Course Syllabus: 10th Grade Honors English

Instructor Information: Mrs. Tuccillo



School Phone Number: 845.247.6650 X6756

Required Materials (excluding materials needed for fourth quarter research project)

  • Three-ring binder to be used for English class only
  • Five dividers
  • Composition Notebook(s) for journaling – no spiral bound, please
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Pens – blue or black only

Recommended Materials

  • Highlighters
  • USB flash drive

Course Description

Reading and Literature

Focusing on a study of literary themes, students will develop an understanding that the theme of a work of literature is what relates literature to life, and that common themes recur across diverse works of literature. Students will read, interpret, and analyze informational material such as newspaper articles, editorials, and magazine and journal articles. They will also analyze themes and structure in fiction, including short stories, poetry, novels, and drama. Through extensive reading, students will acquire new vocabulary specific to the study of literature and apply that knowledge in their writing.


Students will continue to produce narratives, poems, informational essays, and technical documents. Students will practice timed writings and continue to use the stages of the writing process to develop compositions and writings that demonstrate an understanding of tone, point of view, style, organization, author’s purpose, and audience. Students will continue to use research and technology to support reading and writing.


Students will increase their knowledge of the conventions of language in reading, writing, and speaking. They will demonstrate their control of the rules of English, focusing on the correct use of clauses, phrases, and the mechanics of punctuation. Sentence construction and usage will continue to be a focus for tenth graders. They will apply their knowledge of the conventions of format when producing technical writing, workplace writing, and research based papers.


Students will continue to develop their critical listening skills. Through presentations and interactions with the teacher and other students, they will apply effective speaking techniques in small and large group settings. The viewing standards will enable students to develop media literacy skills through the careful examination of contemporary texts including television, radio, film productions, and electronic media.

All reading selections and writing assignments are designed to address the student learning described in the course description. For a more detailed description of the new NYS Standards for English Language Arts, you may access

Course Expectations

Tenth grade Honors English is designed as preparation for English 11 Honors and Advanced Placement English (offered in the 12th grade). The course of study is rigorous and should be attempted only by serious readers and writers. Students that do not maintain a satisfactory average (93% or higher) will not be recommended for future honors and/or advanced placement classes. It is important for students to be placed appropriately for the overall good of the student and the class.

The honor student must:

  • beself-motivated and willing to do more than what is asked or required.
  • be tolerant of other people’s opinions.
  • accept instruction and constructive criticism in order to improve oral, written, and interpretive skills.
  • take full responsibility of all assignments.
  • make attendance a priority and make-up missed work without prompting—ie: please see class website for assignments when you are absent so that you are caught up when you return.
  • listen carefully in class and take notes.
  • follow directions without excessive need for clarification.
  • prioritize one’s learning as an on-going process by refraining from procrastination and cramming.
  • demonstrate superior knowledge of the course content by analysis and synthesis of a variety of topics in class discussion, writings, and assessment situations.

Focus on Student Learning

Including selected fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama from the literature book and from supplemental resources, the following is a representation of the texts students may encounter during the year:

  • Nightby Elie Wiesel
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  • Antigoneby Sophocles
  • Othello by William Shakespeare
  • Animal Farmby George Orwell

In addition, each student will be responsible for completing an independent study of the following literature:

  • The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
  • Monster by Walter Dean Myers
  • Speak by Laurie Halsie Anderson
  • Tuesdays With Morrieby Mitch Albom
  • And an additional independent novel (student choice/teacher approved) per quarter.

Additionally, vocabulary and grammar studies will be paired to complement the readings as will writing workshops in order for students to demonstrate their knowledge acquisition in various student-centered tasks.

Assignment Expectations

  • All assignments (aside from major papers which must be typed unless otherwise stated) must be written in blue or black ink.
  • Please write an appropriate heading on the top of each assignment. This will include your name, the course, the class period, the date, and the assignment title.
  • Late work is not acceptable in this course. You must have the work in hand when you cross the threshold of the classroom. If not, it is a zero!
  • Late major projects and major writings can be turned in one day late, but your grade on that project or writing will be penalized (maximum of 65%). After that day, late work will not be accepted for credit.
  • If you will be missing class for school-related activities or pre-arranged absences, you must get your work ahead of time. It will be due upon your return to class. Depending upon the assignment, failure to do so will result in no credit or a late penalty.

Classroom Expectations

You are responsible for everything in this syllabus and in the SHS Student Handbook,even if you choose not to read them. This includes leaving radios, CDs, DVDs, iPods, hats, and cell phones outside the classroom.

Absences and Make-up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to complete all work within the prescribed time. Students have the number of days absent to make up work—one day absent gives one day to complete work and/or arrange makeup quizzes or tests. Failure to complete an assignment within this timeframe will result in a zero for the assignment. First, please see the bulletin board for the folder relating to your particular day(s) of absence. Second, see the teacher if you need to schedule makeup exams and quizzes. Failure to make up work will result in a zero for the assignment. This will be strictly enforced.

SHS English Department Plagiarism Statement

Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they are entirely one’s own.

Acts of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

  1. Using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation;
  2. Using the work of another (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition, or project);
  3. Using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent, or paid editor.

Plagiarism on any project or paper in this class will result in a zero for the assignment. Unless directly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable.


Please detach and return this portion to the teacher.


Please contact me directly if you have any concerns or questions at extension 6756 or email me at (email is preferable). Also, please provide the necessary information below. Thank you for your concern and support.

My student and I have read and understood the course description and classroom policies.

Print Guardian Name

Guardian Signature

Guardian Primary Email address

Phone Number and Hour(s) Best Reached


Student SignatureDate

To All Students of Mrs. Tuccillo:

It is very important that you refer to and keep this paper. This is to let you know that EVERYTHING we cover in ANY and ALL of my classes will be POSTED on my website. I update this webpage EVERY TIME WE COVER SOMETHING new in class.

These are instructions on how to access this website.

  • Please go to
  • At the top of the page, directly above the blue banner that states “SAUGERTIES CENTRAL SCHOOL”, there is a pull-down tab that states “Select a School…”. Please select the first option: SAUGERTIES HIGH SCHOOL.
  • Please select the “TEACHERS” tab (located directly under the blue banner that states SAUGERTIES CENTRAL SCHOOL).
  • Please select my name. It’s “Tuccillo, Ms. – English”. I am not “Tuccillo, Mr. – Social Studies”. Different gender. Different subject. You are in an ENGLISH class. Maybe even TWO of my English classes (poor things, you).
  • Then, choose whichever class is applicable to you.

If you have any questions, you may EMAIL me:

I check my email daily – sometimes even twice a day. Do not EVER forward me anything, unless it directly relates to class/class work/homework. I am going to repeat this sentiment. Do not EVER forward me anything, unless it directly relates to class/class work/homework.NEVER, EVER, EVER. Bad things will happen if I EVER receive ANY sort of CHAIN MAIL NONSENSE from you. Really BAD things.

You are encouraged now to NOT ask me, “Did I miss anything?” when you are absent. For the record, YOU WILL ALWAYS MISS SOMETHING WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT.

If you DO NOT have access to a computer at home, there is a beautiful library on Washington Avenue where you may use the INTERNET and access any and all of this information.

Thank you very much,

Mrs. Tuccillo

English Department

845.247.6650 X6756