2016Dr. Jennifer L. Howse Excellence in NICU Leadership Award


Established in 2012, the Dr. Jennifer L. Howse Excellence in NICU Leadership Award honors Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, President of the March of Dimes Foundation, for her years of leadership in the promotion of research, programs and partnerships that benefit babies in the NICU and their families. Her work has helped to make great strides in how NICU patients are cared for, from technology to medicine to family support, and to the quality of care delivered to the fragile NICU babies.

Dr. Howse gave a compelling presentation to the 2012 NICU Leadership Forum attendees about her vision of a good leader. She spoke about three essential attributes: LeaderSight – the capacity to create a vision of the meaning and directionality of your enterprise, informed by knowledge and insights into the big picture issues in healthcare; LeaderCare – self-nurture and staff mentoring in support of a continuing dynamic of resilience, and LeaderCourage – the capacity to both stick to your guns in tough situations and to admit when you need a course correction. Dr. Howse’s entire presentation can be seen on the NICU Leadership Forum website at

Call for Nominations- Deadline February 14, 2016

Synova Associates is seeking nominations for qualified candidates for the 2016 Dr. Jennifer L. Howse Excellence in NICU Leadership Award. Nominations must be received by February 14, 2016.

Nomination Criteria

The nominee should be a NICU leader who:

  • Has demonstrated the vision and the courage of a strong leader
  • Has wielded significant influence within and beyond the NICU walls
  • Leads with care and compassion for patients, families, colleagues, and staff

Selection Process

  • Nominations will be closed as of February 14, 2016.
  • Blinded copies of all nominations will be submitted to a selection committee. This group will evaluate the nominees based on the criteria above, and the Award recipient will receive notification of selection by February 29, 2016.


The winner will be honored at a presentation during the 20th anniversary NICU Leadership Forum. He or she will receive a complimentary Conference Registration as well as an additional registration for a member his/her leadership team to attend the 2017 NICU Leadership Forum. The winner will join the Selection Committee to consider future recipients of the Award.


  1. Complete the nomination form and submit it, with all required attachments,February 14, 2016to Cathy Bush at .
  2. A nominator’s letter, typed on plain white paper, must accompany the application (500 word maximum);
  3. NOTE that in order to insure impartial judging, the nominee’s last name and the name of the nominating agency must not appear in the letter;
  4. The letter should clearly address the nomination criteria and provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership in the NICU, including examples of the impact on staff, colleagues, patients and families.
  5. Nominations will be judged solely on the basis of the application, CV and nominator’s letter. Additional materials will not be considered.
  6. Nominations received after February14, 2016 or without all required attachments will not be considered.

For questions or any additional information, contact Cathy Bush at

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse Excellence in NICU Leadership Award

Nomination 2016

NOMINEE’S name and credentials: ______

Title: ______

Institution/Agency: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail: ______


NOMINATOR’S name and credentials: ______

Title: ______

Institution/Agency: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail: ______