
EDUCATION Ph.D. in Marriage and Family

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (1995)

Master of Social Work

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI (1984)

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Trinity College, Deerfield, IL (1981)

PROFESSONAL Saint Leo University

EXPERIENCE Saint Leo, FL (1/2008-Present)

Director, Masters of Social Work Program

Associate Professor/Administrator

Department of Social Work

Saint Leo, Florida

Develop and manage the Masters of Social Work Program. Teach courses, create syllabi, and advise students.

Saint Leo University

Saint Leo, FL (8/2000-12/2007)

Chair, Bachelor of Social Work Program and

Associate Professor/Director of Field Instruction

Manage the Bachelor of Social Work program. Develop and implement department’s execution objectives. Prepare and manage annual budget. Conduct department meetings. Make recommendations for hiring and firing of faculty. Evaluate faculty performance. Coordinate activities inside and outside department. Develop future programs. Represent colleagues at School/University level. Select department representatives to University committee. Communicate department needs to dean and above. Develop course schedules. Facilitate and maintain effective communication and relationships with and among department faculty. Teach courses, create syllabi, advise students and manage the field education program.

Saint Leo University

Saint Leo, FL (1/99-7/2002)

Associate Professor and Director of Field Instruction

Create syllabi and course outlines. Prepare and deliver weekly classroom lectures on Methods of Social Work Practice I and II, Pre-Internship, Issues in Gender and Cultural Diversity, Human Behavior in the Social Work Environment, and Senior Seminar. Also the freshman course, UNV 101-Introduction to the World of Thought and a Perspective course, Human Behavior Perspective and other courses as assigned. Grade research papers and special projects. Recruit field sites and coordinate all field activities. Implement a grant, conduct needs assessments, and write research papers. Advise students.

Apalachee Center for Human Service, Inc., Employee Assistance Program

Tallahassee, FL (8/93-12/98)

Counseling Associate. Responsibilities include provision of direct clinical services to individuals, couples, and families and provide consulting to the contracted agencies which include State departments businesses and social services agencies. Provide linkage and referral services for contract employees statewide. Consult with program director regarding contract management and marketing needs. Provide supervisory trainings, wellness training seminars and trauma debriefings to employees of state agencies and private businesses who have experienced a critical and/or traumatic incident. Facilitate groups for health professionals who were dealing with compassion fatigue. Supervise social work interns from the Florida State University School of Social Work.

Florida State Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

Tallahassee, FL (12/87-6/93)

Assistant Clinic Manager. Development and maintenance of Clinic procedures for intakes, assessments, and weekly activity reports. Provision of financial and utilization reports. Clinic liaison between administration and student-therapists regarding policy, program procedures, and personnel issues. Responsibilities included completion of intake assessments and referrals, computer data operation and accounts receivable.

Florida Sate Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

Tallahassee, FL (6/91-7/92)

Family Support Project/Desert Storm Operation Coordinator. Responsibilities included development of an integrated service delivery program to support veterans. Support included assessment of community resources in meeting medical, economic, mental health and social needs. Worked collaboratively with national, state and community agencies to ensure provision of cost-effect services to veterans.

Florida State Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

Tallahassee, FL (6/91-7/92)

Clinic Supervisor of Family Support Project Therapists. Supervised Family Support Project therapists with case management and client caseload. Provided direct clinical supervision to students in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program and social work interns.

Florida State Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

Tallahassee, FL (6/91-7/92)

Family Support Project Therapist. Provided direct clinical services to military families.

Catholic Social Services Agency

Racine, WI (84-87)

Clinical Social Worker. Provided direct clinical services to female survivors of incest, child abuse victims and their families, and perpetrators. Also provided family services to adolescents who were adjudicated delinquents or in need of protective services. Conducted groups for the following populations: adult female survivors of incest, adolescent sexual abuse perpetrators, adjudicated adolescents, and singles. Collaborated with social services, courts, physicians, and other mental health professionals in coordinating service deliver. Developed and implemented program evaluation for agency.

ADVANCED Florida State Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

CLINICAL Tallahassee, FL (88-91)

EXPERIENCE Provision of clinical therapy for individuals, couples and families. Major portion of caseload consisted of female survivors of incest and child sexual abuse. Member of the clinical trauma team that utilized a team approach in helping traumatized individuals, couples and families. Caseload included victims of rape, sexual abuse, and head-injury clients.

