Intermediate Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Hear My Sorrow
Publisher: / Genre: Historical Fiction / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level: S 740 L
Literacy Core Objective:
Analyze and interpret narrative text in a summary / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
To identify how the rights of people have changed in a summary of similarities and differences
Content Core Objective:
Rights and responsibilities of citizens / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
Summarize the similarities and differences of people from the books time period until now.
ELL Language Objective:
Record how rights have changed on a graphic organizer and summary statement
Before Reading
Vocabulary: hod carrier (6), dingy (8), pushcart (8), vendor (8), tenement (9), elevated train (21), remnants (23), quiver (23), pierced (31), moor (36), violate (40), jostled (54), peddler (57), thrashes (58), corsets (61), subcontractors (61), picket line (68) scabs (83), hoarse (85), rally (89), bristled (124), matchmakers (136), jostled (146), tribute (159)
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge: Tell students that there has been a new school law, and they will now go to school for 52 hours a week, which is 10 hours each day with a 30 minute lunch and 5 hours on Saturday.
Comprehension Strategy: Predicting Making Connections Inferring, Visualizing,
Questioning Determining Importance Clarifying and self-monitoring Summarizing Synthesizing
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
1. How and why did Angela get her diary?
2. How is Angela like the sparrow?
3. Why does Angela feel comfortable writing all her thoughts in her diary?
4. Angela and Luisa are sisters, but they are very different. Explain the differences between the two girls.
5. What is meant by paesani? How do the people in Angela’s building help each other? Do neighbors still look after each other today?
5. How does meeting Sarah Goldstein change Angela?
6. What is the difference between a strike and a lockout?
7. In what way was America better than Italy?
8. Why was it so important for all the workers to stick together?
9.. What did Angela and the other shirtwaist workers gain as a result of their strike?
10. Describe the Triangle fire. Why did 146 people die?
11. Even though life in New York has been very hard for the Denoto family, why does Mama refuse to go back to Sicily ?
12. Why is Angela’s diary called Hear My Sorrow?
13. What is the difference between an open and a closed shop?
14. Read the Epilogue to see what happened to Angela. Why do you think she chose those names for her three daughters?
15. What are the rules for picketers today?
16. What is the average work week now and would you like working 52 hours a week
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
Graphic organizer and summary paragraph from objectives. / Activities:
1. In 1909 things cost a lot less than they do now. Look at the prices for the following items mentioned in Angela’s diary: Rent--$14 per month, milk-8 cents a quart, shoes-$2 a pair, umbrella-$1, gloves-79 cents a pair. What do these things cost today?
2. Angela goes to the fire escape when she wants to be alone and write. Do you have a special place you enjoy where you like to go to write or read? Tell about it.
3.After Teresa dies, Angela wishes she had a photograph of her. She also wishes she had one of herself. Think about photographs you’ve taken or that have been taken of you. Do you have a favorite? If possible, bring it to share with your group. If you were a photographer and could take a picture of anything, what would you choose and why?
4. Angela’s mother makes artificial flowers to sell for ladies’ hats. Try making some flowers using the instructions at
5. Teachers and discussion leaders: The following website provides excellent additional information on the Triangle Factory fire.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.

Name : ______

1. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



2. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



3. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



4. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



5. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



6. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



7. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



8. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



9. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



10. (Word) ______

(Definition) ______



Work Conditions Work Conditions

In 1909 Now