Course Number: Faculty Name:

Course Title: Office:

Course Credits: Office Hours:

Semester, Year: Email:

Days and Times: Phone:


The following statement must appear on all syllabi:

All courses at Alvernia University are designed to foster the core Catholic, Franciscan values of service, humility, peacemaking, contemplation, and collegiality as set forth by Alvernia’s Mission Statement, as well as to promote the General Objectives outlined in the University Catalog and the Student Handbook.

The following statement is optional:

The university community supports peace and non-violence by respecting diversity and affirming the dignity of everyone in the community; civility and courtesy are practiced at all times.


Take verbatim from the University Catalog.


Summarize the general objectives of the course and list primary expected learning outcomes and key assessments. This section may align General Education Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs) with course outcomes and program goals or professional standards. Incorporate departmental guidelines as appropriate, or take directly from department syllabus provided.


List full citations for all required and recommended materials such as textbooks, readings, digital sources, course packs, etc. as well as equipment such as calculator, lab coat, paints, etc. Reserve books and materials also receive full citations.


Include the following verbatim:

Materials used in conjunction with this course may be subject to copyright protection under Title 17 of the United States Code. Under certain Fair Use circumstances specified by law, copies may be made for private study, scholarship, or research. Electronic copies should not be shared with unauthorized users. If a user fails to comply with Fair Use restrictions, he/she may be liable for copyright infringement. For more information, including Fair Use guidelines, see the Alvernia University Copyright and Fair Use Policy:


Explain the course format. For example: This course is designed to be a web-enhanced course offered in a semester-long, 15 week format with 80% in-class time and 20% distance education via Blackboard™ for a total of 42 hours of instruction. Blackboard™ features include: online discussion, web-links, film, podcasts, supplemental course material access, work-group organization, and webpage activities. In-class format includes lecture, group discussions, critical reading and reflection, class presentation, interactive activities, and film and literature integration.

Course Delivery Format:

At Alvernia University online courses are divided into different categories based on the percentage of the course delivered in an online format. Recently, these category definitions were modified to accommodate Pennsylvania financial aid requirements.

• Online Course: This is a course that delivers more than 75% of its content electronically.

• Blended-Plus Course: This is a course that delivers approximately 51% – 75% of its content electronically.

• Blended Course: This is a course that delivers approximately 30% – 50% of its content electronically.

• Web Enhanced: This is a course that may deliver up to 30% of its content electronically

All formats deliver a total of 42 hours of instruction time. Instructors choose appropriate methods of material delivery through synchronous (“live”) and asynchronous activities. In synchronous class sessions, materials and discussions may be conducted through audio conferencing and/or web/video conferencing. Additional online resources, tools, and activities may be integrated into the course delivery.

Course Cancellation Policy:

Understanding that each one credit course requires 14 hours of instructional time per semester, faculty must provide activities or make-up time appropriate to the course in the case of class cancellation or faculty absence.


All on-line courses include the list of minimum technology requirements provided by Distance Education at Here is an example:

Alvernia Online students are responsible for communications software and internet service. There are both minimum and suggested requirements for computer setup. The Blackboard™ learning management system, where students access their online courses, is accessible through the Alvernia Website at

Students who enroll in Alvernia online courses must possess basic computer skills and have regular access to appropriate computer hardware, software, headset & microphone and Internet connectivity in order to fully participate in coursework.

PC-based / Minimum / Suggested
Processor / Core2Duo / i5 or i7
OS / Windows XP / Windows 7, Windows 8
RAM / 1 GB / 4 GB
Disk space / 100 GB / 250 GB or higher
Connection / DSL / Broadband, Cable
Browser / Microsoft IE 8 / Microsoft IE 9, Firefox 25, Chrome 31
Flash Player / 11 / 11.9
Java / 7 update 5 / 7 update 45
Mac-based / Minimum / Suggested
Processor / Core2Duo / i5 or i7
OS / Tiger 10.4 / Snow Lion 10.7
RAM / 1 GB / 4 GB
Disk space / 100 GB / 250 GB or higher
Connection / DSL / Broadband, Cable
Browser / Safari 5.0 / Safari 6 , Firefox 25, Chrome 31
Flash Player / 11 / 11.9
Java / Apple supplies their own version of Java. Use the Software Update feature (available on the Apple menu) to check that you have the most up-to-date version of Java for your Mac.

