Course Requirements & Contract

Welcome to Algebra 1 or Geometry! The math department has created a rigorous pacing plan in line with California State Standards to insure that students complete the full course in a year. Therefore, a student must keep consistent attendance and make up any missed work from absences.


The grading scale used is below. A student’s grade will be assessed on 3 levels: Academic, Work Habits & Cooperation.

The Academic grade will be based on quizzes & tests (once a week), group projects, assignments (an average of 3 to 4 a week) and warm ups (which are daily practice problems.

The warm ups will be weighted cumulatively for each 5-week grading period so students are strongly advised to be on time. The assignments will also be weighted

cumulatively. Late assignments, not due to excused illnesses, during a quarter are only acceptable till the end of each 5- week grading period and will only be graded as high as a C or below depending on quality of work. I will be using our school’s JUPTER program, which is a way for us to communicate online. I will notify you there if your child is missing assignments. If you are not getting the messages (especially for missing assignments, reminders about a test the next day, etc), please inform one of our assistant principals in charge. Also try to email me through the school website ( if there are any questions.

Any quiz or test with a grade of D or Fail (except the midterm and final exam) can be made up only once for one grade lower (This doesn’t apply to Honors classes). For example: If on the 2nd try on a quiz, a student scores an A, it will be graded as a B. If you get a phone call home that says you scored low on a test, please make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to change the grade. There will be a midterm exam mid-semester and a final exam at the end of each semester worth approximately 20% of the grade. You must be present for those exams as they cannot be made up.

Three or more missing assignments or late assignments may result in a U (Unsatisfactory) in Work Habits. Unfulfilled detentions due to unruly behavior, as well as chronic unpreparedness (constantly coming to class without necessary materials, having too many tardies or absences, etc.) will result in a U in Cooperation.


Work for class is only collected weekly. The AS SI GNM E NT PAC KE T ( ea ch w e ek’s w ork) mus t b e turned in the following Monday. Don’t forget to put your NAME, PERIOD & DATE on each paper!!! We will leave all work in class as soon as it is graded to insure evidence if there are any mistakes on my part, and so parents can see your packet if they choose.

Everything must be written in PENCIL, TITLED & STAPLED neatly on the TOP RIGHT CORNER of the packet in the following order:

1)  Warm Up Sheet – all week’s warm-ups must be kept in order on one page and is always the 1st page of the assignment packet.

2)  Assignments -- go behind the warm up sheet and must be in order with the correct title. Classwork in front, homework in the back.

Any infraction to the above rules (such as having no name, writing in pen, not putting a title, not putting papers in order, abusing the stapler on your work, messiness, etc) will result in a point removed from the warm up grade for EACH infraction.


A.  Lesson Book (a spiral notebook used exclusively for this class.) Purchase one for EACH semester. Students will record the lessons in order in this book using Cornell Notetaking Skills. This will help with organization of thought and preparation for higher education. The notebook can be used during quizzes or tests (except for the Honors classes and any District tests, or Final exams). It will also be graded as extra credit at the end of each semester, if complete.

B.  Pencils Work must be written in pencil (no erasable pens accepted) or work will be graded down. Students can use some colored pens and/or high lighters for note taking.

C. Folder with Loose-Leaf Paper Keep fresh paper for assignment & warm-ups, the week’s work and the assignment sheet together in your folder in order to efficiently turn in a week’s assignment packet when it is due the following week.

D. A Calculator (Scientific for Geometry students), Protractor, Compass, Ruler, Graph Paper -- Purchase while on sale in the fall! These must be available for home use if required for assignments.


These are my expectations of my students: Be on time, be prepared with proper materials, and be ready to learn. Anything that strays from these expectations (tardiness, use of cell phone/ipods during class, eating, gum chewing, unruly behavior), will result in the following disciplinary steps written swiftly on my seating chart:

Step I. W à Warning

Step II. –3 à minus 3 points (and confiscation of any electronic devices)

Step III. –5 à minus 5 points. It is very rare that a student even gets to this point. Step IV. 1-hour detention with a pending U in Cooperation

Step V. Sent to Dean’s office à result in parent call, parent conference, suspension from class, etc.

I operate on a 10-point reward system. Every 10 extra credit points earned can raise one quiz grade. Points are won by answering questions orally posed by the teacher, solving a problem of the week posted on the board, winning a group game in class, etc. But losing 10 points can also lower a quiz grade.


Students: You are welcome to come at lunch (except Thursdays due to Math Dept. meetings) or 30 minutes after school (except on Staff Development Days) for make-ups for quizzes and tests as well as tutoring. There will also be tutoring after school set up by the math department at The Learning Center. Don’t hesitate to go. Also, assignments will be posted online at the school’s website at for your convenience if you are absent. Parents and students can SUBSCRIBE to get assignments emailed to them. Resource Students: Mr. Bolita is also readily available for extra student support in B208.

Parents: Please make sure you have signed up with Jupiter to be informed of your child’s grades in all his classes. This is a TEAM EFFORT on our part to make sure your child succeeds in this course. During this 20 week semester, progress reports and report cards will be sent to you every 5 weeks so mark your calendars! Use the school website to help keep you updated. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school or email me through the website. Thank you for your time in reading through this outline. Please make sure to sign and return the parent signature slip with your child tomorrow. You may keep this paper for reference.

Sincerely, Mrs. Arvin

Assignment #





Please sign below and return. We will keep this in our files.

I have read through Mrs. Arvin syllabus and understand fully the requirements that have been established in the classroom. I will provide the necessary materials needed for my child’s success in this course. I have also been advised to check the school website regularly for the week’s posted assignments on weekends to make sure my child will be able to return to school with all necessary assignments completed every Monday.

I will make sure my phone numbers are up to date through the school. It will be used to inform me if my child has missing work, has failed tests or quizzes, and other pertinent information regarding my child. I know I can reach Mrs. Arvin via email if I have questions regarding my child’s behavior or grade. I am also aware of the amount of tutoring that is available at Kennedy High School and plan to make sure my child attends if he/she requires the additional help.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Student Name (PLEASE PRINT)

Date Course & Period

Phone #’s:

(My conference is during 6th period. If there is a better time you would rather I contact you, please indicate. Otherwise, please reach me through the website if you want to communicate via email.)