Florida State University School of Social Work (1990)

Teaching Assistant

Social Work Family Counseling

Florida State University School of Social Work

(1992-1994, 1998)

Field Instructor

SOW 5535 Advanced Clinical Field Instruction

PROFESSIONAL Red Cross Mental Health Volunteer 1995-1999

AFFILIATIONS Employee Assistance Professional Association 1997-2000

Council on Social Work Education 1999-present

Baccalaureate Program Directors’ Association 1999-present

National Association of Christian Social Workers 2000-present

COMMUNITY Saint Leo University Social Club, Faculty Advisor 1999-2008

SERVICE Students United Against Violence 1999-2000

Academic Standards Committee

Committee Chair 2007-2011

Admissions and Financial Aid Committee 2000-2002

Sunrise of Pasco County, Board of Director Member 2000-2005

University Senator, Saint Leo University 2000-2011

Pasco Kid’s First, Board of Director’s Member 2003-present

Board President 2009-2013

Sexual Assault Task Force Committee 2004-2004

Online Task Force Committee 2005-2006

General Education Review Committee 2005-2006

Institutional Research Board 2010-Present

Academic Excellence Committee 2012-2014

KRA: Teaching and Learning Innovation 2015-present

GRANTS Prodigy Cultural Arts Grant-Department of Juvenile Justice



Grant manager for three sites in Pasco and Pinellas counties. responsible for hiring site director and managing directors, assistants, and instructors. Manage the delivery services for the three sites. Prepare monthly reports to the grantor.

United Way of Pasco County Needs Assessment 2000 (1999-2000)


Co-Project Manger responsible for hiring research assistants and coordinating all aspects of assessment process. Develop relationships with human service community, key informants, and other stakeholders. Report to United Way Board of Directors and United Way Needs Advisory Board. Inform general community of progress of needs assessment. Coordinate survey mail out, data collection, analysis, and preparation and dissemination of final report.

State Improvement Grant (SIG)/Faculty Innovation Institute (FII) Action Plans Project. (2003)


The Education and Social Services flagship team received a grant to develop an innovative program for the Education department.


Lee, C., Scotland-Coogan, D., & Whitworth, J. The Administration and Teaching of a Live, Web-Based, Conferencing Platform MSW Program. (2013) Workshop presented at the CSWE 2013 Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.

Lee, C., & Nelson, P. Accessing Social Work Practice Skills Via Webcam Technology. (2010) Workshop presented at the CSWE 2010 Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR

Lee, C., & Nelson, P. Accessing Social Work Practice Skills Via Webcam Technology. (2010) Paper presented at the Edulearn International Conference, Barcelona, Spain

Lee, C. & Nelson, P. Elluminate: How Classroom Interaction is Facilitated Via Synchronous Technology. (2009). Workshop presented at the CSWE 2009 Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, Texas

Lee, C. Violence in the Workplace Presentation (2008). Keynote speaker at the Peace Breakfast, a major fund raiser for Sunrise of Pasco County, a domestic violence and sexual assault agency.

Govoni, J. Lee, C. Spoto, M. & Wright, V. Modeling Ethical Behavior in Online Courses and In and Out of the Classroom through the Integration of Values. (2007) College Values Conference, FSU, Tallahassee, FL (peer reviewed proposal process) Presentation in collaboration with Saint Leo Student Affairs.

Govoni, J. Lee, C. Spoto, M. & Wright, V. Leading with Commitment: Fusing Values in Higher Education. (2005). Institute

on College Student Values, Tallahassee, FL

Lee, C. Compassion Fatigue Presentation. (2004). A training workshop for mental health counselors. Continuing Education Units were given to those needing to fulfill licensure requirements. Sponsored by Sunrise of Pasco County.

Lee, C. Compassion Fatigue Presentation. (2004). Presented at the Life on the Edge Series at East Pasco Medical Center to hospital employees.

Lee, C. Compassion Fatigue Presentation (2004). Presented to nurses during nurses’ week at East Pasco Medical Center.

