Culver City High School
Course: World History Teacher: Mr. Minguet
Term: 2017-2018 email:
Culver City High School is an engaged and caring community where diversity is valued and respected. We
are committed to educating and inspiring all students to become life-long learners and contributing
members of our global society.
Culver City High School believes:
1. Each member of our school community plays an integral part in making student success a
2. That all students are provided the necessary resources and opportunities to become successful
Collaborative Workers, Adaptable Problem Solvers, Critical Thinkers, Involved Citizens,
Quality Producers and Self-Guided Achievers.
3. That all students are immersed in vigorous, standards-based curricula that promotes higher
level thinking skills.
4. That all students are capable of learning and as such, we educate the whole person providing
students the necessary support to achieve their fullest potential.
5. That we value diversity and promote tolerance and espouse understanding and compassion.
6. That the aesthetic value of our campus is an important part of student achievement.
Course Description: Students in grade ten study major turning points that have shaped the modern world from the late 18th century through the present. The trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current issues.
Essential Standards / Essential SkillsStudents will:
1. analyze the development of western political thought and its impact on England, the US, France and Latin America.
2. analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution world-wide.
3. analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism.
4. analyze the causes and effects of World War I.
5. analyze the rise of totalitarian regimes after World War I.
6. analyze the causes and the consequences of WWII
7. analyze the international developments after World War II, which created a worldwide Cold War.
8. analyze struggles for democracy and nation building in the contemporary world. / Students will be able to:
- Read, interpret, and analyze texts including primary and secondary sources.
- Analyze features of historical evidence such as historical context, audience, purpose, and P.O.V.
- Utilize historical thinking skills including compare and contrast, causes and effects, continuity and change, assessing turning points and chronological reasoning.
- Respond effectively to short answer questions (SAQs).
- Write a 5-paragraph Essay that includes an effective thesis, introduction, evidence, and conclusion.
- Analyze common and contrasting arguments from a variety of sources to write an effective DBQ essay.
- Develop academic language through discussions, debates, Socratic seminars, and presentations.
Textbook(s) & Supplementary Materials Provided:
- Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction (McDougal Littell)
- Various primary and/or secondary sources (hard copy or internet)
Materials: 3 ring binder with college ruled paper, blue/black pen,pencil, textbook (upon request)
Graded Assignments: All assignments will be posted in class and on the CCHS website A minimum 30 minutes of study is expected each night including reading, writing, projects, and/or research. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period (unless otherwise specifically stated) or it will be considered late. Late assignments can receive a maximum of 50% credit and will only be accepted one day after the due date.
Make-Up Work: It is YOUR responsibility to find out the missing homework assignments from the homework board or school website.Students can only make up assignments if absence is excused by attendance office.
Make-up Assessments: Students will usually make up tests or quizzes upon their return from the absence. If this is not possible alternate arrangements can be made. Students can only make up assessments if absence is excused by attendance office.
. Grading Policy/Points Converted to Percentages:
Assessments: Writing (short answer, paragraph, essay)= 35%
Assessments: Matching, Multiple Choice, T/F= 25%
Participation: (Speaking and Listening focus) In-class discussions, debates, pair or group work = 15%
Practice/Review assignments/Projects= 15%
Final Assessment= 10%
Points Converted to: A =94-100%A- =93-90% B+ = 89-87% B= 84-86% B- = 83-80%
C+ = 79-77% C= 76-74% C- = 73-70% D+ = 69-67% D= 66-64% D- 63-60%
F = below 60%
*Participation: We at Culver City High School expect all our students to attend school regularly and arrive to all classes on time, ready to participate, learn and achieve. Participation consists of, but is not limited to, arriving to class on time with all appropriate materials, ready to be a positive and productive member of the class.
Films in Class: We will watch a variety of edited film clips in class that will supplement knowledge of World History. Some clips come from films that have been rated R by the MPAA.
* I strictly adhere to the Culver City High School Academic Honesty policy – plagiarism & cheating will have severe consequences. Have integrity.
Behavior Standards and Expectations:
1. Respect others at all times. That includes: your classmates, your teachers, your campus, and yourself.
2. Be in your seat, prepared, and ready to work when the bell rings.
3. Adhere to all school rules including the hat, dress, and electronics policy.
Consequences of violation of class rules:
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Student/teacher conference and detention
3rd Offense: Parent phone call and possible parent/teacher/student conference and detention.
Note: If the violation is severe, the teacher reserves the right to immediately remove the student from class.
I have reviewed the course syllabus for World History and I clearly understand it and will abide by it.
Parent Name: ______Signature______
Parent Contact: Phone______& e-mail______
Student Signature:______Date:______
Student Name: (Print)______Period:______
I have reviewed the course syllabus for World History and I clearly understand it and will abide by it.
Parent Name: ______Signature______
Parent Contact: Phone______& e-mail______
Student Signature:______Date:______
Student Name: (Print)______Period:______