Course Syllabus For Computer Applications I

K. Hamilton—Room 159

DAYS/TIMESMonday-Friday (2nd Period Fall Semester)


STARS (PED) Manual0302—General Computer Applications

Course DescriptionDesigned for students with an interest in exploring the uses of the personal computers, General Computer Applications courses provide experience in the proper use of previously written software packages. A wide range of applications is explored, including (but not limited to) word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, and database programs. Electronic mail and desktop publishing may also be included. Exercises and problems may be from any field, or may be defined by the student(s).

MISSIONThe mission for Computer Applications I is for students to be able to keep up with 21st century computer and business skills necessary for success in their futures.

GOALSStudents will be introduced to Microsoft Excel (in Office 2010) and will learn how to: format workbooks, utilize formulas, manipulate data, and create charts. They will do this (and additional projects) in conjunction with Microsoft Paint, Word, Publisher,PowerPoint, and the Internet. They will also do various projects and/or research regarding career and interest exploration.

OBJECTIVESStudents will learn how to manipulate text, numbers, and format different types of documents.

EXPECTATIONSStudents will work at their own pace on their projects and daily assignmentsand will be expected to meet deadlines; which will be established before each project/assignment begins.

MATERIALSNotebook, pen, and flash/thumb drive

RULES OF THE COURSE1-Students will attend class on a regular basis

2-Students will come to class prepared and be ready to work

3-Students will not disrupt the class or their peers

4-Students must treat all classroom and school equipment with care

5-Students must properly enter and exit out of all programs

6-Student work must be their own. Assignments (unless clearly stated) are not collaborative

GRADINGNinety percent of all students will be able to attain a 75% or better in this class.

All grades are objective and based on specific criteria. All assignments will be worth at least 100 points. This grade will count numerous times if the project/assignmentis given more weight (weight is based on number of days allotted for each assignment). Student grades will be based on: tests, daily assignments, drills, and projects which will be worth 80% of their grade. Twenty (20%) of their overall grade will be based on their final exam grade.

***Late work will be accepted, but the grade will be lowered by 20 pts. per day (per assignment).

ATTENDANCEStudents must be present in class every dayor their grades will suffer. If a student is tardy, they may miss the lecture/directions and not understand how to do their assignments. Tardies, therefore, can affect a student’s grade. As per the school policy, the students must make up assignments upon returning to school in as many days as they were absent. This will not, however, extend the due dates of lengthy projects. Students must see the instructor upon returning to class to find out what assignments they have missed.

INSTRUCTIONALYouTube clips and videos may be used in class

VIDEOS/VIDEO CLIPSwhen academically necessary/relevant.

GENERAL SCHOOLAll rules, as listed in the student handbook, will

POLICIESapply to this class regarding: dress code, attendance, tardies, makeup work, cell phones, etc. Students may be given instructor permission to use electronic devices for this course.


INFORMATION575-894-8350 (x8359)

Parent/Guardian Signature Page

Please sign this page, so that I know that you have received it. Also, please take the time to go over this document with your student.

Thank you for your time.


Karen L. Hamilton

Business/Computer Instructor

Parent/Guardian Signature

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Email Address

Parent/Guardian Phone Number

(and best time to reach you)