Course Number: Nursing 375
Course Title: Evidence-Based Research
Credit Hours: 3 SH theory
Prerequisite: Concurrent courses: Statistics. Admission to the RN to BS Completion Program. Grade only.
Course Description: Focus on the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice. This is a flagged course for University Studies and is designed to meet the requirements in critical analysis.
University Studies for Critical Analysis Flag:Evidence-Based Research is a three-credit University Studies Critical Analysis Flag theory course. The goal of the course is to prepare students to practice nursing from an evidence based model. In baccalaureate nursing programs, this means nursing students need to acquire knowledge and skills to incorporate evidence from research, clinical expertise, and patient outcomesfor use in evidence-based practice improvements. This course will meet the following USP Critical Analysis Flag criteria:
- Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim;
The students will receive instruction on searching data bases, identifying research articles, and understanding research terminology. They will receive feedback on efficient and effective search strategies, will obtain full text articles, and will recognize non-research nursing articles. This preparation promotes practice with searching data bases and recognizing appropriate evidence to support projects and collaborative group work.
- Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position;
Guidelines set forth in nursing research texts promote the student’s understanding and ability to engage in critical analysis by comparing, clarifying, correcting, and identifying data used in determining appropriate interventions and in applying nursing theories. To facilitate inquiry, the student must evaluate if there is a theoretical framework, if the authors provide a description of it, and how the authors use it to address the research problem. The instructor provides ongoing feedback during this learning process. Comprehending and demonstrating the ability to critique existing research and knowledge promotes professional judgment in making decisions about the use of research in practice.
- Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework.
Students use a decision making approach to assist them in identifying research concepts and how ready the findings are for use in their practice. The pros and cons to a variety of approaches are explored and the students defend their decisions by considering variables that may or may not apply to the patient/families/population in a variety of settings. Resources are considered and a decision is made on how best to apply the resources to a particular patient or staff situation in practice, thus translating research into practice.
Course Name: N375 Evidence Based Research
Critical Analysis FlagUniversity Studies Outcomes / Student Learning Outcomes / Assignments / Percentage
Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim. / Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.
Evaluate the validity of source information, including but not limited to data bases and internet resources. / Application/Cooperative Learning Activities / 30% of course grade
Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position. / Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, synthesis, and sharing of evidence to improve patient outcomes
Correlate the interrelationships among theory, practice, and research
Advocate for the protection of human subjects in the conduct of research
Collaborate in the collection, documentation, and dissemination of evidence. / Research Article Critique
Research Synthesis Project / 50% of course grade
Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework. / Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, inter-professional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing and evaluating outcomes of care / Application/Cooperative Learning Activities / ------(see above 30% of course grade)
Student Learning Outcomes:
The student will:
1. Correlate the interrelationships among theory, practice, and research.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.
3. Advocate for the protection of human subjects in the conduct of research.
4. Evaluate the validity of source information, including but not limited to databases and Internet resources
5. Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, synthesis, and sharing of evidence to improve patient outcomes.
6. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, inter-professional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing and evaluating outcomes of care.
7. Collaborate in the collection, documentation and dissemination of evidence.
Learning Strategies:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Learning Activities
- Synthesis Presentation
- Research Critique
- Exams
- Cooperative group work
Standards for Evaluation of Learning Outcomes:
Course Expectations/Requirements:
1.Attend class and lab/practicum and notify the professor of absences
2.Participate in class discussions and activities
3.Complete assignments on time
4.Prepare for each lab/practicum as directed.
5.Must complete all assignments and lab/practicum activities in order to successfully complete this course.
6.Failure to maintain an average of C or better on the written and/or verbal assignments, examinations, or to pass the lab/practicum performance evaluation will result in failure of the course.
- Provide own SCANTRON forms (Form no. 882-E) for examinations as needed.
- If testing online bring Ethernet cord, plug in, and turn off instant messaging and all other internet options (email, evolve, etc.) as well as PDAs and cell phones.
- Leave electronic devices (cell phone, computers, PDAs etc.) out of the classroom or your immediate seating space on examination days.
8.Must receive approval of faculty prior to taping of class sessions
9.Respect your peers and turn off cell phones during class time.
10.Respect your own learning needs and those of your peers and avoid playing games or use instant messaging on the computer during class
11.Maintain academic integrity: See WSU Undergraduate Student Handbook
12.Abide by all University academic policies and procedures. That includes academic integrity policies. Failure to do so may result in failure of the course and/or dismissal from an academic program.
13.Follow UNIVERSITY POLICY ON DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONSIn accordance with Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Winona State University endeavors to make reasonable adjustments in its policies, practices, services and facilities to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all educational programs and activities. The student requiring special accommodation or auxiliary aids must make application for such assistance through Disability Services and is responsible for communicating such accommodations to faculty.
Evaluation of Learning:
- Exams/quizzes: 50 points
- Research article critique: 20 points
- Research synthesis project: 50 points
- Application/Cooperative Learning Activities: 40 points
Grading Scale: 92-100 = A
83-91= B
74-82= C
65-73= D
< 65 = F
Cleary-Holdforth J., Leufer, T., (2008). Essential elements in developing evidence-based practice.
Nursing Standard, 23 (2), 42-46.
Collins, M., Shattell, M., & Thomas, S.P. (2005). Problematic interviewee behaviors in qualitative
research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 27 (2), 188-199.
Gawlinski, A., Rutledge, D. (2008). Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes: A practical
approach. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 19 (3), 291-300.
Hsieh, H., & Shannon, S. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. QualitativeHealth Research, 15(9), 1277-1288.
Mason, Diana (2005). The evidence of things not seen: It takes good research ad more to practice
evidence-based nursing, American Journal of Nursing, 105 ((), 11-13.
