Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 82A

Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 82A

ChabotCollegeFall 2007

Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 82A


Catalog Description:

82A - Clinical Experience Seminar I1 unit

Discussion and analysis of case-based clinical situations. Case studies addressing client care, protocol and advanced clinical techniques. Corequisite: Dental Hygiene 80A. 1 hour.
[Typical contact hours: 17.5]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. develop and implement methods for effective and successful time management in the clinical setting;

  1. analyze published reports of oral health research and apply this information to the practice of dental hygiene;
  2. gather data and make decisions based on accepted scientific principles;
  3. communicate professional knowledge verbally and in writing to clients, colleagues and other professionals;
  4. organize, synthesize and integrate information from classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences in decision-making for client care;
  5. propose modification and or alternate treatment plans after assessment of baseline data and consultations;
  6. demonstrate techniques used in the client interview process to obtain a complete medical, dental, and social history;
  7. develop and implement information to the community regarding the quality and availability of oral hygiene services;
  8. provide screening, referral and educational resources of the health care system;
  9. provide the rationale for advanced instrumentation techniques with use of the power scaler;
  10. describe the latest treatment for HIV/TB/Hepatitis/Diabetes/CDC Guidelines/Systemic Links

Course Content:

1.Problem centered situations relating to student clinical experience

2.Record keeping

3.Clinic protocol/operation

4.Case-based presentations

  1. Power scaling workshop
  2. Latest treatment protocols for HIV/TB/Hepatitis/Diabetes/CDC Guidelines/Systemic Links

Chabot College

Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 82A, Page 2

Fall 2007

Methods of Presentation:

1.Discussion, lecture, collaborative learning

2.Multi-media material, oral presentations

3.Peer responses

4.Guest speaker

5.Role play

6.Case presentations

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

  1. Typical Assignments:
  1. Community outreach project. Students select the method of outreach. Examples include TV advertisement, radio announcement. The goal is to inform the community of the dental hygiene services provided by ChabotCollege
  2. Journal writing. Students write about their clinical experience each session. Students assess the factors that they believe contributed to the success of

the session or prevented them from meeting their goals. They will indicate how this experience will help them in future clinical sessions.

c.Research presentation. Students will research current literature and research and report on the latest treatment protocols for various medical conditions.

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress (continued):

  1. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
  1. Attendance
  2. Class participation and discussion
  3. Oral and written presentations
  4. Journal writing
  5. Quizzes and final examination


Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, Darby & Walsh, 2006 or most current edition

Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, Darby and Walsh, Harcourt & Brace Company, 2004 or most recent edition

Concepts, Cases, and Competencies, Daniel & Harfst, Mosby, 2003 or most current edition

Periodontal Instrumentation, Pattison & Pattison, Pierson, 1994 or most current edition

Davis’ Guide for Nursing, Deglin & Vallerand, FA Davis Corp, 2006 or most current edition

Mosby’s Dental Drug Guide Reference, Gage & Pickett, C.V. Mosby, 2006 or most current edition

Special Student Materials:


Revised 10/16/06