Chabot CollegeFall 2003

Replaced Fall 2006

Course Outline for Computer Application Systems 54B


Catalog Description:

54B – Microsoft Excel® II 3 units

Advanced spreadsheet applications using Excel on the PC to create a variety of advanced spreadsheets with emphasis on business application programs. Includes Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Expert Certification preparation. Strongly recommended: Computer Application Systems 54A. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory.

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

  1. apply formats, use data validation, use conditional formatting, create a hyperlink and apply a worksheet background;
  2. import data from text files, HTML files and other applications;
  3. export data to other applications;
  4. use the Lookup function;
  5. create and use templates and work with built-in templates;
  6. work with multiple worksheets and files;
  7. link multiple files through formulas;
  8. design worksheets for consolidation;
  9. use outlines and grouping;
  10. use Workgroup functions;
  11. work with shared workbooks on a network;
  12. apply and remove workbook protection;
  13. change workbook properties;
  14. apply and remove file passwords;
  15. hide, display and customize toolbars;
  16. audit a worksheet by using the auditing tools;
  17. create and run macros, use relative references in a macro;
  18. assign macros to toolbar buttons;
  19. filter a database using Autofilter, and Advanced filter;
  20. use database functions, and work with data tables;
  21. use Goal Seek, and create scenarios;
  22. understand how Solver works and create a Solver scenario summary;
  23. create a Pivot Table report and a Pivot Chart report;
  24. create interactive Pivot Tables for the Web;
  25. add fields to Pivot Table by using the Web browser.

Course Content:

  1. Range names and lookup functions
  2. Templates
  3. Multiple worksheets and files
  4. Linked and consolidated worksheets
  5. Workgroup functions
  6. Macros
  7. Advanced databases

Chabot College Page 2

Course Outline for Computer Application Systems 54B

Microsoft Excel II

Fall 2003

Course Content: continued

  1. Goal seek, solver, and scenarios
  2. Pivot tables

Methods of Presentation:

  1. Lecture
  2. Discussion
  3. Overhead projections
  4. Instructor demonstrations of advanced spreadsheet techniques

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1.Typical Assignments

a.Work through hands-on tutorials

b.Complete a concepts review, including short answer and true/false questions

c.Answer critical thinking essay questions related to spreadsheets

d.Complete skill-building applications using newly-learned techniques

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a.Written work

b.Hands-on exercises


d.Quizzes and final examination

Textbook (Typical):

Excel 2002 Expert, A Professional Approach, Carole Tobias, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, NewYork, 2002

Special Student Materials:


Gam 8/02

cas 54b03 course outline