Brookville Junior-Senior High School Syllabus

COURSE NAME: Academic World History

INSTRUCTOR: Miss Morgan Hritz

Room: 202

Phone: 814-849-8372 ext. 2202



The students will explore the fundamental cultural elements of human behavior throughout history. The students will be acquainted with; compare and contrast, and evaluate the geography, economic systems, ways and diplomatic efforts, technological growth, religion and social relations throughout history. This course will give them the basic understanding of the different cultures that exist in our world.


●  Evaluate the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history.

●  Evaluate the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites that are critical to world history.

●  Evaluate how continuity and change have impacted the world today.

○  Belief systems and religions

○  Commerce and industry

○  Technology

○  Politics and government

○  Physical and human geography

○  Social organization

●  Evaluate how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the development of the world today, including its effects on Pennsylvania.


●  Civilizations and Geography in World History

●  Mediterranean/Middle Eastern History

●  Central/South American History

●  European History

●  Asian History

●  African History


● Blue or black pen OR pencil

● Highlighter

● 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper OR a pocket folder and notebook


Miss Hritz’s Basic Classroom Rules

1.  Be Prompt

2.  Be Prepared

3.  Be Productive

4.  Be Polite

5.  Be Patient


It is absolutely necessary that you attend class on a regular basis. The meaningful discussions and helpful presentations that take place in class are difficult, if not impossible, to repeat on an individual basis with the same effectiveness. Just because you had a day off does not mean the class did not move on. Material you missed will not be covered during class time. If you do miss a class, then it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes and make up any work that you missed. If possible, have someone pick

up assignments for you when you are out a day. Please contact me in the case of an extended absence so your work can be sent home to you. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, that assignment is due the day you return. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or a test, be prepared to take that quiz or test on the day of your return. I follow school policy for absences. If you are absent, you have as many days as you were absent +1 to make up missed work. If missed work is not submitted within the said timeframe, you will automatically receive a ZERO. Missing assignments can be found in the absent bin and missed notes can be made up from me, online, or from a friend. An unexcused absence will result in a zero for any assignments, quizzes, tests, or activities performed that day.


Class will begin promptly every day. I expect you to come to class prepared and to have all materials (sharpened pencils, binder, folder, homework assignments). Responsible and respectful behavior is expected at all times. If any of my rules are broken, these are the consequences:

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Conference with Miss Hritz after class

3.  Parent/Guardian Contact

4.  Discipline referral to the office

5.  You don’t want to go any further than this…


You MUST arrive to class on time! Class will begin promptly each day. Coming to class late is a

disruption in the educational process of others; therefore, it will be handled in a very strict, consistent

fashion. BE ON TIME!!!!!!!


In an effort to make students college and career ready, it is imperative that all students understand the importance of deadlines. All due dates will be communicated, and students will be given an ample and appropriate amount of time to complete assignments. Students are expected to complete all assignments by the assigned due date. Late work will be accepted until the end of the day it was due for full credit. Work handed in the next school day, after the assignment was originally due, will be accepted with a 50% reduction. After that, the assignment may remain a zero. In order to avoid late work penalties, it is the student's responsibility to closely monitor assignments and due dates, and they must communicate anticipated issues prior to the deadline. Furthermore, in-class work will be done in the time provided unless additional time is given per teacher discretion.


Assessments will include all of the following

●  Participation

●  Formative Assessments

●  Summative Assessments

I am very prompt with returning graded work. I will try my best to return graded work no later than two days after submission. Please allow additional time for essays and large projects. Please check Sungard often.


Any act of academic dishonesty (cheating on exams, plagiarism of homework, etc.) WILL

NOT BE TOLERATED ​and will result in the following:

1.) a zero on the work involved

2.) a phone call home to parent/guardian

3.) a discipline referral being sent to the office.


PLAGIARISM ​means to steal and use the ideas or writing of another, as one’s own. Students caught plagiarizing will receive a discipline referral, a phone call home to parent/guardian, and the assignment will receive a ZERO.


Whole movies will NOT be shown in this class; however, video clips will be shown to enhance student learning (lasting no more than 5-7 minutes). Some of these may be graphic in nature, or even clips of rated “R” movies. Parents: please know that I have a purpose for everything I show, and I will do my best to avoid showing overly-graphic or sexual images. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions as to what or why I show certain clips.

**Teacher reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed throughout the year. **

**Please sign and return to Miss Hritz no later than September 9, 2016**


I, we have read and understand the Academic World History Syllabus. I understand the goals and objectives of the coursework. I also understand and support the expectation of cooperation and effort from my student.

Student Name______

Student Signature______


Parent/Guardian Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Relationship to Student:______
