New Smyrna Beach High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Geometry Honors

Instructor’s Information:

Name: Mrs. Susan McCroskey

Contact Information:


Resources and materials needed for the class:

1)3-Ring Binder or section in a binder and plenty of notebook paper.

2)3-subject spiral notebook

3)Glue sticks or tape

4) Writing utensil-Pencils with Erasers are preferred.

5) Calculator (TI-30XIIS)

6) Textbookand workbook (will be provided)


Course Description: The fundamental purpose of these courses is student exploration of more complex geometric situations and improving their explanations of geometric relationships.

Course Objectives: These courses prepare students to show proficiency on the state mandated End-of-Course exam. (EOC) At the end of this course, students will take the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) End-of-Course exam. The score on this exam will count for 30% of the student’s final grade in this course. On these assessments, students WILL NOT be able to use a hand held calculator. An online calculator will appear on the computer screen for questions where calculator use is permitted. Also, a reference sheet WILL NOT be provided. Detailed information, standards, test item specifications, and a training test can be found at the website .

Instructional Methods: We will be using cooperative learning, common core methods, lecture, note taking, teacher modeling, kinesthetic learning (hands on), technology, and discovery methods of learning.

Homework/ Class work Policy:

Students who are submitting late work (due to absence) have one day, or one day for each day absent (whichever is greater), to submit work unless the teacher determines there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate an extension. It will be a best practice for students to make up tests within a school week of the original assigned date unless the teacher determines there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate an extension.

Intervention and Remediation:

The focus of instruction should be on getting students to achieve their full learning potential.

  • When students demonstrate a lack of proficiency on standards they must receive intervention(s), which may lead to assessment retakes or alternative assignments.
  • When students demonstrate a lack of mastery on standards they may receive intervention(s) that require them to attend office hours on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week. Office hours take place during the first thirty minutes of the lunch period on the assigned days listed above.
  • Each 9 week grading period, students shall have the opportunity to retake one summative assessment. All retakes require that the student attend office hours for intervention assistance on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in order to retake a test during office hours on Fridays. Additional retakes shall be determined based upon individual student data.

Grading Practices:

Students and parents need timely and accurate feedback in order to effectively monitor learning progress.

  • Best practice: Gradebook should be updated weekly (except in the case of extensive assignments or unusual circumstances).
  • When a student’s score on a retake is less than the original score, the higher score should be used. Scores should not be averaged.

Letter grades are a reflection of the student’s level of academic achievement on the courses’ performance standards as defined in the high school curriculum guides/maps. The following grade scale shall be used to determine a letter grade and the following quality point system shall be used to determine grade point average and honor roll:

Grade / Grade Range / Quality Points / Description
A / 90-100 / 4.0 / Outstanding Progress (Mastery)
B / 80-89 / 3.0 / Above Average Progress
C / 70-79 / 2.0 / Average Progress (Proficiency)
D / 60-69 / 1.0 / Lowest Acceptable Progress
F / 0-59 / 0.0 / Failure
I / 0.0 / In progress toward grade level proficiency
in skills and concepts

Class Participation:

All students are expected to take an active part in the learning environment of the classroom. This means coming to class on time and being prepared to learn. In order to best use academic time, cell phones must remain out of sight and silent for the entire class period. Desks may contain books, pencil, paper, calculator, notebook, and textbook. All other material must remain in the backpack/purse/pocket. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Academic Dishonesty:

The Volusia County School Board’s Code of Student Conduct has defined AcademicDishonesty as a level II offense. Academic Dishonesty is defined as “Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the school district. Such behavior may result in reduction in grades, classroom discipline as determined by the instructor, suspension or expulsion from school and/or school activities including student organization”.

School Wide Expectations

Remember, responsibility for your actions starts with you

Engage in the learning process

Show up on time every time

Prepare to do your personal best

Exhibit positive behavior

Care about your fellow Cudas

Take pride in yourself, your work and your school

Signature Page for Geometry Honors Course Syllabus


Please share this information with your parents (guardians) and return completed page in the next five days.


I have read and I understand all aspects of the course syllabus for my Geometry Honors class. I have shared this information with my parents (guardians). I agree to abide by these requirements.

Print Name: ______Alpha Code: ______

Student Signature: ______Class Period ______

Parents (Guardians):

In the class we like to show students the usefulness of math and how it applies to our everyday lives. Geometry/Geometry Honors is not just found in a textbook. Math is used for many daily things. As a result, we will be using a wide range of non-traditional instructional materials of high academic merit including appropriate and instructionally related movie clips rated G or PG, Safari Montage and Internet access. If you have concerns about materials being appropriate for your child, please notify me about your concerns. Your signature below will serve as your consent for your child to use all of the instructional materials described above.

I have read and I understand all aspects of the course syllabus for Geometry/Geometry Honors class. I agree to my child following these guidelines and procedures.

Parent (Guardian) Signature: ______Date:______

Contact Information Please:

Full Name(s) of Parent(s) or Guardian(s): ______

Best email address to use as a contact: ______

Best phone number to use as a contact: ______

Geometry-Geometry Honors Syllabus 15 - 16 Cuda Syllabus Document

Working together with parents, school personnel and community members, New Smyrna Beach High School students

will graduate with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be positive contributors to society.