Great Basin College
Nursing Assistant
Nurs 285

Course Number, Title, & Credits: NURS 285 Train the Trainer 1 credit

Course Schedule and Location:
Classroom – 1:00-5:00 10/3/14. Dorothy Gallagher Health Science and Human Service Building Rm 109.

Official Drop Date: 10/1/14

Catalog Description: This class will provide students with classroom and clinical time. Students will be prepared to begin teaching the Certified Nursing Assistant Course

Prerequisite: Two years nursing experience with elderly or chronically ill patients. Unrestricted Nevada RN license

Instructor Information:
Sarah Lino, BSN, RN
Office: 753-2216, Health Science Building Room 124

Office Hours: By appointment

Course Description: The course is designed to prepare students to begin teaching the Certified Nurse Assistant Course. Students will become familiar with the NSBN’s model curriculum, licensure procedures, state testing, course syllabus and outcome preparation.

Learner Outcomes:

  1. Define the role of a nursing assistant instructor.
  2. Describe the responsibilities of a nursing assistant instructor.
  3. Prepare a course that incorporates the NSBN model curriculum.
  4. Prepare a syllabus.
  5. Administer Nevada State Board of Nursing CNA exam.

Assessment of Learner Outcomes:

Learner Outcomes / How Assessed
Define the role of a nursing assistant instructor / Discussion assignment
Describe the responsibilities of a nursing assistant instructor. / Discussion assignment.
Prepare a course that incorporates the NSBN model curriculum. / In class meeting, review of model curriculum, review of helpful course materials.
Prepare a syllabus. / In class meeting. Review of syllabus required components. Helpful syllabus ideas.
Administer Nevada State Board of Nursing CNA exam. / In class meeting. Watch then demonstrate exam administration.

Method of Instruction: Online course. Students will read and review model curriculum, syllabi, and powerpoint presentations to become familiar with necessary components of teaching the CNA course. In class meeting, students will watch then administer NSBN state test to students. Discuss strategies to implement model curriculum and develop syllabus.

Grading Scale:

The following grading scale is used on all grade work or assignments:

A = 100-94% / C+ = 79-77%
A- = 93-90% / C = 76-74%
B+ = 89-87% / C- = 73-70%
B = 86-84% / D = 69-60%
B- = 83-80% / F = 59% and below
Assignments / Points per Assignment
Module 1 / 50 Points
Module 2 / 50 points
State Testing / 100 Points
Total Points / 200 Points

Attendance Policy, Absenteeism, and Clinical Expectations: All attendance and clinical expectations are outlined in the Student Policy Handbook which will be reviewed the first day of class and signed.

Disability Statement: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Academic Honesty: Great Basic College considers academic honesty one of its highest values. A student who obtains academic credit for work that is not the product of his or her own effort is being dishonest and undermining the academic integrity of the college. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. The disciplinary consequences of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonest include non-acceptance of work submitted, a failing grade in the course, and/or other disciplinary action as outlined in Great Basin College’s Student Conduct Policy.

Student Conduct: Expectations are outlined in the Student Policy Handbook which will be reviewed in class the first day and signed.


Module 1 / What are we Teaching / Due 10/3/14
Module 2 / Who are we Teaching / Due 10/3/14
State Testing / Administer State Test / Due 10/3/14