Corona High School

Visual Art 1A/1B

Course Syllabus Mrs. Davis

Art 1A/1B is a beginning level art class. This course provides a basic understanding of the arts

by exploring various areas of media, tools, assignments, and equipment. Exploration of artistic fundamentals (The Elements of Art and The Principles of Design) relate to the diverse range of projects and assignments. Students are provided with numerous opportunities to improve their artistic ability with significant practice and daily participation.

Intended Projects:

Value & Shading / Drawing / Texture
Typography / Painting: tempera & watercolor / Color Wheel
Positive/Negative Design / Cartoon Enlargement / Logo Design
Perspective: one-point / Pointillism / Self-Portrait
Three Dimensional Design / Grid Drawing & Transfers / Optical Illusion
Graphic Design Board / Color Theory Design / Photo Strip Drawing
Scratchboard / Paper Mache Animals / Watercolor Exploratory
Paper Mosaic / Sketchbook Activities / Art Critiques

Grading: Projects will be graded based on: craftsmanship, effort, participation, creativity, design, expression, and most importantly, following directions. Projects will only be graded when they are completed. Projects will not be given partial credit or accepted if they are incomplete.

Students are required to make up all missed work due to absence. It is the responsibility of the student to acquire missed materials or assignments. It is in the best interest of the student to check for due dates and turn projects in ahead of time if a scheduled absence is known for sports, doctor, family vacation, personal necessity, etc.

You must achieve at least 60% of your total points to receive a passing grade in the course. Sixty percent is equivalent to a “D-“ letter grade. You must work daily to receive participation points for the week. An assignment will not earn full credit if daily participation points are not earned. All work is to be done in class, and approved/monitored by the instructor, unless otherwise stated.

Grading Scale: 100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D 59% and Below = F

Homework: Homework assignments will be provided a minimum of once per week, but no more than three times per week. Homework assignments will be posted on the activities board of the classroom for clear visibility when arriving or leaving. Homework will be collected and graded immediately upon entering the classroom on the following school day. Homework/projects/assignments will earn half credit if turned in late. Most homework assignments are in preparation for an upcoming project; thus must be completed prior to starting the new project.

Sketchbook: A three-ring notebook is used to organize sketches, assignments, and preparation materials for frequent checks known as “sketchbook checks,” which occur on a regular basis. Sketchbook checks are frequently announced in advance. Sketchbook checks can not be made up if missed. If a child is absent for any reason (acknowledging the fact that advance notice was frequently provided to students), the parent/guardian/student has an opportunity to drop off the notebook on or before the due date with the front office.

Extra Credit: Minimal extra credit is awarded. Some examples of extra credit opportunities include: Museum reviews, independent art critiques, art shows/events, etc. and will be announced as they arise. However, I discourage students from relying on extra credit to assist their grade as these activities should be attended for enrichment purposes.