Courses and Curricula Committee Meeting
March 27th, 2007
245Taylor Education Building
Meeting called to order at 1:00 p.m. Members present were Kim Miller (KHP), , Tricia Ferrigno (EDL), Lee Ann Jung (EDSRC), Karen Tice (EPE), and Associate Dean Rosetta Sandidge(ex-officio). Administrative Associate Jason Horger took notes.
New Business:
- Suspension of Secondary Classics Education Program
- Suspension of Secondary French Education Program
- Suspension of Secondary German Education Program
- Suspension of Secondary Spanish Education Program
Programs to be suspended due to lack of program faculty advisor, and transition of Master’s certification program from College of Education to College of Arts & Sciences.
Proposals PASSED unanimously.
- Request for Change in Undergraduate Program, Middle School Education
Dean Sandidge presented the request for Department of Curriculum & Instruction. She explained that as part of the Curriculum Alignment grant, subcommittees for each of the certifiable areas in Middle School (jointly consisting of Arts & Sciences and Education faculty) made the suggested revisions. The changes in core content were made per expectations for Middle School teachers. Dean Sandidge also stressed that these changes dealt ONLY with subject area, and not program related studies (which would come in later revisions).
Proposals PASSED with one abstention.
- Request for Change in Undergraduate Program, Secondary Mathematics Education
Dean Sandidge explained that Margaret Mohr (Math Education program faculty chair) had intended to eliminate Plan Two and Three from the major because students don’t get sufficient depth in any one area with those options.
Proposals PASSED unanimously.
- Request for Change in Master’s Program, Master’s in Initial Certification
Dean Sandidge clarified that this proposal substitutes the current courses EDU 645 and EDU 745 with departmental courses, firstly to give the respective departments credit for the heretofore ‘volunteer’ distribution of effort for work in the two courses, and secondly to attribute permanent course numbers for the pedagogical courses.. As a result, EDU 645 (9 hours) would be replaced by EDC 645 (3 hours), EDC 646 (3 hours), EDP 658 (1 hour), EDS 558 (1 hour) and EPE 773 (1 hour). Also, EDU 745 would be replaced by EDC 745 (3 hours) and EDL 770 (1 hour). This would raise the number of credits for the MIC program from 33 to 34 hours.
The proposal PASSED in principle** unanimously.
**NOTE--After the meeting, it was determined that the proposal should be tabled in lieu of a College of Education faculty decision until formal presentations for course changes (of EDU 645 to EDC 645 and EDU 745 to EDC 745) and a new course proposal (for EDC 646) had passed the department level, as the courses are not listed in the University Bulletin.
- Admissions and Appeals Proposal (for information only--non-voting item)
Dean Sandidge proffered the Department of C&I’s effort to codify an appeals process, but emphasized that before Courses & Curricula committee approval, the proposal should unify all fifty-one certification programs across the Professional Education Unit (which incorporates programs in other departments and colleges). The proposal will need to be ratified by Program Faculty Chairs before consideration by the Courses & Curricula committee.
Meeting adjourned at 1:55 pm.