, A., Flannery, D., & DeLisi, M. (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

CLinical Experience

Position: Psychologist in Training: Adult Therapy Team, June 2016 – Current

Location: Psychology Clinic, The University of Georgia

Supervisor: Emily Mouilso, Ph.D.

-Cognitive-Behavioral interventions for adults with internalizing and externalizing pathology

-Development and implementation of curriculum for caregiver support group

Position: Psychologist in Training: Child Intervention Team, August 2015 – May 2016

Location: Psychology Clinic, The University of Georgia

Supervisors: Justin Lavner, Ph.D., & Anne Shaffer, Ph.D.

-Integratedpsychoeducational assessments with children and adolescents

-Cognitive-Behavioral interventions with adolescents and young adults

Position: Psychologist in Training: Memory Assessment Clinic, August 2014 – July 2015

Location: Psychology Clinic, The University of Georgia

Supervisor: Lloyd Stephen Miller, Ph.D.

-Assessment of adults pertaining to cognitive difficulties and functional impairment

-Intake assessments of clients for smoking cessation project

Position: Group Leader, August 2013 – May 2015

Location: Project Safe Domestic Violence Shelter, Athens, Georgia

Supervisor: Donna Thompson, M.S.

-Group interventions with children and adolescents from violent homes


Hyatt, C.S., Berke, D.S., Miller, J.D., & Zeichner, A. (2014, April). Examining the effects of violent lyrical content on misogynist aggression. CURO ResearchSymposium. Athens, GA.

Hyatt, C.S., Miller, J.D., Maples, J. L., Carter, N. T., & Lynam, D. R. (2016, September), Psychopathy and Machiavellianism: A distinction without a difference? Society for Research in Psychopathology. Baltimore, MD

Sleep, C. E., Lynam, D. R., Hyatt, C. S., & Miller, J. D. (2016, September). Perils of partialling redux: The case of the dark triad. Society for Research in Psychopathology.Baltimore, MD


-Diversity Committee, August 2014 – Current

-Student-Faculty Committee, August 2014 – Current

-Graduate Student Committee, August 2015 – July 2016