Orphan Brigade Dispatch

Orphan Brigade Camp2166

Sons of Confederate Veterans

March, 2011

The monthly meeting of the Orphan Brigade was held on March 5th, 2011 at the Dr. Mudd House




From the Commander:

As we are about to move into another season of living history, I want to take this time to thank not only the members of the Orphan Brigade but that of the Home Guard as well. Without the members of both units we would not be able to put on the functions and the caliber of living history that we are known to do. I thank you for taken the time off from your jobs and for finding the time to do these events in a very professional manner.


Notable Birthdays in February

General Braxton Bragg 22 Mar. 1817

Lt. General Wade Hampton 28 Mar. 1818

Maj. General Patrick R. Cleburne 17 Mar. 1828 (County Cork, Ireland)

Brig. General Montgomery D. Corse 14 Mar. 1816 (Alexandria, VA)

Brig. General Johnson K. Duncan 19 Mar. 1827 (York, PA)

Brig. General Lewis H. Little (Baltimore, MD)

Orphan Brigade Website:

The Orphan Brigade’s website is up and running, please note this is a work in progress. The address for the site is: . Please look it over, if you have suggestions please feel free to contact either Andy Garcia or Ray Mishoe. If someone who knows more about websites wishes to take over please let Andy Garcia know.

Confederate History in March 1862 :

2 Mar. 1862President Jefferson Davis proclaims martial law in Richmond, Va., and pro-northern sympathizers are arrested.

5 Mar. 1862Near Fayetteville, Arkansas, Gen. Van Dorn’s forces join those of Gen. Price in an effort to stop Federal General Curtis.

6 Mar.1862Battle of Elkhorn Tavern (Pea Ridge), Arkansas. Gen. Van Dorn’s flank the Federals in a night march.

7 Mar. 1862 Battle of Elkhorn Tavern continues C.S.A. Generals McCulloch and McIntosh are killed in action

8 Mar. 1862Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, third and final day of fighting result in the Federals driving the Confederates from Pea Ridge.

9 Mar. 1862Battle of the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia in Hampton Roads, VA. The two “modern” ironclads battle to a draw.

12 Mar. 1862 Federal forces temporarily occupy Jacksonville, Fl.

18 Mar. 1862 President Jefferson Davis appoints Judah P. Benjamin as Confederate Secretary of State.

23 Mar. 1862 The first Battle of Kernstown, Virginia.

26 Mar. 1862 New Mexico Campaign. Confederate and Federal forces clash southeast of Santa Fe at Apache Canyon.

28 Mar. 1862 New Mexico Campaign. Battle of Glorieta Pass. The major battle of the war in the far west occurs not far from Santa Fe.

30 Mar. 1862 Federals attack Union City, Tennessee.


The Quartermaster

This section is for listing items for sale. We ask that any item sold that the seller pay a 5% fee to the camp .

For Sale:

Le Mat Pistol. Asking $750.00 obo. Pistol lists for $899.00 at Cabela’s. Pistol is 2 years old and has had approximately 24 blank cartridges shot through it. Included in sale is a custom holster. If interested or want more information, please contact Andy Garcia at or 301-752-1507(C/P).

Two Camp Chairs:

These are the 2 piece wooden chairs. Asking $30.00 per chair. If interested or want more information, contact Ray Mishoe at

Photo Shots

January 2010 Division Meeting

Back row: L to R Jesse Morgan and Ray Mishoe

Front row: L to R Eric Pfeiffer, Andy Garcia, Division Commander Jay Barringer, Bill Rose and Mark Jenkins.

Elks Lodge Flag Day 2010

L to R: Yvonne Simmons, Bill Rose, Dick Bergen, Alice Simmons, Andy Garcia, Jake Garcia, Ray Mishoe and Wynn Mishoe

Victorian Christmas 2010: Gathered around the fire after closing.

Left to right: Ray Mishoe, Eddie Roberts, Eric Pfeiffer, Wynn Mishoe and Bill Rose. This was from a photo opportunity in St. Mary’s County.

Upcoming events:

April 16, 2011 - President Street Station ceremony hosted by the Friends of President's Street Station. This is where the war really got started! Most folks outside of our beautiful state like to say the war began in Charleston. They might have lobbed a few shells down there, but they didn't hit anyone! It began here 150 years ago and we want to see a huge assembly of members of the Maryland Division for our commemoration parade from Fells Point to President Street Station. Let us show the FPSS that the Maryland Division supports their efforts to preserve this unique and historic landmark! (flier enclosed)

April 17, 2011 - Confederate Decoration Day at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Frederick, MD hosted by the Trimble Camp. This is an annual and enlightening favorite hosted for years by the E.V. White chapter of the UDC who set the standard. Trimble now carries on the tradition with an educational program in Key Chapel, division color guard processional to the Confederate monument, and remembrance of the Confederate veterans buried here and throughout our state as well as wherever they may now rest. ANV & Trimble Camp Chaplain Fr. Alister Anderson is our guest speaker. (details noted in color guard schedule)

Those are all of the events of which I am aware for the next couple of months --- and these are "light" months! The month of May gets hot and heavy in more than just temperature! I'll highlight subsequent events as we get closer to the time. However, they are noted in the color guard schedule as compiled by Color Sergeant Rooks. I do want to add yet again as a reminder ...

May 7, 2011 - Maryland Division Convention hosted by the Mechanized Cavalry Camp. This is the biggest Maryland Division gathering we typically have for the purpose of conducting division business. But, it is also an opportunity to enjoy the company of our fellow division compatriots, to learn about the activities of other camps, and to imbibe in some good food and entertainment. This year we'll enjoy the very pro-Southern sounds of "Snakebite", a local Southern rock band. And, we'll enhance our erudition with Washington Times Civil War Page and Civil War Courier author William Connery. It will be a full day in lovely St. Leonard at Jefferson Patterson Park. (flier & registration form enclosed)

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on April 2, 2011 at the Dr. Samuel Mudd Exhibition Hall at 4:00 pm