Course Syllabus
Child Development
This is a technical laboratory course which is recommended for students in Grades 10-12. Knowledge and skills related to child growth and development equip individuals to develop positive relationships with children and effective parenting and caregiver skills. Individuals use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children, strengthen families in a culturally diverse society, and pursue careers related to the care and education of children.
Teacher Name: Debbie Russell
Telephone: 832-484-4975
Contact Times: Conference Period: 7th Period Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri – 1:34-2:25
Wed – 1:40-2:25
TEKS for Course
§122.33. Child Development (One-Half Credit). Student objectives are listed in the calendar/outline section of this document by six weeks. A complete list and description of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) for Child Development can be found at .Grading Determination
Major Grades – 60%Major grades include tests, research projects, demonstrations and home experiences.
Daily Grades – 40%
Daily grades include laboratory experiences, class work, assignments and quizzes.
Late Work Procedure
Late assignment grades will be reduced 10 points for each school day they are late. Assignments and projects which are not on time due to an excused absence as defined by the student handbook are not considered late. The assignment or project is due upon the student’s return to the classroom.Re-teach/Re-test Procedure
I will teach, test, re-teach, and re-test based on individual student needs.Projects
At least one major project will be required each six weeks period. Detailed requirements for projects will be available on LMS and/or on my website which can be found at . A project may consist of a research paper, a power point presentation, a demonstration or an analysis of a problem.Outline/Calendar
This is an outline of the course units. More detailed plans will be posted on my web site or LMS.Unit
First Six Weeks
Children & Parenting
/2 A 4 C 5 A
/3 weeks
Pregnancy & Child Birth
/1. A,B,C, D 2. A,B,C 3. A,B,C
/3 weeks
Second Six Weeks
Baby’s First Year
/4. A, B,C,D,E 5. A,B,C,D,E,F 6. A,B,C,D,E
/3 weeks
The Child from 1 to 3
/7 A,B,C,D 8 A,B,C,D
/3 weeks
/9 A,B,C,D
/Third Six Weeks
The Child from 4 to 6
/8 A,B,C,D 9 A,B,C,D
/2 weeks
Safety and Health
/10 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H 11. A,B,C 12, A,B,C,D
/2 weeks
Careers for Caring for
/13, A,B,C,D,E 14 A,B,C,D 15. A,B
/2 weeks
/ /Student Absence Procedure
It is the student’s responsibility to access LMS and identify assignments and/or tests missed while absent. All missed assignments must be completed and handed in within 2 school days of the return to the classroom. In the case of an extended excused absence, I will determine a procedure for making up missed work. I will schedule a time either before, after school, or during lunch based on individual student needs, for students to make-up missed tests. Students who miss the scheduled make-up test will receive a zero on the test.Test Days
Tests will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays.