Chabot College

Course Outline for English 120, Page 2

November 1995

Chabot College November, 1995

Replaced Fall 2010

Course Outline for English 120


Catalog Description:

120 - Learning Skills - Study Strategies 2 units

May be repeated 3 times

Guided practice in specific compensatory and study strategies for those with learning disabilities. Designed for students with identified learning disabilities who are actively enrolled in an academic course. Focus on utilizing skills and strategies in conjunction with academic course materials. Strongly Recommended: English 116. 2 hours lecture.
[Typical contact hours: 35]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the students should:

1. demonstrate compensatory strategies suitable to his/her specific learning disability and learning style;

2. demonstrate the ability to use study skills appropriate to the materials being used;

3. demonstrate familiarity with services available to him/her;

4. demonstrate the ability to apply self-advocacy techniques with instructors.

Course Content:

1. Review strategies appropriate for the student's specific learning disability in order to increase learning efficiency and effectiveness including use of

a. books

b. tape recorders

c. graph paper for math

d. computers

e. Disabled Student Center services

f. self-advocacy techniques for working with instructors

2. Application of appropriate study strategies to texts and assignments from their content courses including:

a. comprehension strategies such as SQ3R

b. notetaking techniques

c. using the POWER process or equivalent, a tape recorder and/or a computer for written responses

d. organization of notebooks and assignments

e. finding and using research sources

f. test-taking strategies

g. test anxiety coping skills

h. summarizing and paraphrasing review

i. word problem review

Methods of Presentation:

1. Lecture

2. Films

3. Guided practice

4. Class discussion

5. Individualized instruction

6. Small groups

7. Role playing

Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1. Demonstration of techniques on work from content courses

2. Class participation

3. Exams on application of strategies

Textbook(s) (Typical):

The Confident Student, Carol Kanar, Houghton Mifflin Co

How to Study, Kenneth Stanley, Dale Seymour Pub.

Special Student Materials:

Tape recorder, Franklin Speller or other such equipment pertinent to specific LD strategies and accommodations

