Course Code: 3BCA1

Course: Title: Data Base Management system

Note: Attempt All Questions.

Q.1What do you mean by DBMS? What are the advantages of DBMS? (What do you mean by RDBMS/ Explain cod low of RDBMS)

Q.2Describe in detail about Entity-Relationship Model?

Q.3Explain about attribute and domains?

Q.4Write the different operators used in DRC?

Q.5What is join and view? Explain

Q.6What is role of database administrator?

Q.7Explain file structure?

Q.8What do you mean by distributed database system?

Q.9Difference between indexing and handling.

Q.10What do you mean by concurrency control in database?

Q.11Describe about backup and recovery

Q.12Describe about database models

Q.13Describe about entity relational calculus

Course Code: 3BCA2

Course: Title: Data Structure With C++

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1Define the criteria of algorithm?

2Explain the linear and non – linear data Structure?

3Write the applications of Stack?

4What do you mean by recursion? Write working of recursion?

5Describe the different types of Queues?

6Describe the evaluation of polynomial?

7Describe the techniques of Binary tree with example.

8.Explain the Breath first and depth first Traversal?

9.Define the searching Techniques with diagram?

10.Explain the file organization with example?

11.Explain about the traversing in tree.

12.Explain difference between the BFS and DFS.

13.What is graph? Make difference between the directed and undirected graph.

14.Explain about the critical path, shortest path & longest path inside the graph.

15.Explain about the link list in detail with all types of it with block diagram & suitable examples.

Course Code: 3BCA3

Course: Title: Computer Communication & Network

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1What do you understand by Computer Network? Explain the Network Criteria.

2What is OSI? Explain each layer in Detail?

3Explain about the Asynchronous & Synchronous Transmission.

4Write down the Network Topology explains any four types of Network Topology.

5Explain the following

(i) Fiber optic cable

(ii) Micro wave transmission

(iii) Satellite Network

6What do you understand by sliding Window Protocol? Describe the working of Go-back-N.

7Explain the following


(ii) CSMA

(iii) CSMA / CD

8What do you mean by Routing Protocol of Network Layer?

9Explain the following

(i) HTTP

(ii) FTP

(iii) SMTP

(iv) DNS

10 Define Cryptography. Explain Symmetric & Asymmetric Key Cryptography.

Course Code: 3BCA4

Course: Title: Programming With Java

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1What is OOPs concepts? Explain features of Java.

2What is JVM? Explain Java Program Structure.

3What is labeled loop? Explain Jump in loops.

4Explain String buffer with example.

5What is recursion? Explain Constructer overloading.

6What is abstract method? Explain final classes.

7What are Wrapper classes? Explain vector with example.

8Explain Throw and throws keyword with example.

9What is applet? Explain life cycle of applet.

10 What is Random Access file? Explain with example.

11.Explain about the thread creating techniques & how can user creates a multithreading program.

12.How can user set priority of thread? Explain all the kinds of thread priority.

13.What is What do you mean OOPS? Explain about the Terminologies used in java.

14.What is polymorphism? Explain all kinds of it with suitable examples.

15.What d? Explain thread life cycle & all status of thread.

16.Do you mean by inheritance & explain all types of it with suitable example?

17.What is constructor? Explain types of constructor used in java.

18.Explain about the all string functions used in java with suitable examples.

19.What is interface? Explain about the use of interface in java programming.

20.What is Applet? Create a applet to draw a circle in a program.

21.What do you mean by package? Explain all types of package with suitable diagram & example.

Course Code: 3BCA5

Course: Title: Principal of management

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1Explain the concept of management. Review in brief the main functions of management?

2What are the various functions of a manager? Explain briefly?

3Explain the evolution of management thought from the early pioneers to modern times.

4Briefly discuss the obligations of business towards workers. Consumers investors and government?

5Explain the concept and nature of organization. Narrate in brief, the steps in organizing.

6Explain the concept of span of control. What factors influence span of control in an organization?

7Analyze the business as a system and identify the components of a business system?

8What is job analysis? Describe the techniques used for analyzing jobs.

9Compare and contrast the motivation theories given by Maslow and Alderfer?

10Write short notes :- (Any two)

A)Time managementB)Computer aided communication

C)Business incubatorsD)Delegation of authority.

11Define the term “management”. Write all the functions of Management for any organization.

12Give your statement for the term “planning” and why it is important for any organization to achieve goals.

13What do you mean by “manager”? Write the functions and characteristics of manager.

14Define term “customer relationship” and function of PRO in ORG.

