From the Pastor September 27, 2015
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B
To help spiritually benefit from Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to our country this week we reflect on the third Preface for Nuptial or Wedding Mass. The Holy Father has exhorted us to open our ears, minds and hearts to the divine revelation concerning GOD’s plan for family life and marriage. We reflected on Marriage Preface I last Saint Valentine Day and on Marriage Preface II last weekend; so here’s Preface III:
Preface III: Matrimony as a sign of divine love
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.
For you willed that the human race,
created by the gift of your goodness,
should be raised to such high dignity
that in the union of husband and wife
you might bestow a true image of your love.
For those you created out of charity
you call to the law of charity without ceasing
and grant them a share in your eternal charity.
And so, the Sacrament of holy Matrimony,
as the abiding sign of your own love,
consecrates the love of man and woman,
through Christ our Lord.
Through him, with the Angels and all the Saints,
we sing the hymn of your praise,
as without end we acclaim:
OUR DIVINELY GIVEN HUMAN DIGNITY. I cannot say enough that the source of all we have and all we are and all we are called to do is God’s gracious gift! And not only that, EVERYTHING is God’s gift, given out of LOVE. Three times this Preface reminds us that what the old song says is true: “Love makes the world go round!” However, the revised orations in the Roman Missal do not use the word ‘love’ but ‘charity.’ Let’s ponder the three ideas about charity in this Preface: 1] that we were “created out of charity;” 2] we are called to live the “law of charity;” and 3] we are promised a share in “eternal charity.”
WE WERE ”CREATED OUT OF CHARITY.” Does this mean we are all ‘charity cases?’ Well, YES, it does … for we did not create ourselves or our world, redeem ourselves or our world, or sustain ourselves or our world. We are completely dependent on God, who in His great charity, creates, redeems and sustains us. God’s loving actions literally define the meaning of ‘charity:’ it is the total giving of oneself to the other, providing all one can to the other, supporting and sustaining the other without counting the cost or expecting anything in return. This is the unbreakable charity with which God loves us in His Only Begotten Son, for “[nothing] will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:39]
WE MUST LIVE THE “LAW OF CHARITY.” Our Lord did not mince words when He laid down the law of love: “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” [John 13:34] The words, “as I have loved you” even led an Apostle to correct himself, “Beloved, I am writing no new commandment to you but an old commandment that you had from the beginning … and yet I do write a new commandment to you, which holds true in him and among you.” [1 John 2:7a; 8a] For the love we must have for each other - especially those whose love is raised to a Sacrament in Matrimony - must be like the love Jesus has for us: undeserved, unlimited and unbreakable!
WE WILL SHARE IN GOD’S “ETERNAL CHARITY.” The best news about God’s charity is that even MORE of it awaits us in heaven, especially FOR those who dedicated their life to loving God and others in the Sacraments of Holy Orders and/or Holy Matrimony. This is not, as some jokingly quip, because there’s no marriage in heaven but because the charity awaiting those who try to live in true charity on earth will be rewarded in heaven - where love never ends. For “faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” [C.f. 1 Corinthians 13:13]
ABIDING SIGNS OF CONSECRATED LOVE. As Jesus said as He ascended back to heaven: “I am always with you.” [C.f. Matthew 28:20] One way He fulfills that promise is through those in Holy Orders or united in Sacramental Matrimony.
In His holy Name,
Rev. Thomas J. Serafin
Mass or Communion Prayer Service IntentionsSaturday Vigil: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Sue Haskoor
r/o: Tom & Ruth Pryor
Sunday 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am In celebration of the 50th Wedding
Anniversary of Cliff & Joan Jorgensen
r/o: Skylar, Luis & Emrie Medina
9:30 am Carmela Serravillo-Graci
r/o: Kowinski family
11:30 am Ann LaCorte
r/o: her family
9:00 am Duke Hauck
r/o: Larry & Lynne Dawkins
5:00 pm Class Mass available for an intention
Tuesday Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
9:00 am Henry A. Paczynski
r/o: Ronald & Maryann Pack
5:00 pm Class Mass available for an intention
6:45 pm Class Mass available for an intention
Wednesday Saint Jerome
9:00 am Mary Truskowski & her son Benjamin
r/o: Gertrude Neis
5:00 pm Class Mass available for an intention
Thursday Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
9:00 am Catherine Mercuri
r/o: Petroni family
Friday The Holy Guardian Angels
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Saturday Vigil: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Chip Higgins
r/o: Donna Grady
Sunday 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Beatrice Marcantonio
r/o: Anita & Larry Wuest
9:30 am Nicola & Mario Roccio
r/o: Maria DeSapio
11:30 am Chip Higgins
r/o: Larry & Lynne Dawkins
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week
in memory of Howard Drake
as requested by Joan Drake.
Last Weekend’s Collection
September 20 $14,276.95
Thank you!
Renegotiated Mortgage Information
New Mortgage (5/1/2015) $ 1,865,560.60
Principal Paid to Date $ 23,618.58
Interest Paid to Date $ 26,060.98
Current Balance (as of 9/1/2015) $ 1,841,942.02
Monthly Payment $ 12,406.89
Our Parish Prayers
“For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…”
a time to be born…
a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our Parish and especially for:
Jack Boland
George Boulergis
Joseph Clark
Carol Clerico
Dan Cummings
Bill DeLise
Shirley Frey
Mary Hotaling
Kathy Ibbetson
Samuel John / Josephine Knobloch
Dave Kreutzer
Stan Labruna
Ann Padovani
Arjan Panjwani
Zarefth Parveez
Anthony Sorrentino
Paul Urban
Christopher Viscuso
Names will remain on our sick list for three months after which time they will be removed, unless we are notified to keep them on the list.
a time to die… Deacon Michael Sullivan
Additional Masses Available for an Intention
During the early part of the Religious Formation year, Masses are celebrated with small groups of children as a learning session for them. These Masses may have an intention named. They are included in the list of Masses for the upcoming week with a note if is still open for your special intention. If you are interested in having one of these Masses offered for a loved one, please contact the Parish Office.
