Course Title: Pre-AP Biology

Instructor: Mrs. Carolanne Grogan


Course Description: Biologyis the study of living organisms, their origins, how they survive, reproduce, change over time, and interact with each other and their environments. The Pre-AP Biology curriculum is an introductory course taught in two semesters of high school. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of modern biology and scientific processes, building a foundation for success in the college level AP courses to follow. Course material will include molecules and cells, evolution and genetics, and ecology. Nature of science will be taught throughout the year.

Pre-AP Biology is recommended for high-achieving students and for students who have a particular interest in biology and the natural sciences.Students will be ultimately responsible for their learning; therefore, they should be organized, prepared, and motivated to learn every day.

The Pre-AP Biology curriculum differs from the regular Biology curriculum in meaningful ways. The Pre-AP course places a higher priority on developing critical thinking skills by examining real world problems. The Pre-AP curriculum examines topics with more depth and includes more advanced resource material. Laboratory investigations play a more prominent role in the Pre-AP course. Labs are more sophisticated than in the regular curriculum and students are expected to design and carry out experiments using appropriate methods and resources.

Students will learn to -

·  Think Critically

·  Design scientific Hypotheses & Experiments

·  Write quality scientific essays

·  Conceptualize information, rather than memorize

·  Interpret & analyze scientific data

·  Solve problems

·  Learn to read informational text for understanding & become a concise note takers

Textbook: Modern Biology, Publisher: Holt, Rinehart, Winston

Class Requirements:

·  Pencils with erasers

·  Blue or black ink pens

·  Two composition notebooks

·  Access to a computer and the internet

·  $15 lab fee

Optional supplies students may want to have:

·  2-3 inch binder

·  Loose-leaf Paper

·  Colored pencils

·  Highlighters

·  Post-it notes

These materials are to be brought to class each day – no exceptions.

Grading Scale:

A 90 -100

B 80 – 89

C 70 – 79

D 60 -69

F 0 – 59

Grading Per Nine Weeks:

·  Tests (Tests, Quizzes, and Major Projects) 60%

·  Teacher’s Choice: Lab Reports, Mini Projects, and Class Work 30%

·  Homework 10%

Tests: Exams will be over material we cover in class,supplemental material you are asked to read, and material covered in handouts, labs, or other activities. Quizzes may be given at any time covering assigned reading, previous lectures, homework, or lab procedures. A comprehensive exam will be given each quarter and will 10% of the quarter grade. Students should study daily to be prepared for exams & quizzes.The teacher reserves the right to administer a different make-up exam &/or quiz.

Labs: Laboratory experimentation and exploration are a large part of this course.It is vital that the students follow all laboratory procedures and safety rules/guidelines. Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from the lab activities.A safety contract will be sent home and must be reviewed and signed by the student and the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before a student can participate in any labs.

Students will record and analyze data for each laboratory experiment in their composition notebook. Students will also produce a lab product to communicate their results and conclusions. Several labs will require lab reports in a formal format.

Other lab products may include:

1.  Scientific posters

2.  PowerPoint presentations

3.  Question/response assessment

4.  Open-format creative product

Honor Code: Students are expected to complete their homework, class work, tests, and other assignments on their own. Unless the work is designated as group work, all written assignments, homework, and tests are strictly individual and are not be completed as a group. Copying/Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Cheating on an assignment will result in a 0 being given for that assignment per school policy.

Student/Teacher Conferences: Any student during the semester who is receiving a grade of “F” or any other unsatisfactory grade may make an appointment to see the teacher before or after school to discuss this at any time. Please also feel free to stop by to discuss make-up work, homework, or anything else. However, extra credit work is not given in this class. There is no need to ask for any assignments for extra credit.

Make-Up Work: In the case of an absence, the FIRST responsibility of the student is to turn in any work that should have been turned in on the day of the absence. This is expected immediately upon entering the classroom. This does not include long term projects. Long term projects are due on or before the due date whether the student is present in class on the due date or not. The teacher will not ask for this work. It is the student’s responsibility to remember what was due the day of the absence. The student will have three days to make-up any assignments that have been not completed due to an absence (per school board policy). It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up and schedule make-up tests. Being absent the day before a test is not a valid exemption from the test. In order to miss a test to take a test on a later date, a student must be absent for at least two days before the test or absent the day of the test.

Late Work: Students are expected to turn all assignments on time. However, if a student hands in an assignment late, 10% of the grade will be deducted for each day that the assignment is late.

Tutoring: Tutoring will be offered on afternoon (day to be determined) every week in Mrs. Grogan’s classroom. Tutoring can be scheduled

Study Techniques: The most common problem new students have is that their study skills are not adequate for high school level classes. Studying for classes involves more than just "cramming the night before a test." The following are suggestions to improve your grade in biology and other high school courses.

1.  Prepare for class before coming by reading over your notes soon after you have written them and also read over the sections of your text that will be covered in that day's lecture.

2.  Make and use a vocabulary list as you go.

3.  Do all worksheets, study questions, etc.

4.  Keep your handouts, lecture notes, and study questions organized in a notebook.

5.  Always read assigned material and make sure you outline all the main ideas and not just a single item in a section.

6.  Pay attention and don't daydream in class.

7.  Study frequently and in small doses. Cramming does not foster long term understanding that will stick with you!

8.  Set up a study group and study with friends.

9.  Understand figures and diagrams from lecture and from your text.

10.  If you are having trouble with the material, get help early. Do not wait until TEST DAY!!!

Parent and Student Contract

Please fill out and sign. Each student MUST have a completed sheet on file.

My child and I have read and understand each of the documents listed below:

E  Syllabus

E  Lab Safety Contract

We understand that we will be held accountable for this information and any additional written or verbal instructions provided by the school district or my teacher.

I agree to permit the Saraland City Schools to photograph, audiotape, or videotape my child at any time my child may be at any school function or activity, and I give my permission to the Saraland City Schools to use any such photographs, audiotapes, or videotapes including my child’s full name for whatever educational purpose they may deem appropriate.

____ I Agree ___I Disagree

Please return this completed sheet by ______.


(Student’s signature) (Date)


(Parent’s Signature) (Date)