School of BusinessLumpkin College of Business and Applied SciencesSpring 2007

Professor: Abdou Illia

Office location: Lumpkin Hall 4020

Telephone: (217) 581-6391

E-mail Address:

Course Website:

Office Hours: Tue and Wed: 1:00:-3:30 PM and by appointment

Class Meetings: MWF 11:00-11:50 LH 1041 and Computer lab LH 1031

Catalog Description:

Local area networking concepts, advanced network design and security. Local area network management and user administration. LAN data analysis and troubleshooting. Prerequisite: CIS 3200 and junior standing.

Prerequisites: CIS 3200 (Networking Fundamentals)

Junior standing (60+ semester hours completed)

Required Texts: Dan DiNicolo and B. McCann , MCSE Guide to Managing a MicrosoftWindows Server2003 Environment, Enhanced, Course Technology, 2006

Michael Palmer and Robert Sinclair, Guide to designing and implementing local and wide-area networks, Course Technology, 2003

Other Text: Panko Raymond, Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 4th Ed 2002

(Not required)

Methods: Lecture/Discussion/Hands-on

Course Objectives:

At the completion of the course, the student should be able to:

Content Knowledge (K):

  1. Describe the principles of networking, including the major components and technical considerations
  2. Explain differences between internetworking devices used in LANs
  3. Understand the TCP/IP protocol suite and other protocols used in LANs

Skills Development (S):

  1. Design and apply advanced security features to local area networks
  2. Set up and administer network LAN print servers and file servers
  3. Audit and Monitor network resources and events
  4. Configure a network using TCP/IP and other network protocols
  5. Configure a network for dial-up or remote access, including the use of tunneling protocols
  6. Set up, evaluate, and administer a web services on a local area network

Attitude/Values Development (A):

  1. Evaluate network backup procedures
  2. Appreciate the use of LANs to share and process data in organizations

Business Perspectives and Skills

Upon completion of a program in the School of Business, students should understand the perspectives that form the context of business. To help students develop that understanding, this course includes coverage of the following issues:

·  Ethical issues: Responsible use of information, responsible and ethical use of the Internet and electronic mail, evaluation of computer resources, analysis of copyright issues as they pertain to software development.

Integrated through the business courses are assignments and activities designed to help students develop and strengthen certain skills required of all areas of business. This course includes the following such activities:

·  Oral communications: All students are expected to participate in class discussions.

·  Computer skills: All computer assignments in this course relate to or require the use of the computer.

·  Decision-making skills: Students will complete assignments which are related to decision making.



There will be regular 4 exams and 1 final exam. The regular exams will be worth 100 points each. The final exam will be comprehensive and will be worth 200 points.

Lab Exercises/ Projects

Nine Lab exercises/projects will be assigned. They will be worth 50 points each. There will be a 15% off per day on late Lab assignments.

Attendance & Quizzes

Attendance is mandatory. You will not do well in this course if you do not attend regularly. Quizzes will be given at any time during the course. Each quiz will be worth 5 to 10 points. There is no makeup of a quiz


There will be no makeup of exams. If you miss an exam due to an excused absence, you will be excused from the exam, but will receive no points. Your grade will be calculated without considering the missed exam. An excused absence REQUIRES written verification of illness or other bona-fide absence per university policy. You are responsible to provide ample documentation before an absence will be excused. Excuses must be provided in ample time as well.

Students participating in official activities should know well in advance and should make arrangements for makeup. In the case of anticipated absences (athletic travel, etc.), we can often make arrangements for you to take the exam early. In all cases, you must see me IN ADVANCE if you wish to be excused for official university business.

Grade Calculation

Grades will be calculated by dividing the points amassed by the number possible. The resulting percentage will be assigned a grade based on the following scale:

90% or better A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

Points possible may vary, but tentatively they will be as follows:

Exams (4) 400

Final 200

Projects/Exercises (9) 450

Quizzes (?)

Total 1,050 points or more possible

Due Dates

You are responsible to make sure that your assignments are turned in on time. Late assignments will not be accepted! Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.


You are expected to live by the university code of student conduct. Cheating, collaboration on assignments, or other acts of dishonesty, will not be tolerated and may result in your losing credit for this course.

Course Calendar

The course calendar is the official schedule for the course. All due dates and assignments, whether announced in class or not, will go according to the calendar. The most updated course calendar can be found on the course Website at

Instructor Assistance

You may contact me via email () or call me at 581-6391. If you have a handicap or other condition which will require special consideration, please see me immediately.