Feast of Saint Francis - Animal Blessing
NEXT Saturday, October 3 - 3:30 PM
On Saturday, October 3, at 3:30 PM we will celebrate our annual Animal Blessing! All animals large and small are welcome to attend this blessing as long as they are accompanied by a human! We are asking all who attend to bring a donation for the Saint Hubert Animal Shelter in Branchburg. Please note this is also an S.R.F. event. Refer to your event calendar or call your grade coordinator for more information.
2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
Grace, Mercy & Peace
Thanks to your generosity to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, thousands of men, women and children experience the GRACE, MERCY and PEACE of Christ through the many ministries and outreach programs of the Diocese of Metuchen. Please prayerfully consider making a gift today. Every gift is important, and every gift is appreciated.
Parish Ministry ContactsTo join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A complete list of ministries can be found in the narthex or on our website:
Adult Choir/Cantors Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20
Adult Faith Formation Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Baptismal Prep Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136
Cancer Support Group Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475
Employment Group Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036
EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital
Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617
Fatima Rosary Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889
Knights of Columbus Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905
Lazarus Ministry Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660
Linens Ministry Parish Office ~ 782-1475
Liturgical Environment Norma Santella ~ 782-1475
Men’s Club Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13
Military Outreach Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114
Prayer Shawls Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973
Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890
Readers Ann McCrystal ~ 908-797-4070
Georgann Scibilia ~ 908-782-6625
Respect for Life Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
R.C.I.A. Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Sacristans Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331
Usher/Minister of Hospitality Bob Caron ~ 236-6492
Wedding Coordinator Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712
Women’s Spirituality Loraine Richmond ~ 725-2502
Youth Ministries
Altar Servers Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390
Children’s Choir Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367
Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234
Religious Formation Main Line 284-2929
P.C.L. Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23
Confirmation Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
RF Secretary Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Safe Environment Background Coordinator
Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
Summer RF Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Karen Baron ~ 806-4384
WINGS Teen Ministry Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
SEAS NEW Web Address -
Things are moving along on our new website. Bulletins are being posted and we are working on building the site to a more informative site.
First things first - "Are we all on the same page?" Some may have difficulty initially accessing the new website. If you have been on in the past, you may reach an old cached version of the site. If the page you see is a photo of the church with a link to connect to our parishesonline address, you've got a cached version. The new site has a photo of the sign at the entrance to our driveway at the top.
To get to the new site, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key and click the refresh icon on your web browser.
Ministers of the LiturgyThe following Liturgical Ministers will serve at next weekend’s Masses: October 3 & 4
5:00 PM Mass
Sacristan: Lisa & Tom O’Connell; EMs: Marion Bergen, Fran Riccardi, Denise Verdicchio, Patricia Snyder, Cindy Campbell, Floyd Campbell, Kathleen Urban, Walter Urban; Readers: Tim Henry, Fred Gentzel; Altar Servers: Michael Cadwallader, Curtis Quintos, Hadley Sheridan, Meghan Pedrani
8:00 AM Mass
Sacristan: Anita & Larry Wuest; EMs: Judy Ashcraft, Russ Balunis, Michael Boland, Dee Bovino, Bob Clarke, Jackie Cornetta, Brian Dornan, Lois Dornan; Readers: Chris Steinberg, Frank Steinberg; Altar Servers: Sarah Wooby, Alex Sias, Evan Wooby, Sara O’Neill
9:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Laura Sepesi; EMs: Sharon Boehmer, Frank Catanzareti, Kathy Cebulka, Liz Bonsignore, Diane Buckland, Tom Connolly, Jack Gosdick, Kathy Gosdick; Readers: Molly Weber, Bill Weber; Altar Servers: John Sibiga, Alex Buckland, Sara Rothemich, Jack Robison
11:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Lynne Dawkins; EMs: Tom Boelter, Barbara Boelter, Bob Caron, Larry Dawkins, Lynne Dawkins, patricia Petrelli, Bob Kloss, Cathy Kloss; Readers: Christina Schuler, Mike Stanbro; Altar Servers: Jenna Kotlar, Julia Clark, Bryan Kotlar, Matthew Lauber
This Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29
Two men not considered prophets by the people began to prophesize, and this offended those who did not feel they were true prophets. But Moses explained that prophets are chosen by God, not the people.
Second Reading: James 5:1-6
James speaks out strongly against people who become rich by cheating their workers. He claims the wealth they have dishonestly collected will be a testimony against them on judgment day.
Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
Jesus explains to his disciples that it is acceptable for a person who is not part of their group to speak in his name, but he does warn them that anyone who tries to lead his followers astray will be severely punished. Jesus also discusses personal failing and the importance of taking whatever steps are necessary to avoid them.
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Next Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24
Second Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11
Gospel: Mark 10:2-16
Religious Formation NewsCatechetical Sunday
and Pope Francis in the U.S.
This is an exciting month, as we celebrate Catechetical Sunday and welcome Pope Francis to the United States for the first time. Prepare for both of these events.
Catechetical Sunday 2015. This year’s theme is “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person.” With gratitude, we pray for everyone involved in faith formation ministries in our parish at SEAS and around the world.
The presence of Pope Francis in the United States next week will be a joyful time for millions of Catholics and people of good will.