Self-Directed Courses-CDV10 Unit 1
Unit 1: Personal Management
The following unit will reflect the General Learning Outcomes A, B and C as outlined in the Manitoba Education curriculum document.
The purpose of the CDV10 curriculum is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on life and work exploration. Due to the reflective nature of this course, the majority of the assessment will be based on a degree of complete vs. incomplete.
Each question will be assessed based on the number of points that have been allocated. Each point may be earned for each idea presented (i.e. If a question is worth 3 points, an adequate response for completion would be 3 different ideas presented in a well written form where requested.)
Partial points may be awarded for incomplete responses or where adequate information has not been provided by the student.
For successful completion of this course, CDV10, students will be required to complete a minimum of 2 weeks practicum in a work place. This placement will be arranged between Administration and the workplace.
A final project following the practicum must be completed prior to receiving credit for this course.
GLO A: Build and Maintain a positive self-image
Goal: to recognize how positive characteristics are the basis of a positive self-image
- Think about people who have a positive self-concept. What types of adjectives (words to describe) would you use to describe them?
( 3 points)
a. ______
- ______
- ______
- Think about people who have a negative self-concept. What types of adjectives would you use to describe them? (3 points)
a. ______
- ______
- ______
- Explain how a positive self-image can affect you as a person?
(4 points)
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- When I consider my own image of myself I feel my self-image is
Positive / Negative. (Circle one for 1 point)
- Fill each rectangle with an adjective to describe “you”. (4 points)
- Which of the above adjectives would you say best describes you?
(1 point)
- Which of the above adjectives would your friends say best describes you? (1 point)
*Total points earned = ______/ 17
Goal setting and creating an education plan
Part A
Refer to the following website: There you will find a link on the left side titled
“Course Guide” Click on this link to find a list of courses and a brief description for each. Use this information to select a path for learning and help you to set your goals for your education plan.
You will notice that according to the Manitoba Education diploma standards you are required to have 17 compulsory credits and 13 option credits to earn at total of 30 credits towards graduation.
From the list of courses offered at P.C.I., select the option courses that best suit your interests and support your long-term plan for the future.
(10 points -1 for each option listed)
Part B
Now that you have established which courses you would like to take as options, refer to the previous website (Part A) to gather the names of the 17 compulsory courses that are required for graduation. (17 points)
Grade 9Grade 10
Grade 11Grade 12
Each year it is important to revisit your academic plan to ensure you are following a path that will lead you to successful employment in the future years or following graduation.
List three potential long-term occupational goals and the training options that would help you to achieve these goals. These goals/training options should reflect the option courses that you have selected for the previous activity.
- Possible Occupation #1 (this would be your most preferred option)
Training and/or courses that will help me to achieve this goal. (training may include both paid and voluntary work options). 4 points
A.1. ______
- Possible Occupation #2
Training and/or courses that will help me to achieve this goal. (training may include both paid and voluntary work options). 4 points
B.1. ______
- Possible Occupation #3
Training and/or courses that will help me to achieve this goal. (training may include both paid and voluntary work options). 4 points
C.1. ______
Goal Setting Assignment
- After considering my preferred occupations and the training necessary for each of these occupations, I have decided that my “Long Term” goal for post-graduation (after I graduate) will be
(2 points):
In order to achieve my Long Term goal it is necessary that I set “Short Term” goals to help me stay on track. (3 points)
- Three short term goals that I have set for myself to ensure that I stay on track for my Long Term goal are:
- ______
- ______
- ______
*Total points ______/ 17
Increasing Self-Awareness to assist with career planning
It is important to consider our own skills, interests, values and personal preferences when selecting a career. Complete the following path that will help you to organize your experiences, interests, values and special skills you may already have.
(3 points for each arrow)
- Life / Work experiences
B. Interests
Identify 2 ideas that you would consider important for work to be satisfying for you. (2 points)
*Total points earned = ______/ 14
GLO B: Interact positively and effectively with others
Goal: To identify and demonstrate effective communication skills
Explain how each of the following can facilitate “effective communication skills: (2 points each = 10 points total)
- Listening skills
- ______
- ______
- Giving and receiving feedback
- ______
- ______
- Group decision-making skills
- ______
- ______
- Problem solving skills
- ______
- ______
- Respecting others
- ______
- ______
Goal: To explore sources and effects of peer pressure
According to the Wikipedia website Peer Pressure is described as follows:
“Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. Social groups affected include membership groups, in which individuals are "formally" members (such as, political partys and trade unions), or social cliques in which membership is not clearly defined. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to these groups. They may also recognize dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely concerning that group's behaviors.[citation needed]
Peer pressure is most commonly associated with youth, in part because most youth spend large amounts of time in schools and other fixed groups that they do not choose and are seen as lacking the maturity to handle pressure from friends. Also, young people are more willing to behave negatively towards those who are not members of their own peer groups.[citation needed]
Peer pressure can also have positive effects when people are pressured toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics or athletics, by their peers. This is most commonly seen in youths who are active in sports or other extracurricular activities where conformity with one's peer group is strongest.[citation needed
Taken from :
Using the above information explain and respond to the following questions:
- What is peer pressure? Explain (4 points)
- Think of a time when you have observed a situation that involved peer pressure (either directly or indirectly). Describe the situation and the outcome.
People involved (only first names or fictitious names will be accepted for privacy reasons) (1 point)
Situation/Setting (i.e. What happened?) (3 points)
End result or outcome (3 points)
- How do we deal with peer pressure? Explain 3 strategies that may be used to help deal with a situation that involves peer pressure. This could be considered as good advice that you may give a friend who may be experiencing peer pressure. (3 points)
a. ______b. ______c. ______
*Total points earned = ______/ 24
Goal: Explore the implications, effects and consequences of helping others.