Govoni, J. Lee, C. Spoto, M., & Wright, V. Freshman Retention through Values Integration and Infusion.( Co-presenter, International First Year Experience Conference, Maui, Hawaii

Lee, C. Compassion Fatigue Presentation. (2003). Presented to the medical and mental health professionals of Pasco County, sponsored by Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc.

Lee, C., McInnis, M., & Abbott, J. (2003) Counting the homeless: Educating students in rural community-based practice. Presentation at the 28th National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas at the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire.

Lee, C. Diversity in the Workplace. (2003). Presented at the Saint Leo University Leadership and Management Training.

Lee, C., Spoto, M., Cronin, C. (2003) Faculty Survival Skills for Teaching the College Success Course. Presented at the 2003 Fall “Energizer” Student Success Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Conference was sponsored by Houghton Mifflin College Survival.

Lee, C. Gender Issues in the Classroom. (2003). Presented to Saint Leo University faculty during faculty development day.

Govoni, J., Lee, C., Spoto, M., & Wright, V. A Values-

infused, Values-driven Education Program. (2003) Institute on

College Student’s Values. Florida State University Values

Conference, Tallahassee, FL

Lee, C., Spoto, M., Cronin, C. (2003). Romancing the Disciplines: Faculty and the Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar. Presentation at the 16th International Conference on the First-Year Experience in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Lee, C. Compassion Fatigue Presentation. (2002). Presented to the medical and mental health professionals of Pasco county at Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc.

Lee, C. Cultural Sensitivity Training. (2001). Presented to resource workers at Healthy Families-Pasco in Dade City, Florida.

Lee, C., McInnis, M., & Moore, S. (2000). Giving voice to the Alzheimer’s caregiver’s experience: Building models for the practice community. Presentation at the 2000 Florida NASW Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

McInnis, M., Lee, C., & Moore, S. (2000). Giving voice to the Alzheimer’s caregiver’s experience: Building models for the practice community. Presentation at the “Work and Family: Expanding the Horizons” conference in San Francisco, California. Sponsored by the Business and Professional Women’s Foundation, the Center for Working Families at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Lee, C., & McInnis, M. (2000). Secondary Traumatic Stress. Presentation at the Joint Conference of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

McInnis, M., Lee, C., Moore, S., & Patrick, K. (1999). Recruitment themes for consideration. Unique opportunities facing BSW programs. Presentation at the Baccalaureate Program Directors’ Association Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri.

Lee, C., & McCann, E. (1998). Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. Presented to social work students.

Lee, C. (1997). Family Systems theory and the Employee Assistance Profession. Presented to Employee Assistance Professionals.

Lee, C. (1996, 1997, & 1999). Compassion

Fatigue. Presented to case managers, Hospice social workers

and nurses, dialysis nurses in Tallahassee, Florida and caregivers

of loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease at University

Village in Tampa, FL.

Lee, C. (1995 and 1997). Effective Parenting Seminar. Presented to state department employees

Lee, C. & McCann, E. (1995). Change and Uncertainty in the Workplace. Presented to state department employees.

Lee, C., et. al. (1990). Training in Trauma Reduction with Traumatized Families. Presentation at the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy National Conference, Washington, D,C,

PUBLICATIONS Review editor and contributor. Lions, Leos, and Learners: A History of Saint Leo University. 3rd Ed. (2008). Govoni, J, Spoto, M., & Wright, V., authors. Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Review editor and contributor. Fusions: Integrating Values in Online Learning, Reloaded. (2006). Govoni, J, Spoto, M., & Wright, V., authors. Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Review editor and contributor. Fusions: Integrating Values in Online Education. (2005). Govoni, J., Spoto, M., & Wright, V., authors. Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

Review editor and contributor. Fusions: Integrating Values in Higher Education. (2004). Govoni, J, Spoto, M., & Wright, V., authors. Govoni, J, Spoto, M., & Wright, V., authors. Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

NON-PUBLISHED McInnis, M., & Lee, C., Moore, S. (2000). Pasco

MANUSCRIPTS AND County Compass 2000: Comprehensive Community Needs

TECHNICAL REPORTS and Resources Assessment. Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, FL.

DISSERTATION Secondary Traumatic Stress in Therapists Who are Exposed to Client Traumatic Material. (1995).

LICENSES Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)