Portrait drawing & painting Supply list

Only the list of drawing supplies is needed on the first day!


Charcoal pencils: hard, medium and soft

White Pastel pencil, Not white charcoal pencil!

Mid-tone drawing paper, around 19”x 25”, 1 sheet (Canson or Strathmore)*

Piece of scrap paper, letter size (to protect drawing from smudges)

Paper clips

Kneadable eraser

X-Acto knife

Sand paper pad (or sheet)

BBQ skewer or knitting needle (for measuring)


Portfolio case or 2 Cardboards with paper clips, to transport drawings

Drawing board, about 18”x24” (optional, some are provided)

Pencil holder (optional, however very handy when pencil gets too short)

Only if specified by the instructor:

Graphite pencils: hard, medium and soft

Basic white paper, 11”x14”, couple sheets

Stonehenge white paper, or any hot-pressed watercolour paper (smooth surface), around 22”x 30”, 1 sheet **


* Paper will be cut in half: drawing paper size will need to be only around 12.5”x 16”, unless one wants to work in larger size

** Paper will be cut in quarters: drawing paper size will need to be only around 11”x15”, unless one wants to work in larger size

I do have basic drawing supply for sale in the studio.


Basic drawing supply

Charcoal pencils

Kneadable eraser

X-Acto knife

BBQ skewer or knitting needle (for measuring)


Oil Colours

Student grade quality is good enough for beginners.

Buy a large tube of white and small tubes of the other colours.

Black & white painting
Titanium white / Ivory black
Colour painting
Titanium white
Yellow ochre / Burnt sienna
Cadmium red / Ultramarine blue

Try to get good quality brushes, they will last you longer and will allow you to have a better control! The more brushes you have the better!

Bristle filberts # 2, 4, 6 three of each

Bristle filberts # 8 one

(#2 = ¼”, # 6 = ½”, #8 = 5/8”)

Soft hair filberts or flats # 2, 4 two of each

(Their sizes be smaller than #2 Bristle filbert)

Medium & Solvent

Odourless thinner or mineral spirit, about 473ml Do not use Turpentine

Liquin Winsor & Newton (or Galkyd Gamblin), small bottle

Painting support

Canvas boards, Canvas sheets/pad or Stretch canvas, sizes between 11”x14” and 16”x 20”

Important: Have couple extra cheap painting supports for painting exercises



Palette knife

2 painting cups (for solvent/medium)

Maulstick (optional, but very handy)

Towel paper, 1 roll

Soap bar

For any question regarding this list call me or email me at:

Tel: 416 531 1968
