Course Title & Section: English Comp II – ENG 1340AA01
Mineral Area College
Term/Year: Spring 2012
Credits: 3 credit hours
Instructor Name: Kay CreceliusOffice Hours: MWF 10-11 am or by Appt.
Office #: Library Room 201
Phone #: 518-2139
Department Chair Name and Contact Information: Dan Jaycox, 518-2338,
Texts: Nadell, Judith, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. The Longman Reader.
9th ed. New York: Longman, 2009.
Troyka, Lynne Quitman, and Douglas Hesse. Quick Access Compact. 2nd ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2010.
Other materials: notebook, 2 double-pocketed folders, travel drive, highlighter
Attendance/absence policies (tardies, if applicable): Students are expected to attend all classes unless there is a compelling reason for them to be absent.
Grading policy/scale:Approximately 600-800 points possible: include grades for homework, quizzes, tests, and short and long papers. Grading scale: 100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, 59-below F. Grades are not rounded off to the nearest whole number. Reminder: Poor attendance is a factor in the final grade.
College’s Policies:
Non-Discrimination Policy - Mineral Area College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion, creed, or marital or parental status. For more information, call the Title VI, Title IX, Sec. 504 and ADA coordinator at (573) 431-4593 or U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Civil Rights.
ADA Policy - If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need this publication in an alternative format, notify Mineral Area College, (573) 431-4593 or P.O. Box 1000, Park Hills, MO 63601, at least one week before you plan to attend events or meetings. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs.
Dishonesty policy: Cheating implies the student has dishonestly gotten an answer/information from another person or source and uses that information to try to benefit him/herself. Plagiarism occurs when a student copies other people’s written work and passes it off as his/her own. Work copied from another person (like a student) or another source (like the Internet, a book, or a magazine) will result in a zero for that assignment in keeping with MAC’s dishonesty policy, and an Academic Dishonesty Report will be filed with the Dean of Students. A repeated incident will result in an F for this course, and further incidents could result in a student’s suspension from this college. Cheating of any kind is not tolerated at Mineral Area College.
Honors Option: The Honors Option is offered as part of this class for qualified students. If you are interested, please contact the instructor by the end of the second week of class.
Syllabus content below this line –
This syllabus format will be required and effective Summer 2012.