Students with Disabilities

Appropriate academic support is available for students with a documented disability. Please notify your professor and contact the Office of Disability Services (581-6583) for further information.

Information about emergency preparedness plan

Instructions about what to do in the event of an emergency are posted in all classrooms on Eastern’s campus. Students and faculty are responsible for acquainting themselves as to the specific instructions so that they will be prepared in the event of an emergency. Students at Parkland should likewise be familiar with posted emergency instructions.

Other Services

Career Services 581-2412

Learning Assistance Center 581-6696

Counseling Center 581-3413

Note: This calendar is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and/or posted to course website.
Day / Date / Topic / Reading & Assignments
Mon / 1/08 / Course Introduction/Overview
Wed / 1/10 / Topologies, Access methods & Media (K) / Palmer/Sinclair Ch.2 58-72 and Ch.3
Fri / 1/12 / Topologies, Access methods & Media (cont.)
Wed / 1/17 / LAN transmission equipment (K) / Palmer/Sinclair, Ch.4
Fri / 1/19 / LAN transmission equipment (cont.)
Mon / 1/22 / Win 2003 family products / DiNicolo, Ch. 1
Wed / 1/24 / Preparing Win 2003 Installation / DiNicolo, Ch.2
Fri / 1/26 / EXAM 1
Mon / 1/29 / LAB: Installing Win 2003 Srv. (SA) / LabExercise1, Part 1/2
Wed / 1/30 / LAB: Command Lines, Subnetting. (SA) / LabExercise1, Part 2/2
Fri / 2/02 / LAB: Command Lines, Subnetting (cont.). (SA)
Mon / 2/05 / Disk management (A) / DiNicolo, Ch.6, Ch 7 (Disk Quotas), Ch 12
Wed / 2/07 / LAB: Disk Management (S) / LabExercise2, Part 1/2
Fri / 2/09 / LAB: Disk Management (cont.) (S) / LabExercise2, Part 2/2
Mon / 2/12 / File system security (K) / DiNicolo Ch.5, Ch 7 (Disk Quotas)
Wed / 2/14 / LAB: Share folders, NTFS permissions / LabExercise3
Mon / 2/19 / Distributed File System (Dfs) / DiNicolo Ch.7 (Dfs)
Wed / 2/21 / LAB: Dfs (S) / LabExercise4
Fri / 2/23 / LAB: Dfs (cont.) (S)
Mon / 2/26 / Active Directory Services (ADS) /
Wed / 2/28 / ADS, Review For Exam 2
Fri / 3/02 / EXAM 2
Mon / 3/05 / Implementing AD services (S) / LabExercise5
Wed / 3/07 / Administering AD Services. (K) (User &Group accounts, OU) / DiNicolo, Ch.3, 4 LabExercise6, Part 1/2
Fri / 3/09 / Exercise: Administering AD Services
Mon / 3/12 / SPRING BREAK
Wed / 3/14 / SPRING BREAK
Fri / 3/16 / SPRING BREAK
Mon / 3/19 / LAB: Administering Win 2000 Srv. / LabExercise6, Part 2/2
Wed / 3/21 / Administering Group Policies / DiNicolo, Ch.9, LabExercise7, Part 1/2
Fri / 3/23 / Group Policies
Mon / 3/26 / LAB: Group Policies (S) / LabExercise7, Part 2/2
Wed / 3/28 / Administering Print Service (SA) / DiNicolo, Ch.8
Fri / 3/30 / Print Service (cont.) / Review For Exam 3
Mon / 4/02 / EXAM 3
Wed / 4/04 / LAB: Terminal Services(S) / DiNicolo, Ch.10, LabExercise8
Fri / 4/06 / Exercise: Terminal Services
Mon / 4/09 / Web Services / DiNicolo, Ch.13
Wed / 4/11 / LAB: Web Services(S) / LabExercise9, Part 1/2
Fri / 4/13 / Exercise: Web Services / LabExercise9, Part 2/2
Mon / 4/16 / Configuring TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP / Web-Based reference, Exercise
Wed / 4/18 / Configuring TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP / LabExercise10
Fri / 4/20 / Routing & Remote Access Service (K) / Web-Based reference, Exercise
Mon / 4/23 / Network Performance & Monitoring / Exercise
Wed / 4/25 / Review for Exam 4 & Final
Fri / 4/27 / EXAM 4
Final Examination: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 10:15 am-12:15 pm
(K) Content Knowledge (S) Skill Development (A) Attitude/Values Development

CIS 3700 Syllabus –Page 1 of 6– Abdou Illia