2017-18 Study Skills Syllabus
Course Title: Study Skills Credit: .5 per semester
Instructor: Sarah Buck School Email:
Course Content:
1. Daily Work – completion of work from core and elective courses
2. Independent reading, IXL, etc. – as time permits
3. Student Accountability – completing grade checks, using class time for academic purposes
Class activities will include individualized instruction and remediation, completion of work from other classes, and assistance with homework, projects, papers and tests. Students are expected to come prepared to work on something every day. Students not utilizing class time appropriately on a regular basis will be placed in another elective.
Grading Schedule: Students will receive at least 1 grade per week. Students earn their grade by staying on task, working in class on homework assignments, studying for tests, reading independently, and the completion of their weekly grade check (student responsibility). There may also be Enrichment Activities (IXL) assigned.
Progress reports and/or monitoring: Parents have the ability to monitor their child’s progress for every class by using Infinite Campus, ourstudent accountability program.
Required Supplies: pen/pencil/paper, class assignments, reading novels, etc.
Grading Scale: Daily Participation - 50%; Grade Check- 30%; Enrichment Activity - 20%
Final: There is no final exam for Study Skills.
Participation: Being alert and attentive, participating appropriately in goal setting and conferencing, completing assignments, coming to class with the required materials, and being respectful will result in both academic and personal success.
Expectations: The expectation is for every student to achieve to the best of their ability. Students should come prepared and ready to work. Classroom rules adhere to the Student Handbook. Please pay close attention to the segments that deal with cell phones, electronic devices and the dress code. Students may have bottled water in the classroom but no other food or drinks. Exceptions are at the
instructor’s discretion.
In order to sustain a community of trust in which students and teachers can work together to develop their educational potential and goals, ethical standards of honesty are expected so that all students may compete fairly in the classroom to earn their academic standing through their own efforts. Violations of the honor code include lying, cheating, or stealing. Acts of cheating are defined as follows:
1. Willfully copying or allowing class assignments to be copied.
2. Falsely presenting another's work as his/her own work.
3. Using notes or any other prompts to assist in answering test questions, unless allowed by the
4. Acquiring answers to test questions or homework by looking at any other students’ papers.
5. Being informed, or informing verbally or otherwise, of test questions or answers either during or prior to the testing situation, as well as answers to homework assignments for which you are given.
6. Plagiarizing someone else’s words or ideas.
7. Use of online resources to assist with homework, class assignments, quizzes, or tests is prohibited unless approved and allowed by the teacher.
A student who has been found to have violated the community of trust as expressed in the honor code will receive no credit (a zero) for the assignment on which the violation occurred, and his/her parent will be informed. Any student violating the academic honor code will lose semester test exemption status in all classes and recommendation for denial or dismissal from National Honor Society. Additional consequences may be added at the discretion of school personnel.
Study Skills SYLLABUS
Parents/students: Please read all information on the syllabus and sign and return this sheet tomorrow.
I have read the attached syllabus and I understand all the procedures and rules.
Student Signature Student Name (printed)
Parent Signature Parent Name (printed)
Home Number Parent/Guardian Work Number/Cell Number
Student E-mail Address (printed) Parent/ Guardian Email address (printed)
Additional Information: I want to make every effort to learn more about your son/daughter in hopes of making their experience in high school successful. Please take a moment and share your thoughts. Your insight is priceless and deeply appreciated. Thank you.
1. What is the Number One thing I can do to help your child be successful at school?
2. What is the Number One thing I should know about your child and their school experiences?
3. What is your Number One expectation for your child in SS?