15Explain different levels of Management with its members.

16What do you mean by leadership? Explain its types in detail.

17Write about term leader. Also explain its function.

Course Code: 4BCA-1

Course: Title: Linux Operating System - Operations & Management

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1What is Linux Operating System? Explain its features?

2Write the different between CUI and GUI Operating System?

3Define the Linux file System?

4What do you mean by System information?

5Write the step’s for Crating user Account?

6Describe Network topology. With diagram?

7What do you mean by DNS Service?

8Explain the Web Server?

9Describe TCP/IP?

10 Write the Short notes on :-

(a) E-mail

(b) FTP

(c) Priority

(d) Mathematical Command’s

Course Code: 4BCA2

Course: Title: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1What do you mean by software engineering? Explain the goal of software engineering?

2What is the importance of project management Explain scheduling in software project management?

3Explain the following :-

1. COCOMO MODCL2. CMM3. RISK Management

4Define McCall’s quality factors? What do you mean by function based matrices?

5Explain requirement engineering process? Describe various technique used for requirement elicitation & analysis?

6Explain risibility study? What do you mean by ethnography? Describe VORD method?

7What do you mean by software prototyping explain different types of prototyping explain approaches? What is user interface prototyping?

8What is software architecture? Explain the following:-

A)Data centered architectureB)Data-flow architecture

C) Call & return architecture

9What do you mean by user interface design? Explain the method for input/output design?

10Describe verification & validation in the context of static & dynamic environment?

11Explain the following

i)Unit testingii)Integration testing

iii)Validation testingiv)System testing


vii)Formviii)Screen Layout


Course Code: 4BCA3


Note: Attempt All Questions.

Q.1Write the difference between combinational circuit and sequential circuit.

Q.2What is flip flop explain about all kinds of flip flops.

Q.3Explain about all kinds of addressing modes.

Q.4Make difference between RISC and CISC

Q.5What is interrupt make interrupt life cycle.

Q.6What is DMA deeply explains about working of DMA.

Q.7Explain about boots multiplication algorithm.

Q.8Draw pin diagram for 80386 Microprocessor.

Q.9Explain about all codes used in assembly language.

Q.10Write short notes on

A)Logic gatesB)Data movement Instructions


Q.11What is Micro processor? Explain its use and types in detail.

Q.12He difference between RISC & CISC processor with architecture.

Q.13Describe the data movement instruction set with example.

Q.14Write a program to find factorial of input at particular output port.

Q.15What do you mean by address? Explain about address bus, data bus & control bus of micro- processor.

Q.16Explain Describe the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor in detail

Q.17Give t the shift & rotate instruction with example & describe logical instruction.

Q.18Describe clock generator with diagram.

Q.19Draw timing diagram of read & write operation of memory.

Q.20Explain machine control instruction set in detail.

Course Code: 4BCA4

Course: Title: RDBMS Practice with Oracle/MS SQL Server Express Edition

Note: Attempt All Questions.

1Explain Network and Hierarchical data model?

2Explain the concept of client / Server Computing? Write down the features of oracle 9i?

3Explain features of SQL*PLUS/SQL*PLUS (Any - 5)

4What do you mean by Data Constraint? Explain with its types.

5Explain Join operation in oracle?

6Explain the Process of Account Management of database in oracle?

7Explain Commit and Rollback Statement in oracle?

8Explain the following with Proper code Segment?

(A)Go to(B)If Else

(C)While (D)For

9Explain Exception Handling in PL/SQL?

10 Write Short Notes on :-

(A)Cursor (B)Trigger

(C)Lock (D)Index

11.Create a trigger to update salary of employee when new employee is entered.

12.Explain about cursors used in oracle.

13.Create procedure to calculate factorial of any given number.

  1. Create a function to calculate sum of digits of any given number.

Course Code: 4BCA5


Note: Attempt All Questions.

Q.1What do you mean by VB.NET framework? Explain features of .net framework.

Q.2Write VB.NET data types. Explain each with example.

Q.3What is Array? Write the types of ARRAY USING IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.

Q.4Explain in detail about following

i) Text box ii) Label

iii) Combo boxiv) List box v) Check box.

Q.5Write the difference b/w picture box? Image box picture box ?

Q.6Write any five types of dialog boxes using in

Q.7Describe about win32 API in detail?

Q.8Give introduction about ADO.NET? Write the steps for creating connection using ado data control?

Q.9Explain the following

I) The haschanges ()methed

ii) The accept change () methed

iii) The net change () methed

Q.10Explain service of GDIT in detail.