Course Title: Spanish II Department: Foreign Language
Grades: 9-12 Course Duration: 1 Year/1 Credit
Prerequisite: ‘C’ or above in Spanish I Conference: 2nd Hour
Instructor: Sra. Melissa Jones
Phone: 573-842-2400 ext.3147
Required Text: Avancemos Level II
Student Supply Requirements:
1-3 or 5 subject spiral notebook
Index cards (optional)
A Spanish-English Dictionary and jumpdrive would be helpful
Course Rationale:
Spanish II is an intermediate-level foreign language course. The second level Spanish encourages students to express themselves in oral and written work using more advanced grammar and more extensive vocabulary than in Spanish I. It increases the students’ knowledge of culture in Spain.
Course Description:
Spanish II focuses on total communication with emphasis on correct pronunciation and comprehension. Advanced grammar is presented and learned through oral practice and written exercises. The student will increase their knowledge of language through longer readings. A variety of cultural activities are provided to enhance understanding of different traditions and customs.
Course Objectives:
1. Identify, pronounce and use 1000-1500 words.
2. Recognize and correctly employ intermediate Spanish grammar.
3. Demonstrate intermediate-level oral, reading and writing skills in the target language.
4. Describe and discuss the cultures and traditions of Spain.
Letter grades will be assigned according to the following standard scale:
100%–90% A 89%–80% B 79%–70% C 69%–60% D 59%–0% F
Assignments will fall into two categories: formative (Practice) and summative(Assessments).Formative work will account for approximately 30% of the total course grade. Summative assessments will account for the remaining 70%.
Formative assignments can be considered practice. These assignments will teach the skills required to proficiently complete summative assignments.
Summative assignments will include quizzes, tests, conversations, and projects, which act as a culmination of a unit or part of a unit.
Academic Assistance will be held: Monday-Thursday 2:35-3:45 (or by appt)
Late Work: The district wide policy will be followed in all areas except quizzes and tests.
Make-Up Work: It is the responsibility of the student to get the work missed while absent. The student will have two days for every day absent to make-up work.
Cheating and/or Plagiarism: Absolutely no cheating and/or plagiarism will be tolerated. This will result in an automatic ‘0’ for the assignment/test and a referral to the office.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Respect
2. Come to class prepared
3. Be on time
5. No food/drink