Course Requirements


Teacher contact information

Mr. Aguilar

World History

Students in grade ten study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. They trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations. They extrapolate from the American experience that democratic ideals are often achieved at a high price, remain vulnerable, and are not practiced everywhere in the world. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political, economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.

Grading Policy

Exams and Projects - 35%

The exams will consist of multiple choice, short answer, matching, and essays. The projects can consist of research papers, group projects, etc. More detailed information will be given when a project is assigned

Quizzes - 10%

Unannounced pop quizzes based on the homework, readings or lecture can be given to motivate the students to read and review their assignments

Homework/Classwork - 20%

Whatever is assigned must be completed. Incomplete work and late work will not be accepted. Homework can range from outlines (readings), questions, and rough drafts of essays, artwork, maps, and the spiral notebook

Final - 25%

A cumulative exam based on the entire semester

Participation - 10%

The teacher will handle the point distribution in a purely subjective manner.

Grading Scale:

A 90 - 100%

B 80 - 89%

C 70 - 79%

D 60 - 69%

F 0-59%

Classroom Policies, Procedures, and Routines

1.  Be courteous and respectful to everyone and their belongings

2.  No personal grooming (makeup, hair, etc.)

3.  In order to speak or leave your seat raise your hand and wait to be called on

4.  Take care of bathroom needs during YOUR PASSING PERIOD!!! You will only be allowed one bathroom pass per 6 weeks. After that your participation grade will be directly affected.

5.  Food or drinks, and especially gum will NOT be allowed in the classroom with the exception of bottled water. Repeated defiance of this rule could result detention and/or Saturday school.

6.  The only written work allowed will be based on the work done in this class, not on any other subject or letter writing to friends…I will confiscate all other written work and I will not return them to you…no exceptions.

7.  Any electronic device (phones, CD players, iPods etc.) must be turned off and out of the teacher’s view during class. The phones are only for emergency purposes only, not for homework or any other item you left at home. They are not for your convenience. If your parents/guardians need to contact you then they need to call the office and then they will send the message to you.

8.  I will be keeping track of the amount of times that each student uses the restroom. Every student will begin with 15 points and 5 points will be deducted for every bathroom pass used.

* a portion of the student’s participation grade will be affected based on how the students respect these rules.


Being on time is very important and it is the student’s responsibility to be seated with materials out when the bell stops ringing. I will enforce the school’s tardy policy and if the student does not comply with what is written above they will receive a tardy. If a student is repeatedly tardy or truant, his/her grade will be affected. At the 5th-7th tardies the student will be sent to the counseling office with a referral. With the 7th tardy the student will be dropped from the course with no credit. Please see the Rowland High School Student Handbook for more details.

1st Offense- verbal warning

2nd Offense- one on one consultation

3rd Offense- Detention

4th Offense- Phone call home

5th Offense- referral to office

Homework Policy:

Late homework without an excused absence will not be accepted. After a student has been absent, it is his/her responsibility upon returning to class to find out which assignments have been missed and then turn them in on the following day to receive full credit. If a student is absent for more than one day, he/she will have as many days to make up the work that he/she was absent.

Suggested Materials

a.  Yourself

b.  Spiral Notebook

c.  Pencils (with lead), pens (with ink), erasers

d.  Textbook (covered, shabby covers will not be accepted)

Exam Policy-

All exams will be given with at least a one-week notice. If a student is absent on the day of the exam it is his or her responsibility to make-up the test. The student, unless verified through me, must make up the exam on the day that they return. If the student fails to do this, he/she will receive a zero for the exam. After the exams have been graded and before they have been recorded, students will have their parents or legal guardians sign their exams. For every day that the student does not return his or her, one percentage point will be deducted from the exam.

Credit for Assignments-

In order to receive credit for any assignment you must write your name on the assignment. If you fail to do so you will not receive credit for the work, NO EXCEPTIONS!!! In addition, a blank answer is an incomplete homework assignment, so answer all questions to the best of your abilities. Have your questions ready for class the next day in order to clarify any misunderstandings. If you do not ask I assume that you know everything.

I have read my child’s class requirements and I understand the rules and expectations for this class.

Student Name Student Signature

Parent Name Parent Signature