Additional recommended technologies can be found on Alvernia’s Website at:


Include a statement such as:

It is the student’s responsibility to check Alvernia email and Blackboard™ accounts on a regular basis. Important information may be communicated by Alvernia faculty or staff through these means. It is highly recommended that all students enroll in the electronic emergency notification system called e2Campus ( The Alvernia community adheres to ethical use of technology at all times.


Summarize requirements amending the following list as appropriate:

1.  Readings

The expectation is for students to read before coming to class.

2.  Attendance/Participation

Explain expectations for attendance. Indicate what happens if a student misses or is late for class, misses or is late in submitting an examination or an assignment, and how the grade is affected.

3.  Assignments, Projects, Examinations

Detail assignments, projects, presentations, discussion, case studies, examinations, quizzes, papers, etc.

4.  Academic Honesty

Include the following statement:

All students are expected to adhere to the university’s Academic Honesty Policy, as outlined in the Student Handbook ( or corresponding Graduate program student handbook). Breaches of honesty include but are not limited to:

• Copying another student’s work

• Plagiarizing the published work of another

• Facilitating the dishonesty of another student

• Cheating on an examination

• Collaborating with a student to complete on-line tests

It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the policy; failure to do so does not excuse the student from the consequences of the policy.

Explain consequences for plagiarism and dishonesty, for example: Any plagiarized assignment will receive a grade of zero.

5.  Editorial Style

Specify the editorial style required: MLA, APA, etc. The library provides resources to help students with different style guides.

You may wish to include a statement about writing tutoring at the Learning Center.

6.  Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), the University offers accommodations to students with documented learning, physical and/or psychological disabilities. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Disability Services Coordinator, preferably prior to the beginning of the semester, to initiate the accommodation process and to notify instructors as soon as possible so accommodations can be made early on in the semester. Course requirements will not be waived but, if possible, reasonable accommodations will be made to allow each student to meet course requirements. Students needing assistance should contact the Disability Services Office in BH 106 (inside the Learning Center), by phone (610.568.1499), fax (484-335-4486), or e-mail ().

7.  Professional Standards and Guidelines


8.  Tk20 Notice

Include the following statements verbatim:

Submission: Alvernia University strives to provide a quality educational experience through ongoing efforts to evaluate student learning outcomes. As part of this process, students may be asked to submit an electronic version of work by uploading one or more documents into Tk20 for assessment purposes. Assignments will be designated by the course faculty member. Additional information about Tk20 login and submission process is available on the student portal.

Confidentiality: Data gathered for assessment purposes are analyzed in aggregate form. No personal or student identifying information is revealed in disseminated reports. Alvernia University uses assessment related information to better understand what students are learning in relation to general education and student learning outcomes and improve understanding of the institution itself.


Explicitly note how students will be evaluated and include the grading scale appropriate for the class level. Include program progression requirements as appropriate.

Undergraduate Grading Scale

A 94-100 C 73-76 P Passing Grade

A- 90-93 C- 70-72 I Incomplete

B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 WP Withdrawal/Pass

B 83-86 D 63-66 WF Withdrawal/Fail

B- 80-82 D- 60-62 AU Audit

C+ 77-79 F Failure

Graduate Grading Scale

A 4.0 94-100

A- 3.7 90-93

B+ 3.3 87-89

B 3.0 83-86

B- 2.7* 80-82

C 2.0 73-79

F 72 and below

*Less than 2.7=Probation


Provide detailed daily or weekly schedule of reading, assignment, assessment, etc. with due dates.


The instructor reserves the right to adjust the course requirements and schedule if necessary. Students will be given adequate notification of any alterations.

Revised January 2015