Polit, D.F., & Beck, Cheryl Tatano. (2006) Essentials of nursing research. (6th ed.). Philadelphia: J.B.
Lippincott Co
Thurston, N.E., & King, K.M. (2004) Implementing evidence-based practice: Walking the talk. Applied
Nursing Research, 17, 239-247.
Evidence-Base Nursing Journal : search at
Cochrane reviews :
National Guideline Clearinghouse:
Centers for Evidence-based Nursing:
- Sarah Cole Hirsch Institute (US)
- Joanna Briggs Institute (Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand):
- AcademicCenter for Evidence-based Nursing :
Quality and safety for Nurses:
ANA Code of Ethics
Agency for Health Care Research and Safety:
Topical Outline
- Foundations of nursing theory
- Components of theory
- Theoretical frameworks of nursing
- Relationship between theory, research, and practice
- Foundations of nursing research and evidenced based practice
- Exploring nursing research in an evidenced-based environment.
- Key concepts in qualitative and quantitative research
- Translating research evidence into nursing practice.
- Generating evidence: key concepts in qualitative and quantitative research
- Ethical Conduct in research and scholarly work
- Conceptualizing a research study to generate evidence for practice.
- Conceptualizing research problem questions, and hypothesis
- Finding and critiquing evidenced-based research.
- Developing theoretical and conceptual context
- Generating research ethically
- Integration of Evidence-based practice.
- Principles and Models nursing research:
- Qualitative,
- Quantitative
- Evidence-based practice.
- Linkages among practice, research evidence, patient outcomes, and cost containment
- Levels and sources of evidence
- Evidence based practice for quality and safety initiatives.
- Evaluation Tools:Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs); Rubrics; WSU Nursing Student Course Evaluation Tool, Faculty EvaluationTool.
Department Nursing______Date January 27, 2009_____
_N375______Evidence Based Research______3______
Course No. Course Name Credits
This proposal is for a(n) ___X___ Undergraduate Course
Applies to: __X____ Major ______Minor
___X__ Required _____ Required
_____ Elective _____ Elective
University Studies (A course may be approved to satisfy only one set of outcomes.):
Course Requirements:
Basic Skills: Arts & Science Core: Unity and Diversity:
_____ 1. College Reading and Writing _____ 1. Humanities _____ 1. Critical Analysis
_____ 2. Oral Communication _____ 2. Natural Science _____ 2. Science and Social Policy
_____ 3. Mathematics _____ 3. Social Science _____ 3. a. Global Perspectives
_____ 4. Physical Development & Wellness _____ 4. Fine & Performing Arts _____ b. Multicultural Perspectives
_____ 4. a. Contemporary Citizenship
_____ b. Democratic Institutions
Flagged Courses: _____ 1. Writing
_____ 2. Oral Communication
_____ 3. a. Mathematics/Statistics
__X___ b. Critical Analysis
Prerequisites _Stastistics______
Provide the following information (attach materials to this proposal):
Please see “Directions for the Department” on previous page for material to be submitted.
Attach a University Studies Approval Form.
Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
Martha Scheckel ______
Name (please print) Phone e-mail address
Course Name: N375 Evidence Based Research
Evidence-Based Research is a three-credit University Studies Critical Analysis Flag theory course. The goal of the course is to prepare students to practice nursing from an evidence based model. In baccalaureate nursing programs, this means nursing students need to acquire knowledge and skills to incorporate evidence from research, clinical expertise, and patient outcomes for use in evidence-based practice improvements. This course will meet the following USP Critical Analysis Flag criteria:
- Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim;
The students will receive instruction on searching data bases, identifying research articles, and understanding research terminology. They will receive feedback on efficient and effective search strategies, will obtain full text articles, and will recognize non-research nursing articles. This preparation promotes practice with searching data bases and recognizing appropriate evidence to support projects and collaborative group work.
- Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position;
Guidelines set forth in nursing research texts promote the student’s understanding and ability to engage in critical analysis by comparing, clarifying, correcting, and identifying data used in determining appropriate interventions and in applying nursing theories. To facilitate inquiry, the student must evaluate if there is a theoretical framework, if the authors provide a description of it, and how the authors use it to address the research problem. The instructor provides ongoing feedback during this learning process. Comprehending and demonstrating the ability to critique existing research and knowledge promotes professional judgment in making decisions about the use of research in practice.
- Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework.
Students use a decision making approach to assist them in identifying research concepts and how ready the findings are for use in their practice. The pros and cons to a variety of approaches are explored and the students defend their decisions by considering variables that may or may not apply to the patient/families/population in a variety of settings. Resources are considered and a decision is made on how best to apply the resources to a particular patient or staff situation in practice, thus translating research into practice.
Course Name: N375 Evidence Based Research
Critical Analysis FlagUniversity Studies Outcomes / Student Learning Outcomes / Assignments / Percentage
Recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence to advance a claim. / Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.
Evaluate the validity of source information, including but not limited to data bases and internet resources. / Application/Cooperative Learning Activities / 30% of course grade
Apply critical analytical skills in making decisions or in advancing a theoretical position. / Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, synthesis, and sharing of evidence to improve patient outcomes
Correlate the interrelationships among theory, practice, and research
Advocate for the protection of human subjects in the conduct of research
Collaborate in the collection, documentation, and dissemination of evidence. / Research Article Critique
Research Synthesis Project / 50% of course grade
Evaluate alternative arguments, decision strategies, or theories within a systematic framework. / Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, inter-professional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing and evaluating outcomes of care / Application/Cooperative Learning Activities / ------(see above 30% of course grade)