Choose 2 volunteering options that you have either participated in or considered participating in.
- ______
How is this organization supported by volunteers? (2 points)
Would this organization be able to function without the support of volunteers? (2 points)
Does this organization offer a positive opportunity for the local community? Or is this an organization that the community can be without? (2 points)
- ______
How is this organization supported by volunteers? (2 points)
Would this organization be able to function without the support of volunteers? (2 points)
Does this organization offer a positive opportunity for the local community? Or is this an organization that the community can be without? (2 points)
A volunteer does not receive a pay cheque for the time that is invested in the work that is done. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
“Volunteerism is and should be the responsibility of everyone in society?”
Assignment: Write a short paragraph defending your position on the statement above. You must choose either agree or disagree. Your paragraph must support your opinion.
Criteria for your paragraph must include:
- an opening/introductory sentence (2 points)
- 4 well written sentences that support the argument (4 points)
- Spelling and grammatical structure must be correct (2 points)
Goal: Explore and practice financial management skills
Creating a Budget
A budget is a financial plan that is used to help people live within a specific amount of money. The total funds are usually allocated per month and spending is limited and funds are reallocated as necessary.
The following chart provides an outline representing monthly expenses.
Refer to the following page to complete the following questions in Part A, B and C.
Part A -Complete the chart by brainstorming various items that may fall into each category. Sample ideas have been provided to assist with the completion of the chart. (7 points- 1 for the completion of each box under the “Monthly Expenses” column)
Part B –Interview and discuss possible expenses and/or costs associated with each of the categories with an older family member or friend (must be a person who has lived independently for at least 2 years). Record an amount in the expenditures column as an approximate total for each of the categories (8 points-1 for each amount in the highlighted boxes under the “Expenditures” column)
Creating A Budget Assignment Worksheet
Instructions are listed on the previous page.
Name / Monthly Expenses / ApproximateExpenditures
Groceries / Example: Food for home
Clothing / Example: Include boots, shoes, coats, work and leisure clothes
Accommodations / Example: Rent or mortgage payment
Utilities, taxes
Transportation / Example: Monthly payments, include vehicle insurance, taxi, bus
Miscellaneous / Example: Toiletries, haircut, pet care
Leisure / Example: movies
Other items
Savings / Example: Life insurance, travel, retirement, etc.
Total monthly expenses
People interviewed (those who assisted in the collection of information as defined in Part B. (1 point)
Part C –Observations and conclusions
Based on your research and conversation with other adults, what was the most outstanding conclusion that you made? (7 points for a well written conclusion)
Criteria for paragraph:
- an opening/introductory sentence (2 points)
- 3 well written sentences that support the observation/conclusion (3 points)
- Spelling and grammatical structure must be correct (2 points)
GLO C: Change and grow throughout one’s life
Goal: to determine that change and growth have an impact on mental and physical health.
Erik Erikson and the Stages of Psycho-Social Development
Erik Erikson was a very influential German psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory of human development that explored the development of identity over eight stages of life from birth to death. Each stage is concerned with a particular conflict that must be resolved and a particular event or issue around which this conflict resolves itself. The following chart outlines the various stages:
Stage / Age Range / Conflict / Event/Issue1 / birth to
one year old / trust versus mistrust / feeding
2 / one to three years old / autonomy versus doubt / toilet training
3 / three to six years old / initiative versus inadequacy / independence
4 / six to twelve years old / industry versus inferiority / school
5 / twelve to eighteen years old / identity versus confusion / peer relationships
6 / eighteen to forty years old / intimacy versus isolation / love relationships
7 / forty to sixty-five years old / productivity versus stagnation / parenting
8 / sixty-five years old until death / integrity versus despair / acceptance of one’s life
Using the information table from the previous page, complete the following chart explaining each stage of development according to Erik Erikson.
Describe at least one physical and one mental change that takes place at each stage of development. (16 points)
Stage / Physical changes / Mental changes1
Goal: To identify and develop strategies for dealing with change.
After considering each of the 8 stages of development, what are some of the strategies that people use to deal with “change”. For example: how does an infant deal with the conflict of trust vs mistrust and the issue of being fed?
Choose 4 stages of the Psyco-Social Development (previous chart) and explain at least one strategy you would consider using for dealing with or managing change. Another way to consider this is to pretend you were asked to give advice to someone at each of stages. What advice could you give them for dealing with changes? Remember you must consider the stage of development. (16 points)
Stage / Conflict / Event/Issue / How change is dealt with during this stageGoal: To identify and review stress management techniques used in response to life situations
Identify a situation that you have experience that has been “stressful” or difficult to manage. Briefly outline this situation. (12 points total)
Situation:(2 points)
People involved:(1 point)
According to your observations, what made the situation stressful? What was the “root” of the problem? (2 points)
How did you deal with this particular situation? What strategies did you use to help you deal with this stress? (3 points)
Was your response to the situation helpful in reducing the stress? Might there have been an alternate way to manage this stress? (2 points)
What advice could you give another person who may experience this same type of stressful situation? (2 points)
**It is important to note that everyone experiences stress in different ways and at different levels. It is important that you determine what causes your “stress” in your life and find ways to help you to manage and deal with this “stress”. Once you are able to identify your feelings and how different situations make you feel, you can learn to deal effectively with these feelings. Remember this is different for everyone.
Goal: To identify and review stress management techniques used in response to life situations and to recognize and explore ways to express personal feelings.
Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division