Course: Traditional Pre-calculus
Teacher: Mrs. Bethany M. Hovan
Phone: (717) 397-5231 ext. 1124
Website: /

Course Syllabus

·  Course Description: This course prepares students to take calculus by utilizing analytic geometry and elementary functions. The concept of a “limit” and “derivative” will be introduced. The purpose of this class is to prepare you for a college math class. Students are recommended for this class, and are only permitted to drop with parent permission during the first 5 days of the course.

·  Textbook: Pre-calculus with Limits Textbook Replacement Cost $63.15

·  Calculator: All students must have a graphing calculator available for use during class. The TI-84 graphing calculator is the recommended calculator. If you are unable to purchase one, please see Mrs. Hovan.

·  Student Responsibilities:

o  Be on time.

o  Be prepared to learn. Come to class alert and alive and with all of your materials. Your materials include an organized notebook, a PENCIL, your pass card, your math book and your calculator.

o  Eat right and get plenty of sleep outside of the classroom. Try your best to miss as little of school as possible.

o  Maintain a positive and cooperative attitude.

o  If you are having trouble understanding the concepts, do not wait to get assistance.

o  Give Mrs. Hovan advance notice of doctor appointments, family trips, hunting absences, college visits, field trips, or other planned absences. Obtain class assignments prior to departing.

o  If you are absent from class, see Mrs. Hovan for missed work ASAP. Feel free to call or email me from home.

·  Grading Policy:

Marking Period Grades will be computed using the following calculation:

Your MP Average = (total points you earn) (total points offered)

Students earn points by completing the following:

1.  Quizzes

2.  Tests and/or Projects

3.  Independent Practice (Homework and study island)

4.  Class Work: Group or individual work completed in class and collected.

Final Course Grade will be computed using the following calculation:

80% for the marking periods (40% and 40%)

20% for the final exam

·  Study Island:

o  Website:

o  Login: 7digits@cv and Password: 7digits

o  All assignments for the course are listed when you log-in to study island.

·  Independent Practice (Homework) Grading Policy

o  Homework will be checked daily for completeness.

o  Homework will not be accepted late unless you are absent.

To receive credit for independent practice (homework) assigned/checked during an absence, students must submit the work to Mrs. Hovan when he or she returns to school. Exceptions may occur.

·  Make-up work:

o  Please check my website if you are absent. Feel free to email or call me if you have any questions.

o  Assignments assigned before you were absent are due or must be completed when you return. This includes homework, tests, and quizzes. Exceptions may occur.

Work Habits Grade: Students will receive an O (Outstanding), S (Satisfactory), or U (Unsatisfactory) based on the following guidelines:

o  Outstanding:

ü  Course work is consistently completed in an exemplary fashion.

ü  Student exhibits leadership during group/class discussions.

ü  Student is a role model of respectful and cooperative behavior.

ü  Student is enthusiastic about learning.

o  Satisfactory:

ü  Course work is completed.

ü  Student participates in group/class discussions.

ü  Student is respectful and cooperative.

ü  Student maintains a positive attitude about learning.

o  Unsatisfactory:

ü  Course work is incomplete.

ü  Student detracts from group/class discussions.

ü  Student is disruptive, disrespectful, or uncooperative.

ü  Student displays a negative attitude about learning.