Course Syllabus (draft session)

338 P

Therapeutic Regression:

Michael Balint & Sandor Ferenczi

Object Relations Institute

Professor Jeffrey I. Lewis, Ph.D.

Schedule of Class Meetings (besides The Clinical Diary and The Basic Fault, readings to be announced)

  1. Introduction: biographical and historical
  2. Freud, Ferenczi, Balint: the progression and interrelationship
  3. Ferenczi : Technique. The Active Technique – shifting technical emphasis to a 2 person analytic process, making explicit the subjectivity of the analyst and the relevance of counter-transference
  4. Ferenczi : Technique. Humanistic Method and Relaxation Therapy – that analysis is appropriate for even the most severe cases, with failures deriving from the clinician’s lack of skill or inability to “shape” the usual technique
  5. Ferenczi: Mutual Analysis – the radical experiment described in the Clinical Diary
  6. Balint: The analyst – the unknown- and the regressed patient
  7. Balint: The Basic Fault 1 – primary narcissism and primary love
  8. Balint: The Basic Fault 2 – benign and malignant forms of regression
  9. The Place of Regression in modern techniques
  10. Conclusions

Requirements and evaluation:

Students will be evaluated by contributions they make during class discussions and by a Final Paper requiring the use of an on-going treatment case to integrate and elaborate the course’s main objective, namely the place of therapeutic regression

Bibliography:*Required Reading

Michael Balint:

1)Balint, Michael (1952) Primary Love and Psycho-analytic Technique. Great Britain: Tavistock Publications

2)* Balint, Michael (1968) The Basic Fault : Therapeutic Aspects of Regression. Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press

3)Haynal, Andre E. (1989) Controversies in Psychoanalytic Method: From Freud and Ferenczi to Michael Balint. New York : New YorkUniversity Press

Sandor Ferenczi:

1)Aron, Lewis & Harris, Adrienne. (1993) The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi. Hillsdale, N.J. : The Analytic Press

2)Ferenczi, Sandor (1916) First Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc.

(1926) Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho- Analysis

* (1955) Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis ( The Confusion of Tongues )

3)*Ferenczi, Sandor (1985) The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi. Cambridge, Mass : HarvardUniversity Press

4)Ferenczi, S. & Rank, Otto (1986) The Development of Psycho-Analysis Madison, Connecticut : International Universities Press, Inc.

5)Rachman, Arnold W. (1997) Sandor Ferenczi : The Psychotherapist of Tenderness and Passion. Northvale, N.J. : Jason Aronson, Inc.

6)Rudnytsky, Peter L. , Bókay, Antal & Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia. (1996) Ferenczi’s Turn in Psychoanalysis. New York : New YorkUniversity Press

7)Rentoul, Robert W. (2010) Ferenczi’s Launguage of Tenderness – Working with Disturbances from the Earliest Years. Lanham,Maryland : Jason Aronson, Inc.