Biology 9
1 Year (2 Semesters)
Biology Credit / /
PREREQUISITES: / 1. 2 Years of successful Middle School Science (highly recommended)
DESCRIPTION: / This one year study of biology will focus on the prerequisite, essential, and core content statements as developed by the MDE. Areas of study will include: The Chemistry of Life, The Cell, Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration, Cell Division, Animal Form, and Function (Body Systems). Students will learn science from the smallest of particles (quarks/atoms) all the way through body systems with focuses on the relationships of particles increasing in size and complexity. Grading in this class will be more heavily influenced by daily work (laboratory exercises, homework and class-work) than the honors selection.
(Guiding Questions) / The goals of this course are to answer these guiding questions:
1. How does science influence our society?
2. How does understanding of the forces driving our natural world influence our lives.
3. What are the essential molecules necessary for life.
4. What is the “basic unit of life”.
5. How do cells provide energy for life?
6. How do our body systems work together to maintain homeostasis?
(Student Learning Outcomes)
Chapters of Study from text: / At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Describe, analyze, and evaluate current events in Science
3. Describe/evaluate various methods of studying concepts in the realm of Chemistry and Biology.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the Scientific Method.
5. Compare and contrast the various forces affecting humans on Earth.
6. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basic Chemistry (i.e. Atoms/Molecules)
7. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of energy.
8. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of organic molecules within the body.
9. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of cells and cellular structure.
10. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of how cells produce energy.
11. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of how cells transfer energy.
13. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basics of body systems.
Semester 1 Semester 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 32
Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 33
Chapter 5 Chapter 34
Students are expected to bring their Chromebook to class every day. Many assignments will be assigned to be completed on their Chromebook,
TEXT(S) USED: / Johnson, George B., Biology – Visualizing Life. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1998.
ASSESSMENT METHODS: / Daily assignments (late homework will be accepted with a maximum score of 50%), Quizzes/Quests/Tests (students will be able to retake tests provided they attend two sessions of AST and provide verification of their attendance), Projects/Labs/Presentations, Binders, and Final Exams- note all students will take the mid-term exam and the final exam, no exceptions.
Classroom Expectations for Mr. Owens
Phone Number 729-5573
Classroom Expectations: Respect for one another and their property will be the golden rule of this classroom. We will treat others and their property the way we would like to be treated. There will be no writing on the desks, chairs, other peoples property, etc..
Attendance: You simply will not do well in this class if you don not attend class. You will miss valuable notes and assignments. Many assignments or classroom discussions can not be found in your book! They may also be difficult to be made up at home.
If you have 15 absences, you will not receive credit for this course. Do not see me if you have more than 15 absences, I will not help you. If your absence is unexcused, you will not be allowed to make up the class assignment. If you cut my class an you are caught, you will be given a referral.
If you are absent, you must have your parents call and excuse your absence. Any work missed during an unexcused absence may not be made up. You will receive a zero for the assignment.
Tardy: If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy! I will mark your tardies in the attendance book. Please refer to student handbook for consequences.
Materials: These materials need to be brought to class every day. You will not be given a pass to your locker to get these materials. If you do not have your book, you will not be able to do many of the assignments.
Textbook-you may NOT leave your book in the classroom.
Notebook or science folder-all notes will be collected on test day (2 pts each day)
Pen or pencil (1 point each day)
Paper (will be provided in classroom)
Homework: Homework directly shows your effort in class. I will try to give you time to work on homework in class, if the time is not used wisely, time will not be given in class. Homework will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated.
Late assignments are worth a maximum of 50%.
If you are absent, you will be given a due date. It is YOUR responsibility to get all missing work due to an absence AS SOON AS YOU RETURN to school. You are responsible for all work when absent. I will not chase you down, you need to see me at the beginning of the class.
On the day of the test, I will collect all notes for that test. They must be ordered in the correct date from the first day to the last day of notes. They must be stapled. You will have the ability to earn two points for each day of notes. I will deduct points for poor organization and missing notes. You will be responsible for days you were ABSENT!
Tests/quizzes: There will be a test at the end of each chapter. There may be quizzes throughout the chapter to help review the material. They may be pop quizzes.
Labs: We will be performing labs in this class. By reading and signing this syllabus, you are agreeing to a safety contract which means you will follow all safety rules of this class. No “horseplay” will be tolerated. Your behavior will never place in jeopardy of being hurt. If there is any type of behavior that is disruptive, dangerous (to self and others), non-compliant-you will be excused from the lab and will receive a “zero” for the lab.
All lab equipment must be returned to its original or designated position at the end of class. If lab equipment is on the desk when you arrive, you must leave it alone and not “play” with it.
Ipods/Cell phones: Due to the fact each student has been assigned a Chromebook for use, NO CELL PHONES are permitted to be out during class and NO EAR buds are allowed to be out unless given permission. If they are visible during non-permitted times, they will be confiscated.
No Texting/snapchat, etc. is allowed in class!
All ringers must be turned off, if phone is heard, it will be confiscated.
Candy/Drinks: You may have them if we all take care of our own mess. If one person does not respect the classroom, all privileges will be revoked.
Grading scale: Each quarter will be based upon total points. The points will work to approximately equal the following:
Tests/Quizzes = 60%
Homework = 25%
Projects/labs = 15%
I ______read on ______the syllabus and guidelines for Mr. Owens’ class. I agree to the terms set above for safety conduct in class and while participating in labs.