NCRI Lung Clinical Studies Group

Annual Trials Meeting

Venue: Crowne Plaza London – Kings Cross, 1 Kings Cross Rd, London, WC1X 9HX

Date: Wednesday 13 June 2018

Call for Proposals for Lung Cancer Trials

NCRI is committed to driving and encouraging the development of clinical trials in thoracic oncology. You are invited to submit your proposal for development of a trial for presentation and discussion at this meeting. The proposal should fit within one of the subgroups of the NCRI Lung Cancer Clinical Studies Group (CSG) (please tick below as appropriate).

Clinical Studies Subgroup Please tick
Screening & Early Diagnosis
LOcoRegionalDisease (LORD)
Advanced Disease

If your proposal is successful, the Proposals Workshop will give you the opportunity to briefly “sell” your trial idea to the relevant workshop group. There will be 20 minutes for each trial proposal - 10 minutes presentation and then 10 minutes for discussion with members of the workshop group. In addition there will be written, constructive feedback and to help further develop your trial idea sent following the meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable input from experts and colleagues involved in thoracic oncology trials.

Please note the deadline for the submission of proposals is Friday, 11 May 2018 and notifications of successful trial presentations will be sent before 25 May 2018. Please send your completed proposal form to Nanita Dalal, NCRI Executive,

Please do not send the entire proposal / protocol and keep to a page limit of 4 pages.

Researcher details
Email address
Study overview
Study name
Background /
  • [Patient population – who affected, how many]
  • [Typical management]
  • [Current therapy options]
  • [Problems, uncertainties with current options – e.g. survival, toxicities, difficulty in predicting who will benefit]

Aim of study /
  • [Main question this trial will address]
  • [How this builds on the existing evidence base]

Proposed source(s) of funding
Estimate of funding required
Patient and public involvement
Outline of patient and public involvement /
  • [Has patient input to the proposal/trial design been sought?]
  • [Is there a plan to get patient input for the patient information sheet etc if funded?]

Intervention & comparison
Trial phase
Trial design /
  • [Randomised/non-randomised; single centre/multicentre etc.]
  • [Include flow chart of study design where available]

Treatment or intervention
Estimated number of patients
inclusion criteria
exclusion criteria
Outcome measures / endpoints /
  • Primary endpoint
  • Secondary endpoints

Basic statistical concepts
Translational research
Have you had translational / biomarker input? If so, from whom?
Outline of any translational/ biomarker/ imaging components
Sample collection?
Future translational hypothesis to be tested?
General information about your proposal status
Has the proposal already been submitted for funding? If so, where?
If the answer to the previous question is yes, please provide relevant dates and the outcome:
If the proposal has not been submitted for funding, would you say the proposal is almost ready for funding, can be submitted within 6 months, or at a very preliminary stage? / Almost ready for funding
Can be submitted within 6 months
At a very preliminary stage
Have you had statistical input?
