Training currently on offer from the Social, Emotional, Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) Team

Offered as part of the Quality First training brochure

(Bradford Schools Online)


Name of Course / Course No / Date / Time / Venue
(Future House) / Course
How to Create a Risk Assessment / Q1013P/18 / 29 January 2014 / 8.45 am to 12.15 pm / Numeracy Room / Sara Burgess
Anger Management Training / Q1013P/19 / 10 March 2014 / 9.00 am to 12.00 pm / Numeracy Room / Martina Walsh
Creative Approaches to Learning and Nurturing / Q1013P/20 / 28 March 2014 / 9.00 am to 12.30 pm / Literacy Room / Liz Merrick
6 Stages of Crisis / Q1013P/21 / 8 May 2014 / 9.00 am to 4.00 pm / Conf A and B / Sara Burgess
Developing Positive Lunchtimes / Q1013P/25 / 11 June 2014 / 09.00 am to 1.00 pm / Literacy Room / Justine Burnhill

'We're not allowed to touch them, are we?'

How to create a risk management plan around a child with BESD

29 January 2014 – 08.45 to 12.15 pm

We often see children in schools whose behaviour is driven by emotional issues resulting in crisis behaviour. Sometimes staff are unclear in the role they are legally permitted to take to support that child, whether their behaviour is withdrawn and emotional or violent and aggressive. This course covers the principles that underlie this behaviour, what the law says about physical contact, and how to draw up a robust plan to manage the behaviour and how to record incidents. Please note this is NOT a course about how to restrain.

Target Audience: Colleagues who have children who need to be held or supported through emotional trauma

Workshop Leaders: Sara Burgess- SEBD Team, Children’s Services

Booking: Please complete Course Application Form on Bradford Schools Online

at foot of Nurture Group page or from Quality First brochure

Venue: Future House (Numeracy Room)

Cost: £75.00 per delegate

Anger Management Training

for Learning Mentors, Teaching Assistants

and Support Staff

10 March 2014 - 9.00 am to 12.00 pm

Course Content:

•Understanding the 6 stages of crisis and the interventions that can be used at each stage

•Reflecting upon practice and informing procedures and policies

•Practical paperwork: documents that inform practice for the individual pupil

Learning Outcomes:

Learning Mentors and Teaching Assistants will:

•Understand the underlying reasons for children going into crisis

•Learn the stages of a crisis

•Learn at what point to best provide support to prevent children going into crisis

•Learn some practical strategies for 1 to 1 support and small group interventions

•Understand what support is available for the children in your school on the special needs register at School Action, School Action Plus and Statement whose primary need is around behaviour

Target Audience: Support Staff, Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentors

Workshop Leaders: Martina Walsh - SEBD Team, Children’s Services

Booking: Please complete Course Application Form on Bradford Schools Online

at foot of Nurture Group page or from Quality First brochure

Venue: Future House (Numeracy Room)

Cost: £75.00 per delegate



Poor behaviour and learning is compromised by strong emotions. Strong emotions can lead children to become troubled and can create feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness and dread. Children can act out their strong emotions through aggression and restlessness. They can also have poor concentration, low self-esteem and become disengaged in learning.


Participants will be able to:

1Identify, track and manage strong emotions that lead to “acting out,” behaviour

2Create emotionally safe and supportive classrooms and schools

3Enhance their own capacity to see and act upon creative options in the moment of “fire,”/confrontation.

Audience:Teaching Assistants, SENCOs, Higher LevelTeaching Assistants, Class Teachers and Newly Qualified Teachers, Learning Mentors

Duration: Half day - 09.00 to 12.30 on Friday 28 March 2014

Venue: Future House (Literacy Room)

Course Run by: Liz Merrick, SEBD Team

Booking details:Please complete Course Application Form on Bradford Schools Online at foot of Nurture Group page or from Quality First brochure

Cost: £75.00

The course may continue as a surgery option once a month depending on take up.

Six stages of a Crisis; de-escalating and diffusing, repairing and reflecting

8 May 2014 – 9.00 am to 4.00 pm


• Understanding the 6 stages of crisis and the interventions that can be used at each stage.

•Reflecting upon practice and informing procedures and policies.

•Practical paperwork: documents that inform practice for the individual pupil.

Learning Outcomes

• Participants will be shown ways to plan for behaviour crises within their classrooms.

• They will have a clear understanding of strategies at all 6 stages of crisis.

• They will take away useful documents that will enable reflection and inform their practice

• They will learn how to implement procedures for individuals within their class.

• The nurturing principles of practice will underpin the training.

Target Audience: Teachers and Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors, SLTs, NQTs and SENCos

Workshop Leaders: Sara Burgess and Anna Robinson - SEBD Team,

Children’s Services

Booking: Please complete Course Application Form on Bradford Schools Online

at foot of Nurture Group page or from Quality First brochure

Venue: Future House

Cost: £150.00 per delegate

11 June 2014- 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

Are Lunchtimes in your school giving you a headache? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. The SEBD Team have found that challenging behaviour at lunchtimes is a problem common to many schools. It was for this reason that our ‘BEING BUDDIES’ lunchtime resource was developed.

We are presenting a morning workshop full of ideas and strategies to help you make lunchtimes a more positive experience for your children, and we will look closely at how you can set up your own Lunchtime Buddying Scheme. We will also take time to discuss the role of adults on the playground at lunchtimes.

During the morning, there will be opportunities to share ideas and experiences with colleagues from a range of primary schools in our city.

Target Audience: primary schools’ teaching staff/Learning Mentors with an interest in lunchtimes

Workshop Leaders: Justine Burnhill - SEBD Team, Children’s Services

Booking: Please complete Course Application Form on Bradford Schools Online

at foot of Nurture Group page or from Quality First brochure

Venue: Future House

Cost: £85.00 per delegate

(Lunch and refreshments will be provided)